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02-19-05, 08:47 PM
Wow. What a great time to be a comics... err graphic novel fan. Tonight we see Constantine (based on the comic Hellblazer) which looks very promising. Now I see that Frank Miller is directing a film with Robert Rodriguez based on some of his stories. It looks very true to his comics work.

How could it get better? Maybe throw in a little Jessica Alba? :D


Check out the trailer. (http://www.apple.com/trailers/miramax/sin_city/)

Oh yeah. :cool:

02-20-05, 02:52 AM
Sin City was the cover story for Entertainment Weekly last week. Wow! :eek:

02-20-05, 09:05 PM
BTW, I'll give Constantine a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Good story, great imagry and affects but I'd have rather seen someone other than Keanu Reeves in the lead role. Not that he did a bad job, he just didn't quite fit the role.

Btw, there's evidently a scene after the credits so hang around if you go.