View Full Version : Here's an idea that will make TG a ton of money
Andrew Longman
05-16-05, 10:12 AM
After yesterday I am reminded again that Indy is dead. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to spend the month of May, let alone a day, paying any attention to this. The teams don't even seem to want to be there. There is no drama, there is no point, and I can't imagine IMS is making any money on the month either.
At the crux is the shortage of cars. Without cars there is no bumping, without bumping (or speed records) there is no drama to the month. And the shortage is guaranteed so long as the manufacturers are involved. They will conspire to make sure there are just enough and no more to fill the field. Why supply another Honda just to see it bump out another Honda?
TG started the IRL because he wanted to make sure there was a top flight open wheel series to supply cars. What if there are two?
Allow CCWS to run their equipment and allow IRL to run theirs. The pride of each series will ensure rules that allow close competitition. Bring fans and enemies of both series back to Indy with something to root for (and against).
The month will be spent with eyes glued to practice time to see which series has the upper hand and crews struggling to close the gaps. (hopefully it would quickly change the IRL spec to something much safer and more interesting).
If TG only cares about Indy (and he should, it the only asset he has that has any real value), I can't think of anything he could do for the I500 that would do more to bring interest back.
It would also give him huge influence over CCWS (not a good thing from my perspective, but clever) in a way that running St Pete or buying LB cannot. KK cannot buy Indy, but if TG said to CCWS teams, "Come on down, run what you brung" what team or sponsor could resist? Indy may be dead, but it is still Indy.
In one stroke, he puts himself at the table with KK and GF and in a position with considerable leverage. He may not run their series, but they have to listen to his opinions. Supposedly, that's all he wanted in 95.
But it makes too much sense.
05-16-05, 10:50 AM
Not a chance that ChampCar and IRL will run at the same time. There would be too much politics involved in an "equalization" formula in order to make sure that the IRL cars weren't smoked.
How long before TG starts allowing Infiniti pro series cars to run in a "B class" in order to get to that magical number 33?
05-16-05, 10:53 AM
Yeah! My 33rd post!
Join Date: Apr 2004
: Columbus
Posts: 33
Oh sorry, I forgot that 33 was just a number.
Andrew Longman
05-16-05, 11:12 AM
No equalization formula. Run what you brung. Let the teams, manufacturers, and chassis builders go at it. Each series may need to loosen their rules around mandated wing angles, rev limits, etc. and some years one series or another may have a distinct upper hand, but that's what would make it interesting. And it would be unlike anything else in racing in the world, expect maybe LeMans.
Mike Kellner
05-16-05, 11:20 AM
How about instead, CCWS tells Tony to get stuffed, and runs their own 500 mile race, same day, same time. Give the press and fans a real 500 to watch, I think there is a real hunger for one. The Gomerville 497.5 is all he has left. Kill that, and we have killed the IRL.
Compromise is just spinning a surrender into something more palatable.
05-16-05, 11:22 AM
FTG has plenty of money and makes plenty of money from other ventures. That's the problem. The faukcer does'nt need his club racers to make money. If he did,this crap never would have seen the light of day. The only hope is the family gets tired of his stupidity and stomps his balls.
05-16-05, 11:22 AM
Andrew, your correct about much. Mainly, you have captured the true spirit of racing. Run what ya brung. If you get smoked, make it faster.
I posted a similar idea a while back, after St. Pete. Because I wanted the world to see how crappy the .05rl is, next to ChampCars.
But besides the fact toeknee would never let it happen, WHY should we help save findy? Let toeknee finish it off. Like the gomers tell us, it ain't ours and it never was.
Let it go.
No equalization formula. Run what you brung. Let the teams, manufacturers, and chassis builders go at it. Each series may need to loosen their rules around mandated wing angles, rev limits, etc. and some years one series or another may have a distinct upper hand, but that's what would make it interesting. And it would be unlike anything else in racing in the world, expect maybe LeMans.
Like LeMans, you`d need differnet classes to get it off the ground. No way IRL teams would go for it. 2 classes with equal winnings. Then faze it out.
These kind of thoughts come to me too, but then reality sets in, or I sober up :D
05-16-05, 11:37 AM
"Here's an idea that will make TG a ton of money"
Cabs take over the 500 by '07. It will happen.
05-16-05, 11:45 AM
"Here's an idea that will make TG a ton of money"
Cabs take over the 500 by '07. It will happen.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Don Quixote
05-16-05, 11:53 AM
"Here's an idea that will make TG a ton of money"
Cabs take over the 500 by '07. It will happen.
