View Full Version : Scary Movies
My favorite subject. :)
What is your favorite(s) scary movie? The more obscure the better. Also give a little synopsis.
I'll post mine later next week.
08-11-05, 10:22 PM
I watched SAW last week.... :shudders:
I saw it a couple of months ago. Very grisly and clever at the same time.
08-11-05, 10:43 PM
Dead Calm................the ultimate.
08-11-05, 11:45 PM
The Devil in Miss Jones. Oh, wait... never mind.
Seriously, Rosemary's Baby. A classic (as is the above). No gore, no monsters, no EEEEK moments. Just freaking wierd and, well, scary. Definately raises your heartbeat.
manic mechanic
08-11-05, 11:55 PM
John Carpenter's remake of "The Thing" is the one I enjoy most :thumbup:
Sean O'Gorman
08-11-05, 11:58 PM
Texas vs. Oklahoma
63-14 (in person)
65-13 (in person)
John Carpenter's remake of "The Thing" is the one I enjoy most :thumbup:
"You gotta be ****in' kidding."
:D :thumbup:
08-12-05, 01:39 AM
:laugh: :thumbup:
08-12-05, 02:53 AM
John Carpenter's remake of "The Thing" is the one I enjoy most :thumbup: Agreed, good flick.
On a tangential topic, I just recently saw my favorite B movie scifi/horror flick from the 50's "The Trollenberg Terror" aka "The Crawling Eye." Yep, huge creeping eyeballs with tentacles decend on a Swiss village from an ominous cloud and set about decapitating everyone. Forest Tucker as a United Nations science investigator (!) who just happens to be there and seems to know more than he's letting on. :cool: If you like 50's scifi, this is one of the best and was a well made film for the time. I found it on DVD for $3.85 so it's not much of a risk.
08-12-05, 02:56 AM
Student Bodies
08-12-05, 07:32 PM
Modern- Sixth Sense
Classic, Creature from the black lagoon was freaky, and the Blob. My fav obscure one was 'The Car', A heavily modified lincoln with red tinted windows driven by the devil. Aw yeah!
Not a 'scary movie' by horror definition, but awesome drama, "Duel".......
Here is "The Car"
Jervis Tetch 1
08-13-05, 02:04 AM
As a kid the original "Night of the Living Dead."
08-13-05, 02:27 AM
Student Bodies
it isn't my favorite, but how about the toolbox murders?
08-13-05, 10:27 AM
Their is one movie that made me actually "Jump" out of my seat ! When it first came out
"The Exorcist"
A Movie that phsycologically traumatized me when I was young was
"The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor & Yvette Mimieux
not because it was a scary movie, it wasn't ... but because it came out during the "Cuban Missile Crisis" and the threat of Nuclear War was real and for a young impressionable kid very scary ... we had Bomb Shelter Practice at school ... The Russians would Rape our Mothers ... They had Tests of the local "Sirens" to warn of Nuclear attacks ... "Duck & Cover" just pull that picnic blanket over your head & and you'll be saved from the Fallout ... "The Twilight Zone" always had shows of people fighting to get into the neighbors "Fall Out Shelter" and the neighbor locking everybodu out ... Or the one where the guy survives the Nuclear War by hiding in the Library ... but then steps on his glasses, so now he can't read the books !
Then "The Time Machine" shows Nuclear Annihilation occuring in 1974 ... That left quite an impression on me ... I thought " God ... I won't live to argue Racing Politics on the internet as an adult ... What a Bummer !" ;)
Well you had to grow up in those times to appreciate that
Lizzerd ... Am I nuts ??? ;) ;)
08-13-05, 12:13 PM
I have two that come to mind, first is "Jaws" which I have seen more times than I care to admit, but as a young teenager, vacationing in New England when it came out, it kept me looking for big fish that could eat me!! The second was one that I saw as a child and it scared me very badly, "War of the Worlds." It was during the heyday of the Gemini program and the beginning of Apollo when I first saw it, and having a relative in the space program, who had told me some stories, it just hit very close to home. And before anyone asks, the relative was Roger Chaffee who lost his life on Apollo 1.
