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06-28-05, 04:50 PM
JT265 posted the following in the NHL thread:

Besides, without wheels and aero, it can't be a sport anyway, it's just merely a game.

This is actually a topic I've been thinking about quite a bit lately. About a month ago, I went to see the Killerspin Extreme Table Tennis Championship (http://www.killerspin.com/flash/killerspin_flash.html) and it left me wondering what I had just seen. The participants were athletes, but was it a sport?

I decided that athletes may participate in one of three types of events: Competitions, Games, and Sports.

Here's how I defined them:
A competition is an event that is judged. You can not merely watch and decide who won, a judgement needs to be made. For example, Figure Skating is a competition.

A game is something that has a definitive winner. No judgement is needed to decide who won. You can give someone the video tape, and it will be clear who the winner is. For example, the 100 meter dash is a game. I decided this is the category that the table tennis fell into.

A sport is a game or competition where there is a real possibility you may die. It doesn't have to be likely, but it has to be possible. Football, Hockey, and Auto Racing are sports.

This led me to some interesting realizations.

For example, I had a hard time categorizing basketball. I just couldn't see somebody getting killed playing basketball. This was the only major stick and ball sport that was a game, rather than a sport. You could have a heart attack while playing basketball, but in that scenario you wouldn't be killed by the game - you'd merely die while playing it.

Meanwhile, competitive eating was a sport. I don't know if anybody has actually died during a hot dog eating contest, but it seems to me that there is a very real possibility of choking to death.

Am I on to something here?

Sean O'Gorman
06-28-05, 05:10 PM
A sport is something where it is considered socially acceptable to abuse your son or daughter in order to make him better at it, I think. :saywhat:

06-28-05, 05:14 PM
Sean, if we used that definition, what wouldn't be a sport? Or does it only become a sport when a creepy guy like Bela Karolyi becomes involved?

Interesting note on my definitions - if you look at track and field, the high jump is a game, while the pole vault is a sport. I think that tidbit alone convinces me that I'm on to something.

06-28-05, 05:17 PM
This led me to some interesting realizations.

For example, I had a hard time categorizing basketball. I just couldn't see somebody getting killed playing basketball.

Well, Ron Artest is back next season..... :runs:

Meanwhile, competitive eating was a sport. I don't know if anybody has actually died during a hot dog eating contest, but it seems to me that there is a very real possibility of choking to death.

Or being sat on by one of the competitors - except that skinny little asian who keeps winning the thing..... I get annoyed at skinny people who outeat fat people and never gain weight. Yes 4runner, i'm looking at you. :mad:

Am I on to something here?

You sound like you're on joint 12 or 13. Go get some munchies... ;)

06-28-05, 08:22 PM
I get annoyed at skinny people who outeat fat people and never gain weight. Yes 4runner, i'm looking at you. :mad:

*whew* *goes and hides while 4r gets annihilated* :D

06-28-05, 08:31 PM
I dunno about the game definition...shouldn't there be something in there about events that have only two teams, and the outcome depends on the scoring of points? Not higher, further, faster, but more?

Sean O'Gorman
06-28-05, 09:37 PM
*whew* *goes and hides while 4r gets annihilated* :D

I will also hide with 4runner and the Indian redneck. :D

06-28-05, 10:43 PM
For example, I had a hard time categorizing basketball. I just couldn't see somebody getting killed playing basketball. This was the only major stick and ball sport that was a game, rather than a sport. You could have a heart attack while playing basketball, but in that scenario you wouldn't be killed by the game - you'd merely die while playing it.
A guy undercut me one time while I was going up for a rebound on a fastbreak, sending me head-over-heels towards the floor. I thought I was going to die.

06-28-05, 11:01 PM
This takes too much thinking! My game is tennis and I've always thought of it as a sport. It has just about all the characteristics of a sport, but it could just as easily wind up a mere game.

I think I'll sleep on it and make up my mind tomorrow. :confused:


06-28-05, 11:58 PM
I dunno about the game definition...shouldn't there be something in there about events that have only two teams, and the outcome depends on the scoring of points? Not higher, further, faster, but more?

If the scoring of points is definitive, it is a game. Lets use Beach Volleyball as an example. There are two teams. If your team serves, and the ball hits the sand on the other side of the net, you get a point. Get enough points, and you win. There's no judgement involved.

If the scoring of points relies on judgement, it is a competition. For example, team gymnastics. The points are a sum of judges scores. That is a competition.

06-29-05, 01:25 AM
'scuse me, but I been drinkin some beers...

In a "game", aren't your opponents your "competition"?

I agree with the judging thing being a "competition", but I think figure skating and other worthless crap like that is indeed a "sport", and not a "game".

But a "sport" could be defined as anything where persons or teams are "competing" in a "game".

If you are Ernest Hemingway, though, (which is where you may have gotten your idea) the only sports are mountain climbing, bull fighting, and auto racing. Everything else is just is a game.

06-29-05, 02:02 AM
chess is a game, baseball is a game, chess involves no athleticism

06-29-05, 10:34 AM
Baseball is a sport. One fastball to the side of your skull and you're rose food.

06-29-05, 11:06 AM
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!

CRAP!...I've become my father.

Sean O'Gorman
06-29-05, 12:19 PM
Is hateball considered a game or a sport?

06-29-05, 12:20 PM
A game is something that has a definitive winner. No judgement is needed to decide who won. I decided this is the category that the table tennis fell into.

My game is tennis and I've always thought of it as a sport.
Is all this just a way for you to justify that tennis > ping pong?

What about a video game, is that a sport? They keep track of points and I'd bet someone's died from playing one. ;)

06-29-05, 03:58 PM
Is hateball considered a game or a sport?

Hmm... can you die from drinking Haterade?