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View Full Version : It's not fair :(

03-11-06, 08:42 PM
I'm supposed to go to NYC this coming week and now I feel like s***. I woke up all achy and all I seem to be able to do is nothing. I have until tomorrow evening to see how I feel and if I still feel crappy I probably won't be going. It's not fair! :cry: I haven't felt like this in over a year. Why now?

Rant/complaining over.


03-11-06, 08:51 PM
Better health through chemistry... take the cold medication and go. Don't let it take away your fun.....

03-11-06, 10:42 PM
See: Hangover Thread

03-11-06, 11:24 PM
See: Hangover Thread

I never imagined that would be such a busy thread

I was just lookin for some sympathy at the time

03-11-06, 11:25 PM
I'm supposed to go to NYC this coming week and now I feel like s***. I woke up all achy and all I seem to be able to do is nothing. I have until tomorrow evening to see how I feel and if I still feel crappy I probably won't be going. It's not fair! :cry: I haven't felt like this in over a year. Why now?

Rant/complaining over.


Wait til you see how you feel once you are in a pressurized aircraft at 35 thousand feet. Think you feel bad now?


03-12-06, 12:04 AM
flying at 350 mph in a pressured aluminum tube at 40K is the meaning of life ;) :gomer:

Sean O'Gorman
03-12-06, 03:00 AM
waaah drink some gatorade and you''ll be fine in the morning. :P

03-12-06, 11:41 AM
Thanks for all of your "concern." ;)

I actually feel better this morning. I sweated most of it out during the night. I must have a 24-48 hour bug or something. I still wish I would have been able to do that 10K this morning (it's gorgeous here!), but going to NYC and running through Central Park will make up for it. :)


03-12-06, 11:51 AM
but going to NYC and running through Central Park will make up for it. :)

Unless you get mugged.