To which the Gomer faithful will proclaim that this was the vision all along, and now all is well with the I500, and all is well with the world. :gomer:
05-16-05, 12:08 PM
If FTG reinstated the "run what you brung" rule, Pimpske' gonna break open the Reynskes and put in the pushrod 209's in there. In fact, all the .1RL teams will be scrambling to procure ChampCar chassis, even old ones. .1RL engines will be discarded for 2.65 turbo engines and since this race wouldn't be under CCWS auspices, rev limiters would be removed and the boost will be cranked up the let the engines make over 1000 HP. No one's going to show up with a crapwagon because they suck next to a ChampCar. The sound of turbos screaming at Indy would be back by default. You'd be hearing, "It's a new track record!" quite often.
Ain't gonna happen though. Yeah he'd make a lot more money, but FTG is too f*****ng stoooopid to do this.
05-16-05, 12:12 PM
To which the Gomer faithful will proclaim that this was the vision all along, and now all is well with the I500, and all is well with the world. :gomer:
At least they'll be able to see their short track hero's race in the 500 again. Plus they'll be able to pronounce the drivers names.
05-16-05, 12:16 PM
It wouldn't take a genious to figure out an equization formula between a Champ Car and an IndyCar. Spend a few days running them around Indy compare speeds, then dictate, you guys run this amount of boost, you guys run this amount of rev limit, feel free to tweak your wings as much as you want.
Racing Truth
05-16-05, 12:25 PM
It wouldn't take a genious to figure out an equization formula between a Champ Car and an IndyCar. Spend a few days running them around Indy compare speeds, then dictate, you guys run this amount of boost, you guys run this amount of rev limit, feel free to tweak your wings as much as you want.
Too bad those running the sport are about 1,000 levels below "genius."
Andrew Longman
05-16-05, 12:26 PM
But besides the fact toeknee would never let it happen, WHY should we help save findy? Let toeknee finish it off. Like the gomers tell us, it ain't ours and it never was.
I'm not suggesting this be a CCWS initiative. CCWS can operate just fine without the I500. I'm saying if TG were smart, he would do this.
Instead of being in control of his bullsh#t series and a dwindling I500 property, he would generate accelerating interest in the I500, create a serious leverage point with CCWS by seducing teams and sponsors with the one thing KK can't buy, and maybe even create greater interest in the IRL.
If in the end all the IRL teams looked like they can't compete and would defect to CCWS, all he needs to do is put through a rule change that allows a bigger engine or whatever is needed.
And if it winds up killing the IRL because all the teams defect, then at least he has put some juice in the I500 and gave himself leverage, which is all he ever wanted.
But the path he's on now has a certain future.
05-16-05, 01:13 PM
Too bad those running the sport are about 1,000 levels below "genius."
I missed 'equalization' also, but then so did you.
I thought it was interesting that Ganassi repeated the IRL line that a shared formula is better for Champ car than the IRL. I wonder if that's a hard line or just a negotiating position.
If Tony goes with stock blocks Champ car could potentially stick with turbos and all they would need would be common chasis to show up at Indy with Ford stock blocks. Add to that the fact that George may not have the leverage over chasis builders that he had when Honda and Toyota were behind him...
I thought it was interesting that Ganassi repeated the IRL line that a shared formula is better for Champ car than the IRL. I wonder if that's a hard line or just a negotiating position.
If Tony goes with stock blocks Champ car could potentially stick with turbos and all they would need would be common chasis to show up at Indy with Ford stock blocks. Add to that the fact that George may not have the leverage over chasis builders that he had when Honda and Toyota were behind him...
So did I, and I'm starting to believe he's right in the long term, and here's why. At 1st blush I call advantage earl, for the simple reason that we would bring something they've never had, which is crowds of paying customers. But here's where it gets upside-down.
Consider your Shrek-assi. You share a common chassis formula with CCWS. For the want of a Cossie to bolt in the back, you can load up for Toronto or bolt in the Yoda for a run at the historic track in Sparta.
What venue do you choose?
What venue do you choose? :confused:
Andrew Longman
05-16-05, 01:39 PM
I thought it was interesting that Ganassi repeated the IRL line that a shared formula is better for Champ car than the IRL. I wonder if that's a hard line or just a negotiating position.
If Tony goes with stock blocks Champ car could potentially stick with turbos and all they would need would be common chasis to show up at Indy with Ford stock blocks. Add to that the fact that George may not have the leverage over chasis builders that he had when Honda and Toyota were behind him...
I heard him say that too and I was struck by it.
I think the idea is Indy is the thing in question. The IRL has it with their current formula and will always have it. CCWS wants it and could get it with a common formula. The IRL doesn't see anything equivilant on the CCWS worth crossing over for. Or at least that's what they say.
