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View Full Version : Dyson plans to race ALMS and Grand-Am in 06

08-10-05, 10:43 PM
From an interview with Chris Dyson, the Dyson Racing team is planning to run both ALMS P1 and Grand-Am DP in 2006. Great to see one of sports car racing's all-time great teams carrying on... maybe a Riley LMP and a Riley DP? :cool:

08-11-05, 12:05 AM
Dyson's are doing Grand-Am part time in a Crawford. I think Rob will share with Harrison Brix Friday. Along with his F.Atlantic gig, Chris Dyson is racing something like 40 races this year.

08-11-05, 04:23 AM
Will they continue in Atlantic also?

08-11-05, 01:31 PM
It's Chris Dyson in the car here at Watkins Glen.