View Full Version : YOUr a bunch of NANCyBOys

02-22-04, 12:48 AM
I BEts most of you are hahahahahaha YOU aint reel men, your a bucnh of strret race lovin NANcyBOys hahahahaha REel MEn watch INdyCAr racin. WE aint NANcyBOys.

SO to fined out if you are a NANcyBOy check out my website FIRst clue if you DOnt liek the IRl you is a NAncyBoy or a faggit or both most liekly hahahahahaha


THE IRl : WE got FOrmola ONe and you dont hahahahahaha


02-22-04, 11:50 AM

He's baaaack. I guess JiffyLube had a good year.

02-22-04, 12:58 PM
Man I'm pissed!!!!! :mad:

<just trying to prime your bait some BiFster> ;)

02-22-04, 02:47 PM
d00d uR l33T, I WiSh I c0ulD tYp3 LiKE U, Sw33t! h0wZ y0Ur b0yZ @t CMU D00iN? :gomer: ;) :gomer:

02-22-04, 03:05 PM
What if you yelled "Show us your *^$%" to your sister or cousin? :gomer:

02-22-04, 03:14 PM
Having just finished my own website revision, I can imagine how much work went into that. I mean, just the time to hit the caps lock and unlock alone......

Sean O'Gorman
02-22-04, 07:57 PM
d00d uR l33T, I WiSh I c0ulD tYp3 LiKE U, Sw33t! h0wZ y0Ur b0yZ @t CMU D00iN? :gomer: ;) :gomer:

Uh, BiF doesn't speak in hacker talk. :p

02-22-04, 08:02 PM
Uh, BiF doesn't speak in hacker talk. :p
Thats h@x0r! :p