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View Full Version : CARt strret race looser runes DAYtona

02-15-04, 09:22 PM
I HOpe liek hell that TONey STeward grabs that puny ANdreddy punck and slaps some sents into him. HOW many times does that runt got to cause troubels befour someone kncoks his block off. ANd that soemone might jsut be TONey STeward. HELls belles TONey was made in the IRl and ANdreddy was made in CARt. THAts the hole dam problem right their. HE runs TONey into the wall with a CARt block move and that messed up TONeys car bout right. BUT like the superman he is TONey carried that car to the finish line. JUSt like he used to do int he IRl. BUt there anint no egscusing ANDredyy that winey littel nasaly snot shoud know you cant mess with a IRl coiled snake like TONey or else your gone to get bit. TONeys gone to bite him hard soemday soon I hopes. THE sooner we get all them damed ANDreddys out of the drivers seats the better racing will be in the USA.

A IRL driver shoud have wonned today but a CARt strret racer gets the blame. ANd Im pist

02-15-04, 09:32 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

02-15-04, 09:36 PM
No squirrels around BiF#?


02-15-04, 10:15 PM
:rofl: :rofl:

bif's still got the vissions :thumbup:

02-16-04, 12:30 AM
The telltale "splosh" of the bait, weight, and bobber hitting the water. Now we wait for the bite... :laugh:

02-17-04, 11:29 AM
The telltale "splosh" of the bait, weight, and bobber hitting the water. Now we wait for the bite... :laugh:

.... patience grasshopper, patience. There's some big 'uns out there. :rofl:

02-17-04, 12:57 PM
He's reeling them in as fast as he can cast over on CW. That classic line from Jaws comes to mind...

"Bif's going to need a bigger boat."