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05-09-05, 01:38 PM
When a single search engine just isn't enough.


YaGoohoo!gle (http://www.yagoohoogle.com)

05-09-05, 09:45 PM
too much info. Got too confused w/split screen. Too much of a good thing I guess :)

05-09-05, 09:50 PM
When a single search engine just isn't enough.


YaGoohoo!gle (http://www.yagoohoogle.com)
I saw that a few weeks ago. I'm really surprised the powers that be haven't stopped it yet. Go figger...

In any case, the basic search functions for these two ain't where the good stuff is @. It's the new content-specific searches (video, audio, smart searches <== dynamic content, etc.) that are improving them rapidly.


05-09-05, 09:57 PM
The internet through Marty Feldman eyes...