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02-11-06, 03:16 PM
I need a little help.

An associate of mine has a machine with SBS 2003 set up, and connected to the net. I am trying to connect to the machine with RDP. Currently I am connected to it with VNC.

Here is the problem. Port scan shows the RDP port wide open,

nmap xx.xx.xx.137
3389/tcp open ms-term-serv

but when I try to connect I get a time out or connection closed error. I have tried to connect from both my home and office and the result is the same. I find nothing in any of the log files that suggests that I am being blocked by anything.

I have previously been able to connect with RDP, but that was before he changed his DSL to a static IP (now has a pool of 5). I have tried a different IP with the same result. He has another machine xx.xx.xx.138 that I am able to connect to.

Any ideas? :confused:

02-12-06, 01:21 AM
Is it pugged in? :gomer:

02-12-06, 09:59 AM
Is it pugged in? :gomer:

Smart ***... How would I know? I havent even seen it! :D

02-12-06, 11:47 AM
What version of RDP? 1.3 for Linux?

02-12-06, 01:19 PM
What version of RDP? 1.3 for Linux?

rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol client.
Version 1.3.1. Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Matt Chapman.
See http://www.rdesktop.org/ for more information.

Also tried it from W2K server box as well..... W2K boxen sit and sit till they finally time out.... linux boxen returns an immediate "ERROR: Connection closed"

02-13-06, 08:20 AM
I know you said you checked but, it sure sounds like a firewall problem to me.

02-13-06, 11:54 AM
Another possibility: SP1 killed Remote Desktop on 2 or 3 of our 2003 boxes.

02-13-06, 02:14 PM
Try increasing your server timeout to 15 minutes. There is a KB article at microsoft.com about SP-1 screwing up RD connections.