In reality, having CCWS at the I500 solves a lot of ills with the 500. The scary question is whether there is actually so much on the CCWS side that is attractive that many/all the teams would leave the IRL. Think about it. Toronto of Nashville? Long Beach or Kentucky? Motegi or Bejing? Surfers or Chicagoland?
The goofy IRL spec may be the only way TG can continue to hold the I500 hostage.
05-16-05, 03:08 PM
I'm not suggesting this be a CCWS initiative. CCWS can operate just fine without the I500.
Well Duh! And thats what we should do. IGNORE the joke Findy has become.
Focus on our series. We REALLY need more races in May.
And if it winds up killing the IRL because all the teams defect, then at least he has put some juice in the I500 and gave himself leverage, which is all he ever wanted.
Bullshiz! He HAD a "juiced" Indy500! He HAD and MISUSED that leverage. Thats why he is where he is at today.
All he ever had to do, was open the fooking gates up on May 1, close 'em on May 30 and count the fooking piles of money he made! No team welfare, no outlay!
He wanted outright, total and complete control, and he wanted it given to him. Just like the hickyard was. Even though he had built neither the hickyard OR the CART series.
Time has proven how unqualifed he is to run the sport.
But the path he's on now has a certain future.
It sure does! That's why I enjoy watching the stoopid fook trash Findy.
God forbid OWRS or anyone ever helps restore it.
The real tragedy would be to not learn from the last 10 years. There is a Toeknee Jr, ya know. To let the Indyanner royal family EVER use their track as "leverage" again can never be allowed to happen.
05-16-05, 03:15 PM
How about instead, CCWS tells Tony to get stuffed, and runs their own 500 mile race, same day, same time. Give the press and fans a real 500 to watch, I think there is a real hunger for one. The Gomerville 497.5 is all he has left. Kill that, and we have killed the IRL.
Compromise is just spinning a surrender into something more palatable.
As usual Mike Kellner has it right :thumbup: .............. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Kellner
05-16-05, 03:30 PM
As usual Mike Kellner has it right .............. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks - I love it when people tell me how great I am.
The IRL: Breaking our backs to preserve the Traditions of Indy since 1996.
PS: Kudos to BiF for the best tag line ever.
05-16-05, 03:45 PM
How about instead, CCWS tells Tony to get stuffed, and runs their own 500 mile race, same day, same time.
Ummm, no. How about CCWS tells Tony to get stuffed and does not run a race on one of the biggest three day weekends of the entire summer when nobody with a life is at home watching television.....
Andrew Longman
05-16-05, 03:49 PM
dagofast, 3 and Mike.
You misunderstand me. I don't think CCWS should do this. I'm pointing out where CCWS might be vulnerable if TG had a clue and actually acted in his own self interest. But it a card he is probably too proud and stupid to play.
05-16-05, 04:18 PM
Screw indy and FTG. How about Champcar and the ALMS run a three day festival of road racing at Road America that weekend with lots of nifty support races. That sucker would fill right up with true racefans from all over the country.......They could call it the Anti-Gomer Festival of Speed :thumbup:
05-16-05, 04:27 PM
Screw indy and FTG. How about Champcar and the ALMS run a three day festival of road racing at Road America that weekend with lots of nifty support races. That sucker would fill right up with true racefans from all over the country.......They could call it the Anti-Gomer Festival of Speed :thumbup:
Nice idea but you would have to pave half the property to make enough paddock space for all those series to be there at the same time.
05-16-05, 04:36 PM
hire strippers and make ims the biggest beer garden , god knows he f ed it up enough already
05-16-05, 04:56 PM
hire strippers and make ims the biggest beer garden , god knows he f ed it up enough already
Dear Sir,
I agree 110%!
Al Unser, Jr
I don't know if this could ever work (and it sure as heck doesn't represent my view of how Indy should work), but I think something along the following lines might be fun:
Prior to Indy, IndyCars and Champ Cars share a race weekend at similar but different ovals (to avoid a direct comparison). The cars of the top four finishers are impounded and shipped to Indy.
Each series elects an All Star team. During the first two weeks of May, the Indy Car team runs the winning Champ Cars and the Champ Car team runs the winning Indy Cars. Many heat races are run while adjustments are being made to the Champ Cars' boost so that they're finally proved to be about equal. Each side is trying to make the other side's car go faster so the Fords get more or less boost. The final result is the boost level the the Fords can run.
Lots of room for skullduggery, but that might be fun in itself.
Lots of room for skullduggery, but that might be fun in itself.
Skullduggery.....Hey, wasn't he a driver on that racing cartoon back in the 70's?
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