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View Full Version : 2004 can't end soon enough!

10-18-04, 09:31 PM
If this year in my life were a script on a Hollywood directors desk, it would be passed over as too unbelievable. This evening while I was out shopping with my wife and my 12 year old son, I was involved in an accident. I was at a stop light waiting for it to change and when it did I accelerated away, only to be met at the intersection with the sight of a pickup truck headed straight toward me. A quick glance to the right showed a car right next to me so I veered left to avoid a head on collision. A guy in a Ford Escort hit the right rear of my van with such force that it threw the van into a curb, breaking the rear axle, shattering the right side windows, and trapping my son in the back. The EMT's were quick to respond, using the jaws of life to cut away the sliding door, and were able to free my son who, because of his seatbelt, escaped with bruised ribs. My wife's knee is very swollen and she has bruises where the seatbelt tightened around her. The only damage to me is the amount of points that are going to be placed on my license, since the policeman cited me for failure to control. I understand, I think, why he had to cite me, although he apologized because he said that from what the witnesses told him, I actually prevented an even more serious, and most likely deadly accident, by swerving. Needless to say our van is totalled, and our other van is not working at present, so I have a feeling I'm about ready to experience the joys of public transportation. Hopfully I'll be able to make arrangements to get my equipment to the show I have this weekend. I'm just thankful that no one was seriously hurt, and by the way the man in the Escort walked away with no injuries and less damage to his car! Please 2004, just go away! :(

10-18-04, 09:50 PM
Geezus dood, maybe you should stay in the basement till new years day. Seriously, good luck, it can't get worse. :thumbup:

Sean O'Gorman
10-18-04, 10:12 PM
While that does suck pretty bad, you should count your blessings that your son was wearing a seatbelt and escaped injury. :) That sounds like it could've been bad if he wasn't protected.