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07-07-05, 06:37 AM
Oh great one day after a day of triumph comes this:

Explosions rock London

Details still emerging as authorities rush to action

By Jane Wardell, Associated Press

LONDON (AP) - Several blasts rocked the London subway and at least one packed double-decker bus during the morning rush hour Thursday, police said, causing "terrible injuries" and prompting officials to shut down the entire underground transport network.
The near simultaneous explosions came a day after London was awarded the 2012 Olympics and as the G-8 summit was getting underway in Scotland. Initial reports blamed a power surge, but officials were not ruling out an intentional attack.

"There have been a number of dreadful incidents across London today," said Home Secretary Charles Clarke, Britain's top law enforcement officer. He said there were "terrible injuries."

One witness, Darren Hall, said some passengers emerging from an evacuated subway station had soot and blood on their faces. He told BBC TV that he was evacuated along with others near the major King's Cross station and only afterward heard a blast.

Sky News showed a picture of a mangled red bus; police said they suspected a bomb caused the explosion.

Police confirmed an explosion destroyed a double-decker bus at Russell Square in central London, and Dow Jones Newswires reported police reporting explosions on at least two others buses.

A witness at the Russell Square blast said the entire top deck of that bus was destroyed.

"I was on the bus in front and heard an incredible bang, I turned round and half the double decker bus was in the air," Belinda Seabrook told Press Association, the British news agency.

She said the bus was packed with people.

"It was a massive explosion and there were papers and half a bus flying through the air," she said.

There was no immediate official comment from British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was hosting the world's most powerful leaders at Gleneagles, Scotland. It was not clear if the G-8 gathering focusing on climate change and aid for Africa - but from which Iraq has largely been left off the agenda - would have to be postponed.

Police said incidents were reported at the Aldgate station near the Liverpool Street railway terminal, Edgware Road and King's Cross in north London, Old Street in the financial district and Russell Square in central London, near the British Museum.

London Ambulance Service said several vehicles had been dispatched to the area near Liverpool Street station.

"We believe there was some sort of explosion. There are some walking wounded at Aldgate," said a spokesman for City of London police, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"We are not sure of the scale of the incident. Reports are still coming in."

Bradley Anderson, a subway passenger, told Sky News that "there was some kind of explosion or something" as his train reached the Edgware Road station in northeast London.

"Everything went black and we collided into some kind of oncoming train," Anderson said.

Simon Corvett, 26, who was on an eastbound train from Edgware Road station, said: "All of sudden there was this massive huge bang."

"It was absolutely deafening and all the windows shattered," he said. "There were just loads of people screaming and the carriages filled with smoke.

"You could see the carriage opposite was completely gutted," he said. "There were some people in real trouble."

07-07-05, 06:51 AM
It's looking pretty bad in London. :(

My heart goes out to all of our British friends. I hope that your family and friends are safe and well.

I have no words that can express my feelings towards the bastards who did this. :mad: :mad:

Take extra care everyone,


07-07-05, 07:36 AM
Can't believe it :shakehead

Edit: apparently now 7 explosions...
Edit 2: Blair en route... G8 crew to comment then reconvene...
Edit 3: Dude just walked out past multiple bodies... :(

Dr. Corkski
07-07-05, 07:42 AM
Six underground explosions and a blown up top deck of a doubledecker. This is only going to get worse. :(

07-07-05, 07:49 AM

:flame: to the terrorist ****s who did this.

07-07-05, 07:59 AM
Iran, Iraq. Saudia Arabia, = Glass factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-07-05, 08:06 AM
Iran, Iraq. Saudia Arabia, = Glass factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IMHO not a good time to speculate... I hear ya though...

07-07-05, 08:08 AM
Iran, Iraq. Saudia Arabia, = Glass factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Make of this what yo will... apparent latest (http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story.jsp?sectionid=1274&storyid=3408279)

Edit: link (http://dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story.jsp?sectionid=1274&storyid=3408870)

07-07-05, 10:13 AM

Filthy, murdering bastards...... :mad:

I got a call at 6.00am this morning from my Dad assuring me that everyone was safe...It wasn't until I turned on the telly that I understood what he was on about...

If it turns out to be who we think it might be I say we glass the entire region...Eff 'em all, let allah sort it out... :flame:

07-07-05, 11:35 AM
Brings back bad memories of 9/11. I'm with the rest of you, pull our boys out and let the submariners go to work.

07-07-05, 11:55 AM
Two trainers whom mr anait will be meeting up with in China next week are in London right now. One was on another route, not close to the explosions. The other walked through a subway station 10 minutes before a bomb went off there.

Al Czervik
07-07-05, 12:19 PM
Thoughts and prayers to those affected.

The death penalty is too good for those responsible.

07-07-05, 01:08 PM

Filthy, murdering bastards...... :mad:

I got a call at 6.00am this morning from my Dad assuring me that everyone was safe...It wasn't until I turned on the telly that I understood what he was on about...

If it turns out to be who we think it might be I say we glass the entire region...Eff 'em all, let allah sort it out... :flame:

TB -
Glad to here your family is safe. Prayers to everyone.

07-07-05, 01:23 PM
Glad to know your family is safe, TB.....

prayers and thoughts to everyone....

Racing Truth
07-07-05, 02:10 PM
:( Thoughts and prayers with the British. London's mayor was quite eloquent as was Blair.

