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View Full Version : Stoopid funeral director, part 2

12-28-05, 11:06 AM
The state board of embalmers is not happy with Mr. Ware. They sent him a copy of my complaint letter and within a week, he'd sent a letter of apology to my mom and offered her a full refund on the $4k she'd paid him for Dad's funeral.

My contact at the Board offices said that he was really rattled by the complaint because he'd never had a complaint filed before. I don't think he really understands how hurt my mom was, he probably just wants it to go away ASAP, hence the offer of a refund.

The Board still has to follow up on the violation of the law, though, so any apology or refund is not going to keep them from taking action if they find it is warranted. They told me they're obligated to investigate and followup with disciplinary action if they find he was in violation.

I did feel bad for Mom though. When she got his letter, she seemed surprised that it didn't make her feel better. I think she thought it would ease the pain of her loss, but the apology doesn't change the fact that they didn't treat us well. They can't undo that now. She's thinking of donating the refund to hospice in memory of my Dad.

12-28-05, 11:10 AM
the apology doesn't change the fact that they didn't treat us well

Exactly, and I wonder how heartfelt it was considering it was only sent AFTER the complaint was forwarded to him.

12-28-05, 11:34 AM
Perhaps your mother can take solice in the fact that this whole situation has raised the funeral director's awareness and will help prevent other families from suffering the same pain.

12-28-05, 11:59 AM
I think donating the refund to hospice is a great idea. :thumbup: Hopefully it will make her feel a little better when that money is put to a good use.

12-28-05, 12:11 PM
She's thinking of donating the refund to hospice in memory of my Dad.

This would be great, and hopefully make things a little better for your mother. Still a sad situation.

12-28-05, 12:12 PM
Sounds like the funeral guy cut a check as damage control. He smelled a mal-practice lawsuit in the works. If you hav'nt cashed it another option is to donate it to a mal-practice attorney and sue for damages. Really turn up the heat on the jerk. You will win. Then you will have a lot more money to donate to hospice :D

12-28-05, 12:25 PM
Offer still stands to give the guy a code red. ;)

Glad to see you saw some action on your complaint, despite how hollow the apology may appear. :(


12-28-05, 12:26 PM
Heh- we know we would win this case, but there's no way Mom would sue. You're right- this guy knows he's avoiding a lawsuit by refunding the whole thing and hoping we go away. He can give the money back, but we'll talk to everyone we know and tell them what he did. In a lawsuit we'd likely have to agree to keep quiet. This way really is better. :D

Seriously, I do hope that he's learned something from this- you cannot treat a grieving family that way, no matter how good your reputation is. He's just damned lucky that we're not suing. Maybe he'll realize that and change his ways, and if that happens, I'll be happy.

12-28-05, 12:53 PM
What's the name of the funeral home and where is it at if I may?

12-28-05, 01:31 PM
Ware Funeral Home in Chillicothe, Ohio.