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View Full Version : I have survived

12-21-05, 11:54 AM
I've contemplated posting this, but gosh darnit I will. I have survived my first semester of college. Exams are over and I am done until the middle of January. Everyone is really cool and I'm actually learning a lot. Now I can sit back and drink all day. ;)

Cam, if I see you at a race you'll probably be getting cookies or brownies or something of the sort.


12-21-05, 12:11 PM
Congratulations! It only gets better from here. :)

12-21-05, 12:15 PM
Congrats! :cool:

Raise glass, drink. Repeat as necessary. :)


12-21-05, 12:16 PM
Congratulations! It only gets better from here. :)
Until ya get into the real world that is. ;) Oh to go back and spend my days amongst coeds, spend evenings in a bar, mooch off the 'rents.... :)


Dirty Sanchez
12-21-05, 12:21 PM
beware the freshman 15 :laugh:

12-21-05, 12:30 PM
Nicole.... you're in college??! College?! Thirteenth grade?

But... but.... I remember basing forum rules at 7G on you because you were.... holy crap I'm old.

12-21-05, 12:40 PM
If it makes you feel better WB, my kids asked me Sunday if I knew there was an OLD show on TV that had John Travolta in it? That really made me feel O-L-D, I used to watch Welcome Back Kotter in high school and even did imitation of the sweathogs at pep rallies!! :cry:

12-21-05, 12:44 PM
Now I can sit back and drink all day. ;)

Wait, you expect us to believe you weren't doing this the whole time anyways? ;)

12-21-05, 12:45 PM
WTG nicole..... WB is over in the corner on a sit and spin, cradling some GI Joe dolls.....


12-21-05, 01:07 PM
Cam, if I see you at a race you'll probably be getting cookies or brownies or something of the sort.


w00t! :D :thumbup: :cool:

12-21-05, 01:50 PM
Nicole.... you're in college??! College?! Thirteenth grade?

But... but.... I remember basing forum rules at 7G on you because you were.... holy crap I'm old.

12-21-05, 03:44 PM
Nicole.... you're in college??! College?! Thirteenth grade?

But... but.... I remember basing forum rules at 7G on you because you were.... holy crap I'm old.

Gosh...when was 7G started again? There were some good times there. Back when I was FittipaldiNut.

And as for freshman 15...how about freshman -2? My weight has been up-and-down a few pounds, but currently I weigh about 2 pounds (not a significant amount) less than when I started the wear. It's hard since I'm in cooking school, but I just try to watch what I eat and go running. If the sidewalks aren't too bad later I plan on going out running outside instead of on the treadmill.

DM, didn't you recently turn 50 or something? :rofl: ;)


Dirty Sanchez
12-21-05, 03:56 PM
cooking school? nice :cool:

12-21-05, 03:59 PM
congratulations on surviving your first semester!

only 7 or 8 more to go ;)

12-21-05, 04:22 PM
what are you taking at school? I'm 2/3 of the way in a culinary nutrition degree here in florida. to say it has been interesting is an understatement.

12-21-05, 04:35 PM
congratulations on surviving your first semester!

only 7 or 8 more to go ;)

If she's good she can milk it out for 10 - 12 more semesters!

12-21-05, 05:45 PM
If she's good she can milk it out for 10 - 12 more semesters!

That's what I did once I got my bachelors degree.

the money's terrible, and ya dont get onto any property ladder. but still I'm bindin' to life's adventure! ;) :gomer: :(

12-21-05, 06:15 PM
Congrats Nicole! Enjoy your break. :)

12-21-05, 06:29 PM
what are you taking at school? I'm 2/3 of the way in a culinary nutrition degree here in florida. to say it has been interesting is an understatement.

I'm taking everything from actual cooking to nutrition to basic math and english courses. Here's a link to the program at my school: http://matcmadison.edu/matc/ASP/showprogram.asp?ID=2934. It's a two-year course so I'll be done there in 2007, but I don't know if I'll go on to another place or not. Something I'll have to think about.

Thanks for all of your well wishes. :)


12-21-05, 06:53 PM
but gosh darnit I will.

Hey! Language! This is a family show! :D

Congrats Nicole.... :) :thumbup: :thumbup:

12-28-05, 04:05 PM
Congrats, Nicole! :thumbup:

Man, it seems like just yesterday, you were a funny 13-year-old kid, and now you've got a semester of college under your belt! How time flies.

12-29-05, 12:26 AM
I'm with WickerBill and Anteater. When did you get old enough to be in college?
Shesh! How time flys.

Congrats on getting through the first semester. I can't beleive you're in college now. Wow, I feel old too.



12-29-05, 05:53 PM
Congrats, Nicole! :thumbup:

Man, it seems like just yesterday, you were a funny 13-year-old kid, and now you've got a semester of college under your belt! How time flies.

A funny-13 year old kid? Now what's that supposed to mean? :D ;)


12-29-05, 06:48 PM
Congrats Nicole.

Enjoy your life while it lasts.

Wait till you get to the real world.

12-30-05, 02:00 AM
Yeah, Nicole, the real world is a whole different place.

Regarding finals, every now and then, like every year or two, especially if I'm stressed for some reason, I have a recurring dream. I'm back in college and I just KNOW that some class I'm in has a test today, but I don't have my schedule with me and I can't even remember where the class meets or if I've attended a session at all. Or, it's finals week and I don't know where one of them is being given. Then, I wonder if I'm ever going to get out of here (graduate) and actually SEE what the real world is. Then, I wake up, take a deep breath, pet my dog, realize that I'm in the real world now, and go back to sleep. True story.