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View Full Version : Are you a junkie?

12-01-05, 02:36 AM

If you answer "yes" to three or more of the following questions, it may be a symptom of Internet/Computer Addiction.

1. Do you have an inability to predict the amount of time you spend on the computer?
2. Have you experienced failed attempts to control personal computer use for an extended period of time?
3. Do you have a sense of euphoria while on the computer?
4. Do you crave more computer time?
5. Are you neglecting family and friends as a result of your computer use?
6. Do you feel restless, irritable and discontent when not on the computer?
7. Do you lie to employers and family about computer activity?
8. Are you having problems with school or your job performance as a result of excessive computer use?
9. Do you have feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety or depression as a result of time spent on the computer?
10. Have your sleep patterns changed due to computer use?
11. Are you experiencing health issues such as: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, eye strain, weight change and backaches?
12. Do you deny, rationalize and minimize adverse consequences stemming from computer use?
13. Have you withdrawn from real life hobbies and social interactions?
14. Do you obsess about sexual acting out through the use of the Internet?
15. Have you created an enhanced persona to find cyberlove or cybersex?

I got 11. :eek: :cry:

Sean O'Gorman
12-01-05, 02:43 AM
I don't want to know your answers to #14 and #15. :eek:

I think the fact that you are a 30 year old who is on the Facebook should tell you everything you need to know about whether or not you have an Internet addiction. :D

12-01-05, 02:54 AM
I don't want to know your answers to #14 and #15. :eek:

I think the fact that you are a 30 year old who is on the Facebook should tell you everything you need to know about whether or not you have an Internet addiction. :D

but we all know you're the only one answering yes to those 2 questions... :gomer:

btw rabbit : ditto on the 30 yo on facebook :D

12-01-05, 02:58 AM
I don't want to know your answers to #14 and #15. :eek:

I think the fact that you are a 30 year old who is on the Facebook should tell you everything you need to know about whether or not you have an Internet addiction. :DUh, those were a negative. As far as my time on a computer, I spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer at work and then go home and do research, write papers, etc. for school. I spend a lot of time on a computer because I have to, but I also spend a lot of time on a computer that I don't need to, which is what I'm trying to fix. I'm willing to admit I have a problem. Now I just need to go to bed (See No. 10).

12-01-05, 03:00 AM
BTW - you two and your 8,000 combined posts don't have a whole lot of room to make fun of a guy about the amount of his internet usage. :gomer:

And there are older people than me on Facebook, FYI. Us oldtimers can't just let all you whippersnappers have all the fun.

Dr. Corkski
12-01-05, 03:00 AM
Facebook is for losers. :p


12-01-05, 09:35 AM
Do you feel restless, irritable and discontent when not on the computer?

Our Internet crashed at work last week, and I've never seen a more twitchy group of people in my life. We were unsure about what was going on, unable to access sites needed for work, check emails on those mental health breaks. So yes, I would say we became restless, irritable and discontent.

12-01-05, 10:11 AM
I"m on it all day and I do miss it if it breaks. Let's see. Get up and check the weather, read the headlines, check school menu for kids, delete spam, read online news since it's replaced the paper for me, return work emails, edit photos, check forums, pay bills, maybe buy stuff. Kids get home and use their computers to check homework, email friends, IM friends, do research and homework, etc..... The computer has replaced the newspaper, TV news, TV weather, library, encyclopedia and to some extent the phone at my house. I can't imagine living without our little network. :D

That survey smells of a group of umemployed, dimwitted psych majors who cooked up a "problem" to solve and hopefully pull a paycheck.

12-01-05, 10:18 AM
THey're based in Redmond WA :rofl:

12-01-05, 10:50 AM
It's my job...... I am the BAFH..... The cable connection here is, how should I put this??? Somewhat unstable. I often have to go and pull the plug on the cable modem to force a resync. If I dont notice that it needs to be done, I get deluged with "I can't get to Email" calls!!! :gomer:

12-01-05, 12:59 PM
pr0n. That is all. :D :gomer:

All I know is that if I had one of dem Web-enabled phone thingies, I'd be one poor man. :)

Like M&B, I'm on it constantly...all day @ work, then I go home and grab the laptop and surf most of the evening once the young un goes to bed (occassionally sneaking a surf in while we're playing or watching Elmo <=== furry lil' crack monster!). It's pretty much replaced cookbooks, encyclopedias, newspaper, magazines, speaking, and hand writing for me.

So the next question is what are the 12 steps for recovery? Dialup... :D
