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View Full Version : Didja ever throw a party...

12-30-02, 02:30 PM
...of any sort, for any reason. Maybe you got a keg for the occasion (duh!), but you decided to get the keg a day early to avoid having to do it the day of the party. Anyhow, you ask a couple buds to stop by to help get things in order the night before. One thing leads to another, and you think, "What the hell... let's tap this keg and have a couple beers." Before you know it a few more people drop by, get introduced to the beer, and suddenly the keg starts to float in the big container of ice that it's setting in.

Does this sound vaguely familiar??? Are we gonna hafta get another keg before the grand opening on the 1st? I'd hate to tell people to cut back knowing they're gonna be spending the night anyways...


P.S. I get my kegs at the same price the bars and clubs pay for 'em, ya know, if we need to make a beer run...

Winter Warlock!

12-30-02, 02:34 PM
It appears that we will need a few more... :)

Thanks to everyone who's trying to warm this place up!

'lock, does everything revolve around beer for you? ;)


12-30-02, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
'lock, does everything revolve around beer for you? ;)
Alot more than it should, WB.

Then again, my wife always seems to ask me, "Is that all you think about???", and she ain't talkin' bout beer...

Winter Warlock!

12-30-02, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Warlock!
Does this sound vaguely familiar??? Are we gonna hafta get another keg before the grand opening on the 1st? I'd hate to tell people to cut back knowing they're gonna be spending the night anyways...

Winter Warlock!

DejaVu 'lock!! Someone upstream didn't get the message! :(