While not a scary movie overall, there is one scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind that scares the cr@p out of me every time. At the beginning of the movie, when the little kid's toys start moving on their own, then the record player starts, then the light comes from under/around the door... :eek: :eek:
08-13-05, 10:24 PM
Lizzerd ... Am I nuts ??? ;) ;)
You asking me because I'm an old fart too, eh? Yeah, I remember the air-raid drills. "Duck and cover". They didn't tell us we could then kiss our butts goodbye, though. And, even though I was only about four or five years old at the time, I do remember being scared shirtless during the Cuban Missle Crisis thing. OT: I was a very inquisitive kid at that age. My mom still tells a story that I would ask her what made the grass grow and why the sky was blue, but at the same time she had a h=ll of a time potty training me. But trust me, I did learn eventually. You can check my underwear.
Back on (fourrunner's) topic, I don't know if I saw the movie you mentioned, "Time Machine", but I may have. Was it from H.G. Well's book? Did the time machine have a big kaliedescope-like wheel behind the driver's seat? If so, I did see it, but don't remember the nuclear part.
Back on the thread topic, has anybody actually seen the movie "Rosemary's Baby"? It still gets my vote.
08-14-05, 01:24 AM
Dead Calm................the ultimate.
Good Lord, I thought I was the only fan of this movie. Happened to catch it on the TV one night, alone. I'm a big Sam Neill fan so I started watching. Gulp, I think I'm running out of air. The water is rising in the room as I type. It's over the keyboard, the air outside is thick. Who is that running outside the window? It's up to the monitor. I can't type anymo.........
08-14-05, 09:35 AM
You asking me because I'm an old fart too, eh? Yeah, I remember the air-raid drills. "Duck and cover". They didn't tell us we could then kiss our butts goodbye, though. And, even though I was only about four or five years old at the time, I do remember being scared shirtless during the Cuban Missle Crisis thing. OT: I was a very inquisitive kid at that age. My mom still tells a story that I would ask her what made the grass grow and why the sky was blue, but at the same time she had a h=ll of a time potty training me. But trust me, I did learn eventually. You can check my underwear.
Back on (fourrunner's) topic, I don't know if I saw the movie you mentioned, "Time Machine", but I may have. Was it from H.G. Well's book? Did the time machine have a big kaliedescope-like wheel behind the driver's seat? If so, I did see it, but don't remember the nuclear part.
Back on the thread topic, has anybody actually seen the movie "Rosemary's Baby"? It still gets my vote.
Thanks Lizzerd ... at least my memory serves me right, about the "Cold War" !!
That is the Correct "The Time Machine" ... Rod Taylor played H.G. Wells ... The Girl from the future, Yvette Mimieux was "Weena" ... The Nuclear war was one of the Stops on his way to the future !!
I'm 55, so it appears I still have a few years on you ... sonny !! ;);)
Jervis Tetch 1
08-14-05, 11:58 PM
That is the Correct "The Time Machine" ... Rod Taylor played H.G. Wells ... The Girl from the future, Yvette Mimieux was "Weena"
Ah memories of my youth. I remember my dad's crush on Ms. Mimieux. He still had it in the 70s. He watched "The Black Hole" with me when he found out she was in it.
Now that's scary ;)
The Exorcist
Also, the first Alien. Holy crap. I mean, there's nothing, and I mean nothing, that you can do to fight back. Saw Alien with my sister when I was, what, maybe 11 years old. Never forgave the ***ch.
A VERY scary movie that isn't well-known: Prince of Darkness ( from John Carpenter.
It will scare you. A lot.
08-15-05, 03:45 PM
Agreed, good flick.
On a tangential topic, I just recently saw my favorite B movie scifi/horror flick from the 50's "The Trollenberg Terror" aka "The Crawling Eye." Yep, huge creeping eyeballs with tentacles decend on a Swiss village from an ominous cloud and set about decapitating everyone. Forest Tucker as a United Nations science investigator (!) who just happens to be there and seems to know more than he's letting on. :cool: If you like 50's scifi, this is one of the best and was a well made film for the time. I found it on DVD for $3.85 so it's not much of a risk.
