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View Full Version : Ebay auction... ATTN:Warlock,you'll like this one

Players Indeck99
02-10-03, 01:06 PM
After reading many of your posts on here and the "other" BB,,i've come to the conclusion you like your beer,,,,Alot!!...I thought this only fitting,and very funny...I hope your'e not offended..I'm getting one for my B-friend..


02-10-03, 02:15 PM
Just bought one. I'll be the coolest lush in the bar.

02-10-03, 02:23 PM
LOL! I think Lizzerd has one of those hats... I think they give it to you on your graduation out of the clinic. (How Lizz got one, I'll never know - cause he sure as hell didn't dry up enought to graduate!)

Winter Warlock!

02-10-03, 04:42 PM
Yep, I have one. My drinking hat. I went to a comedy club a few years ago and towards the end of the show, the comic pulled one out of his pocket and put it on. He told a story about every time he goes into a new bar wearing it, the bartender will give him a free drink. And oh, by the way... "you can have your very own for only $20 in the lobby as you leave the club."

I'll send a good drinkin' pic to dd with me wearing it. I think it's from Mid-Ohio, a favorite drinking hangout of mine.