View Full Version : Bob Jenkins heads Champ Car TV lineup

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Don Quixote
03-10-04, 01:50 PM
Railbird and Brickman are the only non D&G in the crowd, them and Bronte Tagliani fans that is. :eek: :thumbup:

Let there be no mistake, we are all Bronte Tagliani fans. ;)

03-10-04, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Railbird:

At the end of the day I'll be happy with anyone in the booth who doesn't say Boogity Boogity Boogity.

OK, it could be worse. I’d like to see Jenkins show guts enough, and class enough, to apologize during the initial broadcast.

03-10-04, 03:08 PM
240 Million people in America and ChampCar gets an ex IRL announcer.


There is a series this year and next year and the year after that. The focus is on now and tomorrow, not yesterday.

Sean O'Gorman
03-10-04, 03:08 PM
OK, it could be worse. I’d like to see Jenkins show guts enough, and class enough, to apologize during the initial broadcast.

Or he could just not acknowledge the past at all so we can move on with things and stop obsessing with the IRL.

03-10-04, 03:20 PM
Actually it hurt me that Jenkins was an IRL shill. But being around the Hoosier Captial of the world one can get brainwashed. He was for many years the most level headed and polished announcer in the business. The guy is aware of auto racing outside of the spridget and NASCAR circles. if this is true, OWRS would so lucky enough to snag him.

03-10-04, 04:07 PM
I was wondering about billyjack or debruhl.

I wonder if they got a call?

Jenkins as a choice, is just a mystery.

03-10-04, 04:10 PM
Why couldn't they stick Bruce Flanders in the booth? He's got a great SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY announcer's voice and he's goofy in a good way.

:thumdown: Jenkins just offends my highbrow sensibilities. :thumdown:

03-10-04, 04:30 PM
I don't understand why they (OWRS) think we will accept Jenkins in the booth? He has been an Indy man for years! First on the radio, then he was the 'turn 4 guy' and then he became 'Mr. IMS.' Tony even forced ABC into making him the commentator for the F1 races because the guy is such a kool-aid addict!

I wish they had been able to hire somebody that the ENTIRE WORLD would have tuned in to hear -- Mario Andretti. Now that would be a commentator that people would listen to. People who didn't know what Champ Car is would tune in just because they heard Mario was going to be on television, or that "Mario has a show." Mario may not be the most animated guy to talk to (I always get the impression that he is a pretty reserved guy with his opinions) but he is very respectable.

Alex Zanardi would have been another great commentator to have, IMHO.

But Bob Jenkins?!!? :eek:

03-10-04, 04:32 PM
Why couldn't they stick Bruce Flanders in the booth? He's got a great SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY announcer's voice and he's goofy in a good way.

:thumdown: Jenkins just offends my highbrow sensibilities. :thumdown:

Exactly. It will be extremely difficult to enjoy my wine and cheese during races.

03-10-04, 05:42 PM
the NFL including producing the opening for Super Bowl XXVIII.

I hope they meant XXXVIII. I mean, bragging about the intro to a SB 10 years ago...

03-10-04, 08:12 PM
I'm not going to say that I'm happy about Jenkins being the booth announcer, but I understand it. I can't count the number of times that I've had to make a sponsor out to be the best thing since butter, whether I knew anything about them or not! Jenkins is a good pitchman, like him or not, and if you're looking to sell a product you always get a good pitchman. There are a lot of radio stations that b!+ch and moan about Howard Stern, yet if they could hire him away they would in a heartbeat, simply because he has a recognizible name with the audience they are after, and more than half that audience can't stand him because of the things he has said, yet they listen to hear more! OWRS may be hoping for the same response with the Jenkins hire. A guy who single handedly p!$$ed off every Champcar fan last May, now has the audacity to show up every race to spew his venom??? Let's tune in and see what will happen!!

03-10-04, 08:30 PM
Someone MUST know the Dirt on Bob Jenkins disaffection from the IRL

I mean this is a Major Change in principle for this man....

Just what happened at IMS that put Bob in this position ?

03-10-04, 08:45 PM
I am just as curious as the next guy as to why they hired BJ, but, deal on. If he starts screwing up then we can talk...as long as he knows his Champcar stats' and can convince us on the air I won't care. However, if he doesn't...fire at will.
Hopefully TK will rake him over the coals if he isn't passionate enough about CART. We'll see.
MAXAR' excellent suggestion, MARIO ANDRETTI, i would listen to him. At least give him a prerace segment.
In closing, I would definitely egg and tomato the announcer booth if they hired J. Arute. He is beyond a shadow of a doubt the worst would be choice of all time.
Long Beach or bust!

03-10-04, 08:55 PM
Just to make sure no one is mistaking me for a nice guy, I think Daily is a dick-weed.

ChampCar loser, Monaco helicopter, cheesy driving school ads, "b" grade expert and above all, Irish tea totaler (never trust a sober Irishman)

His voice grates on my last nerve.