OMG, I watched that one on TV at a very young age, and it scared the bejesus out of me! :eek:
Wait Until Dark ( was a good scare for it's time.
I remember when it was in the theatre in Toronto, the newspaper had a front page pic of the people jimping out of their seats at the key scene. Great stuff!
A lot of my favorites were made for tv movies. One is Dark Night of the Scarecrow. It's about a group of men who kill a mentally retarded man after mistakenly believing he assaulted a little girl (she was mauled by a dog). They shot him excution style as he was hiding inside a scarecrow. After that, the men died painful and gruesome deaths one after the other. This was done by NBC around halloween.
Another one of my favorites is Duel. It's more of a suspense than a horror. It's about a guy (Dennis Weaver) who ticks off a truck driver who then begins to stalk him on the road.
Then there is one I can't remember the name of. I saw if on ABC. It's about a girl who murders most of her family (brother/father) because of her guilt over her older sisters death. While they were returning home from a Christmas party, she tied her sisters shoes together (or to something in the car) as a prank. THey get into an accident and everyone gets out except for the older sister. It's too late and she is consumed by the flames. One by one strange things start happening to the family members ending in their deaths. I think the mother was the only one to survive.
edit: The Fog is another favorite. It's about a ghost ship that comes into town during the towns anniversary to claim revenge against the decendants of the man (fellow pirate) who betrayed them by stealing all the gold.
I saw Carnival of Souls for the first time last night. It was very creepy.
Jeepers Creepers is another scary one. Try sleeping after watching that.
10-27-07, 11:24 PM
I admit it: I am a wuss when it comes to scary, specifically horror, movies. Give me mystery and suspense anytime. The Others (with Nicole Kidman) is a good example. I also enjoy the 1950's "horror" movies like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
10-27-07, 11:40 PM
Big Trouble in Little China
I don't know.....he still looked reasonably normal in that video.
I admit it: I am a wuss when it comes to scary, specifically horror, movies. Give me mystery and suspense anytime. The Others (with Nicole Kidman) is a good example. I also enjoy the 1950's "horror" movies like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Can you watch King Kong?
Sean Malone
10-28-07, 12:12 AM
Kildozer made me cry when I was 5. :)
The first Friday the 13th messed me up pretty bad in 6th grade too. I watched it at my best friends house and had to walk home through pitch black woods afterwards. I was looking over my shoulder the entire way home.
For Halloween I rented "Evil Dead" on TiVo for .99. :) I'm not a fan of gore but I enjoy the campy stuff like that.
"The Thing" was already mentioned.
And of course "From Dusk Till Dawn" is worth seeing just for Salma Hayek and the sound track. :)
The Shining.
Scary enough at 9am on a weekday, can't imagine that in a theater. No way, no how.
The Vanishing. :eek:
The Dutch original, not the Hollywood version. :yuck:
10-28-07, 11:36 AM
"The Blob", but only because I was six years old when I saw it.
I can't suspend my disbelief and enjoy horror movies. They're dumb. Suspense movies? Now they're different. What about "The Pit and the Pendulum" or any of the other Vincent Price movies? No fans of them here?
10-28-07, 02:27 PM
Can you watch King Kong?
I've never seen it.
10-28-07, 04:28 PM
Alien. I've never thought of it as a sci-fi flick. Scared the bejeebers out of me at the time. Jaws had the same effect but looks a little dated now.
"The Blob", but only because I was six years old when I saw it.
I can't suspend my disbelief and enjoy horror movies. They're dumb. Suspense movies? Now they're different. What about "The Pit and the Pendulum" or any of the other Vincent Price movies? No fans of them here?
The House of Wax. :thumbup:
Alien. I've never thought of it as a sci-fi flick. Scared the bejeebers out of me at the time. Jaws had the same effect but looks a little dated now.
Alien. I put that on the other night and my daughter turned it off. "That's a day-time movie" she said. :D
10-28-07, 05:53 PM
The First Power (
I barely remember it except that I was genuinely freaked out after watching it (this was 12 years ago).
