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View Full Version : My anniversary gift from the kids!

02-18-05, 05:37 PM
My kids, did their best for Lori and I on our anniversary. They arranged to have one of my wifes colleagues, Tony Anders, cut and style her hair. I thought WOW, because Tony is very hard to get an appointment with since he is a platform hair artist and travels to shows all over the world! I could only imagine what they had done for me. Finally the moment of truth arrived and as I sat with the kids smiling waiting for me to open my gift, I had visions of tickets for a favorite comedian, possibly a certificate I could use for a new microphone...Oh wait I know, they got me tickets to the Cleveland race, afterall for them to get her a private hair styling session, it really must be special. I pulled back the paper and pulled out.....a DVD! HMMMM well, let me see, a really good movie? NO...My kids got me "Weird Al Yankovic" The Ultimate Video Collection.....I know it's the thought that counts, and no I'm not disappointed, they know I'm a huge Weird Al fan, so that's what they did for me. I have to admit, I'm really enjoying this DVD and will for years to come. :)

02-18-05, 06:36 PM
No Brut. No Old Spice. Consider yourself lucky! :laugh:

02-18-05, 11:13 PM
coulda been another tie :)