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04-01-04, 06:48 PM
Just wondering if Michel should get "the call" at any of the Mexican races in return for staying in the series.

That, IMHO, would be the best way to pay him and Gigante for their support and loyalty.

I am sure (if it is well planned) most of us, mexicans, will appreciate it and the attending fans will forget about that guy that left to tony's league.

Just my opinion...

Sean O'Gorman
04-01-04, 06:54 PM

04-01-04, 06:58 PM
April fool?

04-01-04, 07:03 PM
I agree, I'll use my divine influences here to make sure he wins both Monterrey and Mexico City

you can all bookmark this thread and we can talk come the end of the season


04-01-04, 07:06 PM
Easy, killer. He's not someone who just drifted in from the Dark Side.

ChampcarShark: The answer is a big fat NO! I don't ever want to see a rigged champ car race. Never. It would be great to see him win Mexico City on his merits though.

Mr. Vengeance
04-01-04, 07:07 PM
Let's leave the rigging of "races" to the other, lower, forms of motorsports.

Please, tell me you were joking.

(SOG: "5".. too funny)

04-01-04, 07:13 PM
alright, can we quit it with that crapwagon crap 'tradition' of 'voting out' ?

wb can handle his place, leave mob mentality to folks in Falluja

04-01-04, 07:13 PM
April fool?

OK, you got me there....

April Fool's Day.

It would be nice if he could win on his own.

04-01-04, 07:24 PM
April fool?

That was yesterday! - you merican's are so behind the times ;) :p

Sean O'Gorman
04-01-04, 07:26 PM
Ah, I figured it was an April Fool's prank...either that or some serious backpedaling. The 5 was done as a joke, although if someone wants to start a countdown on Ank I'd be glad to pitch in. :gomer: :)

04-01-04, 07:34 PM
Ah, I figured it was an April Fool's prank...either that or some serious backpedaling. The 5 was done as a joke, although if someone wants to start a countdown on Ank I'd be glad to pitch in. :gomer: :)
dont make me sabotage your toyota!

04-01-04, 08:30 PM
dont make me sabotage your toyota!



04-01-04, 08:39 PM


OK, could someone clue me in?

04-01-04, 08:50 PM
I love The Call!! "Let the day begin" was a masterpiece! :p

04-01-04, 09:19 PM
OK, could someone clue me in?
In another place they do 'thread countdowns' when somebody is perceived to be 'trolling'. Somebody will start the 'countdown' by simply posting '5', others continue the countdown, and when they get to '1', the thread is locked/nuked/whatever.

I have to confess, I'm not exactly a regular over there (actually, I've only visited twice that I can recall), but that's about the long and short of it.

04-01-04, 09:44 PM
Why should Michel be given "The Call" for making the right decision?

He'll be much happier finishing third on his own, then finishing First because someone pulled over.

Give him an extra little present at the Awards Banquet instead!! :thumbup:

04-01-04, 09:52 PM
Michel doesn't need "the call" to win races.

04-01-04, 11:14 PM
I love The Call!! "Let the day begin" was a masterpiece! :p

WOW, haven't thought about those guys in many years!


Mike Kellner
04-02-04, 12:57 AM
They could let him use AJ's Indy qualifying pop off valve for Mexican qualifying.


04-02-04, 02:21 AM
Thanks, Drake. I guess that's a good thing that I don't go to the "other place"? :D

04-04-04, 03:45 PM
No one is getting the call. The idea that anyone would is stupid.

04-05-04, 03:31 PM
No one is getting the call. The idea that anyone would is stupid.

Gee, it was only a joke. You Know... april fool??????????

Don't take so personal.

04-05-04, 09:12 PM
Actually, one of the new rules for this year caught my eye: Race Control will no longer broadcast on a frequency that anybody with a scanner can receive. They will have their own private frequency which nobody will be able to monitor.

If one were into grassy knoll conspiracy theories, one would wonder why in the world this change was being made (particularly with the emphasis on the race *teams* not being able to use scrambled frequencies). One would further observe that the OWRS owners each have multiple cars in the series, and are presumably providing finincial assistance for some of the other cars.

One would then further call to mind the new subjective rules about penalties regarding cars having contact during an overtaking maneuver.

Taking all of the above into account, one might be left with an unsettled feeling. Good thing I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories :D

04-06-04, 07:50 PM
Gee, it was only a joke. You Know... april fool??????????

Don't take so personal.

I didn't take it personally. I knew it was a joke, I read the thread. It has to at least fool somebody. ;)

04-07-04, 04:36 PM
I didn't take it personally. I knew it was a joke, I read the thread. It has to at least fool somebody. ;)


04-07-04, 06:20 PM
Actually, one of the new rules for this year caught my eye: Race Control will no longer broadcast on a frequency that anybody with a scanner can receive. They will have their own private frequency which nobody will be able to monitor.

If one were into grassy knoll conspiracy theories, one would wonder why in the world this change was being made (particularly with the emphasis on the race *teams* not being able to use scrambled frequencies). One would further observe that the OWRS owners each have multiple cars in the series, and are presumably providing finincial assistance for some of the other cars.

One would then further call to mind the new subjective rules about penalties regarding cars having contact during an overtaking maneuver.

Taking all of the above into account, one might be left with an unsettled feeling. Good thing I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories :DAn above-the-board reason is that RC wants some privacy in the event of an accident. They do not want someone overhearing that a driver is seriously hurt, for example.

You're on your own for the grassy knoll stuff. :gomer:

04-07-04, 09:49 PM
An above-the-board reason is that RC wants some privacy in the event of an accident. They do not want someone overhearing that a driver is seriously hurt, for example.

You're on your own for the grassy knoll stuff. :gomer:
Well, that would be a good reason...but my understanding is that is not the case. You can still listen to corner workers and safety crews - you just can't monitor race operations.

Summarizing from the March 9th press conference at Long Beach on rule changes:

1) Race control will have their own private frequency that can't be monitored by anyone with a scanner - However,

2) Fans can still hear officials talking to teams, corner workers and the safety crews.

Since you can still hear the safety crews, that kind of shoots the serious injury theory.

It's really too bad...I always had two channels on my scanner going at any one time...one channel was the driver that I was following, the other was Race Control. I'm really really going to miss monitoring Race Control.

04-07-04, 09:59 PM
How does this affect KangarooTV ? :confused:

04-07-04, 10:15 PM
I'm not familiar with Kangaroo TV, however the only thing that should be different is that, if you could monitor the Race Control frequency via Kangaroo last year, you will NOT be able to this year (I would guess).

Other than that, all functionality with Kangaroo TV should remain the same.