10-29-07, 12:20 PM
Another vote here for Rosemary's baby. Also for The Shining, Alien, and The Exorcist. As for John Carpenter, how could we mention The Thing at this time of year, and forget the movie that put him on the map....Halloween!!!
Anything by Hitchcock is gold...The Birds, A Room With A View, North by Northwest....
Andrew Longman
10-29-07, 12:34 PM
I never saw the appeal of scary movies and have a hear time "suspending disbelief" but I have a strong vote for The Shining.
I saw it years ago, but had NO idea what it was about. I just love Jack movies so I watched it. Not knowing Jack was going to love his f'n mind really sucked me in. Scared the crap out of me. :)
As a kid, I remember seeing Close Encouters of the Third Kind. That scene where the little kid is in his bedroom, the toys begin to move around, and the kid is pulled through the cat/doggie door... :eek: :cry: I still have trouble with that. :saywhat:
Don Quixote
10-29-07, 02:49 PM
I have a good one from awhile back. "The Changeling" with George C. Scott. It is a good old fashioned ghost story with no blood and gore, just a clever plotline and lots of hair standing up on the back of your neck moments.
I agree with others above regarding the Exorcist, Psycho and Rosemay's Baby as for movies that keep you awake at night.
Another one that is not scary but very disturbing is Tommy Lee Jone's "Three Burials for Melquiades Estrada". Not a feel good movie at all.
Sean Malone
10-29-07, 03:12 PM
As a kid, I remember seeing Close Encouters of the Third Kind. That scene where the little kid is in his bedroom, the toys begin to move around, and the kid is pulled through the cat/doggie door... :eek: :cry: I still have trouble with that. :saywhat:
The first time I saw Poltergeist, the scene where the mom is making breakfast and the camera shows the kitchen table, cuts over to the mom for a second and then back to the table and all the chairs are stacked up on top of each other…freaked me out. Great scene.
Gore movies are dumb but the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was creepy. The ‘home movie’ feel to it lent to its realism. Speaking of ‘home movie feel’, Blair Witch Project does a great job at building tension and suspense which Hitchcock did so well i.e. The Birds.
10-29-07, 04:15 PM
That poltergeist scene got me too...
For suspense there's a specific hospital scene in Excorcist III (the one with George C Scott) that to this day, spooks me out...even though I know it's coming...
Alien freaked me out pretty good when it first came out...
Sean Malone
10-29-07, 04:23 PM
The first Omen movie I thought was really creepy. Not really a scary flick, but creepy. Ghost movies and Satan movies are the ones that scared me the most as a kid. I still don't like ghost movies. Cuz they real. :)
10-29-07, 05:25 PM
Bergman's Ansiktet (The Magician) (
About half way through this film it takes a real turn, and twists all of your perceptions of earlier events. Vogler's autopsy scene still creeps me out. Seriously scary stuff.
Also, Lang's Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse ( is pretty disturbing in a possessed-by-transient-evil-entity sort of way, all the more impressive for predicting that whole genre in 1933.
Andrew Longman
10-29-07, 06:00 PM
The Wizard of Oz scared the crap out my brother as a kid. Claims he had castrasion fears of witches and flying monkeys for years. Don't make me explain it. You have to know him to understand.
Sean Malone
10-29-07, 07:34 PM
The Wizard of Oz scared the crap out my brother as a kid. Claims he had castrasion fears of witches and flying monkeys for years. Don't make me explain it. You have to know him to understand.
The monkeys and witch scared me too.:(
Funny how those from childhood still creep us out. My wife wants nothing to do with the thought of flying monkeys dressed like bellhops. :laugh:
I also have vague recollections of a movie called "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" that I probably watched on Channel 17's Dr. Shock show... :)
Andrew Longman
10-29-07, 08:45 PM
I also have vague recollections of a movie called "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" that I probably watched on Channel 17's Dr. Shock show... :)
Taking me back. Lucky for me I was either watching or playing football most Saturday afternoon, at least for half the year.