07-07-05, 02:20 PM
:( Thoughts and prayers with the British. London's mayor was quite eloquent as was Blair.(glad the fam's ok, tb)

London's Mayor sounds like he wants to open up a can of whupass real bad.

First thing I thought of this AM was "We've been hit again". The Brits have stood by us for, well, always.

07-07-05, 02:38 PM
Why cant these people just come out and fight for real? They rather just kill a bunch of innocent people to make a point.

The ones responsible are brought up and raised on hatred towards people who are not like them. It will take generations for this hatred to be extinguished, but I fear it will only get worse because they feel the killings are justified by thier 'religion', when its no religion at all, just hatred disguised as a religion so it wouldnt be right to pick on someone because of what they believe, yet they do that exact thing. They are blinded by thier own hatred. :mad:

The sooner these groups are brought to thier knees and crushed, and the people executed, the better it will be for everyone else.

My thoughts and prayers go out to our British friends.

Racing Truth
07-07-05, 03:20 PM
Racing link to terror attacks. (http://www.speedtv.com/articles/auto/formulaone/18050/)

Racing Truth
07-07-05, 03:29 PM
I love conspriacy theories! They're fun. :) I like the ones about aliens.

Well, we all know Kennedy was an alien, and wasn't actually shot. He was just called back home. ;)

Dr. Corkski
07-07-05, 04:15 PM
Well, we all know Kennedy was an alien, and wasn't actually shot. He was just called back home. ;)Liar. He was shot by David Richards. :gomer:

Problem with these types of terrorism organization is that absolutely no one's irreplaceable, so nothing short of a complete genocide is going to completely wipe it out.

07-07-05, 05:25 PM
Very sad day indeed. There is nothing religious about it, it's simply mass murder of innocent people and the only people who are responsible are those that did it and those that funded it.

Let's hope that the authorities in the UK have an opportunity to sort out the doers straight away and down the line have a similar opportunity to quietly arrange accidents for the insects that funded it.


07-07-05, 05:49 PM
Let's not ruin this site with politics too!

No one ever changes their minds ... Everyone just flames the others opinions, and its a total waste of time & space

There are plenty of political sites that it can be discussed...

Mr. Toad
07-07-05, 09:48 PM
Two trainers whom mr anait will be meeting up with in China next week are in London right now. One was on another route, not close to the explosions. The other walked through a subway station 10 minutes before a bomb went off there.

I have been to London.

This member walked through a subway station 26 years before a bomb went off there.

Mere words can not express.

07-07-05, 09:59 PM
I think it's just starting to sink in...I took my family back home two months ago for a little holiday, and of course the sites of London were a high priority...I can only imagine how many folks were doing the same thing this morning...

Having grown up outside of London I was always aware of potential attacks from the IRA whenever I went up to town, but the thing about the IRA was that they would almost always call it in first...

Today was different. No call, no warning, nothing.

If this was indeed an attack coordinated by Al-Q or their sick followers it would bear all Muslims well to understand that one of the Tube bombs went off underneath the most heavily populated Arab neighbourhoods in London. These pigs don't give a tinker's damn about human life, ANY human life...the quicker these scumbags are rooted out and dealt with the better...

Thanks to all of you for your kind words about my family...My Dad still goes to London quite frequently...but not today...Thank God.

Cheers!! Pip!! Pip!!

P.S. We got awarded the 2012 Olympic Games yesterday, plus we beat the Aussies by nine wickets today...and if a bunch of cowards think today's bombings will deter Londoners from going about their daily business they're a dumber bunch of wankers than I thought possible....Londoners suffered events like this NIGHTLY in 1940-41...and the dumb sonofabtich that thought that we couldn't handle that then, learned the hard way he was wrong....Just like these miserable little tossers reponsible for today will.... :mad:

07-07-05, 10:05 PM
Our thoughts are with our friends in Britain. :(

07-07-05, 10:14 PM
I've been biting my tongue and gripping my hands in fists wanting to reply in this thread.

But, in the best interests of my membership priviledges and maintaining proper OC decorum, I will refrain.

I don't think it would be inappropriate, however, to say the good guys need to find and kill, on the spot, all those involved (the terrorists) in these horrendous acts. Incarceration is too good for them.

Jervis Tetch 1
07-08-05, 12:12 AM
Just happy T.B.'s family is safe. I really hate these fundamentalist ********s more than anything. I think it's time we sealed in every effing cave in Afghanistan. Either that, or fricken nuke the mofos.

07-08-05, 09:42 AM
I'm so sad for the families of the injured and dead. What a horrible thing to go through. The bombings were cowardly acts committed by cowardly men. I'm impressed that the Brits have shown an admirable resiliency in dealing with the attacks and already have their transportation systems back online and are trying to get back to normal. Cheers, indeed.

07-08-05, 04:07 PM
If this was indeed an attack coordinated by Al-Q or their sick followers it would bear all Muslims well to understand that one of the Tube bombs went off underneath the most heavily populated Arab neighbourhoods in London. These pigs don't give a tinker's damn about human life, ANY human life...the quicker these scumbags are rooted out and dealt with the better...

glad to hear that your family is OK.

The people who carried the bombing & those eho funded/ordered it, could not give a damn about anyone except themselves. Edgware road is a predominantly muslim neighbourhood as is Aldgate in the east side of the city