03-10-04, 09:09 PM
Just to make sure no one is mistaking me for a nice guy, I think Daily is a dick-weed.

ChampCar loser, Monaco helicopter, cheesy driving school ads, "b" grade expert and above all, Irish tea totaler (never trust a sober Irishman)

His voice grates on my last nerve.

Well one things for sure.... You'll never hear Derick Daly say "Boooble Day" again... or anyone else for that matter for the forseeable future! ;)

03-10-04, 09:25 PM
I'm not going to say that I'm happy about Jenkins being the booth announcer, but I understand it. I can't count the number of times that I've had to make a sponsor out to be the best thing since butter, whether I knew anything about them or not! Jenkins is a good pitchman, like him or not, and if you're looking to sell a product you always get a good pitchman. There are a lot of radio stations that b!+ch and moan about Howard Stern, yet if they could hire him away they would in a heartbeat, simply because he has a recognizible name with the audience they are after, and more than half that audience can't stand him because of the things he has said, yet they listen to hear more! OWRS may be hoping for the same response with the Jenkins hire. A guy who single handedly p!$$ed off every Champcar fan last May, now has the audacity to show up every race to spew his venom??? Let's tune in and see what will happen!!

Too much common sense and reason there, Doc. Swayed by what you said, and even though I can't stand the guy, I'll give him a chance, I guess.

But he's on Double Secret Probation until he wins me over.

03-10-04, 09:28 PM
Someone MUST know the Dirt on Bob Jenkins disaffection from the IRL

I mean this is a Major Change in principle for this man....

Just what happened at IMS that put Bob in this position ?

Spook on TF claims to know. I think she's the wife of a team member. She won't say, though.

Disclaimer: I visit TF for entertainment purposes only.

03-10-04, 09:52 PM
You'll never hear Derick Daly say "Boooble Day"

No, but the first time I hear about the "turd turn" I'm tossing a long neck through the freakin tube.

03-10-04, 09:58 PM
lookydar, lookydar

a concenteaner effect

Oooooohhhhhhhhh meye


03-10-04, 10:35 PM
Hold on to your holyhocks, dares a wreck in turn tree.

At least he wasn't a paid IRL shill.

03-10-04, 11:24 PM
Jenkins is an IRL shill, and a kwality tewl if there ever was one. Still, I'll enjoy watching him eat crow all season.

03-11-04, 12:50 AM
Just a thought... I wonder if the people who hired BJ hope to lure some of the IRL fans who listened to him over the years and wanted a series with good competition, young American drivers in affordable equipment, etc.

We're gonna watch regardless, but they need more than just us.

I agree that BJ is (1) better than Aroot and (2) he's on Double Secret Probation. Also, he is better than the original albino cave troll - Porky Page.

03-11-04, 12:54 AM

Imagine what she will look like in High Definition :eek:

I'm reminded of an old fave tune of mine. What was it called again?

Oh yeah!!! I remember!!!

"Under my thumb"


03-11-04, 01:09 AM
Just to make sure no one is mistaking me for a nice guy, I think Daily is a dick-weed.

ChampCar loser, Monaco helicopter, cheesy driving school ads, "b" grade expert and above all, Irish tea totaler (never trust a sober Irishman)

His voice grates on my last nerve.

I whole-heartedly concur...He's the Irish equivalent of Dee Dubya..... "boogity boogity...bugger off!!!!" :eek:

03-11-04, 01:10 AM
I'm reminded of an old fave tune of mine. What was it called again?

Oh yeah!!! I remember!!!

"Under my thumb"


Definitely NOT angular..... ;) :D

03-11-04, 06:08 AM
At least he wasn't a paid IRL shill.

maybe not nationally, but here in Indy he was several radio/tv "track teams" during the month of May. Hence the term "booble day"

03-11-04, 03:05 PM
I'm pissed because Jenkins is a talentless fool.

Yup, this guy was dead meat way back in the day, and time and his association with undesirable elements have only added to the odor. Ugh.

Bronte Kok, on the other hand, is one of the most exotic creatures ever to arrive from Oz, and a refreshing departure from the endless procession of silicon enhanced blonde bimbos the US seems to produce. Tag has good taste.


03-11-04, 05:46 PM
If this turns out to be true, I wonder what led Jenkins to do this? Perhaps an enlightenment? A realization of the true TG?

03-11-04, 06:03 PM
Too much common sense and reason there, Doc. Swayed by what you said, and even though I can't stand the guy, I'll give him a chance, I guess.

But he's on Double Secret Probation until he wins me over.

Only Double Secret Probation??? OK, but no quitsy's and It's triple stamped, we'll keep it that way until he begs for forgiveness!! :D ;)

03-12-04, 03:38 AM
This is unbelievable. Jenkins?!? :thumdown: :thumdown:

I'd rather have Danny Sullivan in the booth. :shakehead

No, don't go there!!! Somebody, please STOP THE MADNESS!!!