Sean Malone
10-29-07, 08:54 PM
Scariest movie?
link (,28804,1676793_1676808,00.html?cnn=yes)
Scariest movie?
link (,28804,1676793_1676808,00.html?cnn=yes)
OMG!!! After seeing that movie, I had a fear of my mother dying. It's still with me today. Horrible movie!!!!!!
edit: The movie in your link was on about 2 night ago.
Sean Malone
10-29-07, 09:11 PM
OMG!!! After seeing that movie, I had a fear of my mother dying. It's still with me today. Horrible movie!!!!!!
edit: The movie in your link was on about 2 night ago.
Which one? The link had a 'top 25' list.
Which one? The link had a 'top 25' list.
Shaun of the Dead. lol
edit: The movie in your link was on about 2 night ago.
Spooky. It was on here too. :saywhat:
Nosferatu. My wife won't watch it at all. :D
10-29-07, 11:10 PM
Wizard of Oz. Those purple flying monkeys with the little hats still freak me out.
This ( really scared me when I was yunga.
Sean Malone
10-30-07, 08:17 AM
This ( really scared me when I was yunga.
Yep. :thumbup: I used to watch this on 'Afterschool Special'. The bigfoot documentaries would creep me out too.
This ( really scared me when I was yunga.
I saw the Zuni doll episode late one night when I was about 13. :eek:
Dirk Diggler
10-30-07, 01:45 PM
I grew up in Bigfoot country, so this was the one that had me well and truly weired out as a kid...
10-30-07, 01:54 PM
Greg Allman lived in Arkansas?
Dirk Diggler
10-30-07, 02:04 PM
Greg Allman lived in Arkansas?
Yep! Well armed rednecks vs Bigfoot, basically. Entirely laughable now, but for a ten year old who had just moved to the country, it was entirely feasable that some creature could smash in the windows at any moment and maul us to death for no good reason at all.:laugh:
How about this one?
10-30-07, 02:49 PM
"Born Free" freaked me out when I was a little kid. The movie began with a lioness stalking and killing a woman washing clothes in a river. It was the first movie I ever saw in a theater, that scene scared me half to death.
Dirk Diggler
10-30-07, 02:58 PM
How about this one?
That's how I feel when I watch the presidential debates.
I just got a message from realplayer about a free horror film festival. Watch full length films online free. I'm assuming it's for today only. Here's the link.
Free Full Length Horror Films (
How about this one?
Blair Witch type of thing, but it's getting good buzz.
:rofl: :rofl: :laugh:
from the hollywoodreporter, I guess. I found it somewhere else.
Jay Hernandez, Jennifer Carpenter and Columbus Short are starring in "Quarantined," a remake of the Spanish horror movie "Rec" that John Erick Dowdle is directing for Screen Gems.
Doug Davison and Roy Lee of Vertigo Entertainment are producing along with Sergio Aguero.
Johnathon Schaech and Steve Harris also have been cast.
"Quarantined" centers on a downtown Los Angeles apartment building where a deadly strain of rabies breaks out. A reporter and her cameraman are among those trapped inside when the edifice and its residents are quarantined. Dowdle penned the screenplay with his brother Drew.
Showing just how fast Hollywood can remake a movie, "Quarantine" is a redo of movie that has yet to be released. "Rec," by Jaume Balaguero and Paco Plaza, opens Nov. 23 in Spain.
Production begins today in Los Angeles.
BTW, Jennifer Carpenter is "Dexter"'s sister.:thumbup:
Dirk Diggler
11-19-07, 03:12 PM
I've got a distant memory of one that I wasn't supposed to see - I got up for my fifteenth glass of water one night and my parents were watching something with gargoyles landing on the roof of a convertible and trying to get to the people inside. My parents sent me back to bed, but it was too late!:eek:
What the hell was that? It would have been on tv around 1975 or so...
I've got a distant memory of one that I wasn't supposed to see - I got up for my fifteenth glass of water one night and my parents were watching something with gargoyles landing on the roof of a convertible and trying to get to the people inside. My parents sent me back to bed, but it was too late!:eek:
What the hell was that? It would have been on tv around 1975 or so...
Probably "Gargoyles"
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