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03-13-03, 05:32 PM
CHAMP CAR WORLD SERIES TO HOLD TOWN MEETING IN LONG BEACH (http://www.cart.com/News/Article.asp?ID=5591)

Damn, I wish I could go! :( I wonder what would happen if a large enough group of fans present at the meeting would not allow the Road America issue to be dropped? You know it will be asked, and you know it will be brushed aside due to "pending litigation". :rolleyes:

Here is the text of an email/reply to CART about RA from me:

CART took every option available to it in order to keep Road America on our
schedule for 2003 and beyond. All that we asked was that the promoters
comply with the contracts that were agreed upon in good faith, and
regretfully, that did not take place. We appreciate the fan base that the
Champ Car World Series has built in the 20 years of competition and invite
all of the fans from the area to come to what will be a very exciting night
race at the Milwaukee Mile on May 31.


----- Original Message -----
To: <feedback@cart.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Loss of Road America

Category: Event information
Add'l Recip't: CART

The recently announced loss of Road America from the CART schedule is in my
opinion horrendous. I understand that there is current litigation pending
about contractual issues. I understand that CART cannot allow any one
promoter to hold the series hostage for unreasonable demands. What I do not
understand is how CART could allow it to come to this? Road America is the
essence of ChampCar. These cars on THIS track define ChampCar to millions of

I am already tired of the blame game going on between CART & Road America
concerning how this fell apart. I do not want to hear the "we said/they
said" details. I want this fixed! ChampCar NEEDS to be at Road America,
period. If Tony George or other parties are interfering in the relationship,
then stop it. Please do not allow this great venue to fall into obscurity,

Joseph Villarreal-Doan

CART leaves no wiggle room in this email. Sounds like RA is off for good. :mad:


03-13-03, 06:31 PM
Sounds like the Long Beach town meeting is critical opportunity for a full frontal fan assault on the Road America issue. My advice: don't let them divert the question with legal issues or finger pointing. They need to be told in no uncertain terms that CART's diehard fans are not interested in having the balance of CART's events tip any further toward street racing.