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View Full Version : My weekend from Hell

06-29-04, 06:07 PM
This is not, I repeat, IS NOT a Hollywood story, but it could be. Saturday morning the alarm rings at 3 a.m. and I get ready for my venture to Lincoln Park, Michigan for what I thought was a car show. An uneventful trip to the lower thumb, seasoned with unbelievably crappy roads was soon to change for me. At 4:30 pm as I prepared to load up the equipment and head back to CBus, my van wouldn't turn over, so a quick check by the Murray's people revealed a battery with a bad core, no problem, cash in the gift certificates they gave me and plop in the new battery. Then on I-75, I think it's supposed to be a freeway, although it resembled a bombing range for the US Army, I noticed my van basically hopping along, I stopped at a truck stop where the maniac on duty told me it was just the rough road and nothing to worry about, so I limped back into Ohio where the roads improved dramatically but my van didn't. The next on duty maniac that I came across told me it was a U joint going, but I should be fine to get back to CBus....WRONG! 20 miles north of Delaware, Ohio my left front exploded, then after getting the spare off the bottom of the van I discover it's the wrong spare, switched 2 years ago at a garage after another blow out. My wife came and picked me up at around 2 am and the van was left by the roadside until I could get it Monday. Sunday morning, I leave for Tallmadge, Ohio for another car show, and my wifes van is doing the same dance mine did in Michigan, so a quick stop at Tire Kingdom and two new tires later I show up an hour and a half late, I finally got home that evening, decided we needed milk, and found that my wifes van has no headlights. Monday we go back and get my van and discover that it has no brake lights or turn signals. So two vans with electrical problems, and mine is going to cost roughly $500 to fix, I haven't even tried to find out what hers will cost. So no vacation, no Cleveland, maybe no groceries, all I can say is please have a Labatt Blue for me in Cleveland. :(

06-29-04, 09:14 PM
Bugger. :(

Remember, our favorite Series is sponsored by FORD. :) As we all know, they don't break down, on Race Day at least!

Take care mate,


06-29-04, 09:26 PM
Bugger. :(

Double Bugger... :mad:

06-29-04, 10:03 PM
Jerry, I sent you a PM, but i'll say it here too.

Now i'm really sorry I couldn't get over. You could have at least drank all the hungarian pear brandy while you waited for stuff to get done.

I promise a double bottle for ya next we meet, k?

Sorry again,

06-29-04, 11:04 PM
I think you just used up your entire supply of bad luck for the rest of the year. At least, I hope you did. :eek:

06-30-04, 12:39 AM
I don't mean to sound like I'm taking a pee in your Cornflakes, Doc, but that's the way my life has been going for the last three freaking years, it seems... :)

06-30-04, 06:10 AM
Time to take a holiday Downunder Lizzerd and see the racing in Surfers. It will do you the world of good. Robstar and I will look after you. ;)

Take care you guys,


06-30-04, 10:20 AM
Thanks everybody, I was really cheesed off when I wrote that, no offense to our Michigan members was intended. Steve, you're forgiven, but instead of a double bottle of pear brandy, AERO BARS and COFFEE CRISPS!! ;) :thumbup: :D (by the way, the Canadians were proudly represented by a guy driving a T-Bucket and wearing a Labatt bear head, while driving!!) :D