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View Full Version : The Petition - A Big Thanks.

02-09-04, 02:54 PM
Now that the court case has come and gone, I want to let as many people as I can, know what happened to it.

First off, thank you to all who signed. This petition could have easily fallen flat on its face. I honestly have expected it to. I'm one of those types who partially believes signing a petition does nothing. Let me just say i'm re-evaluating that position.

Next, let me again, openly apologise to spicoli and any other members who were bashed in the petition. Petitiononline was not quick in answering emails. (This post was waiting for the petition to be removed, which I confirmed today). Its sad that a few individuals honestly thought they could wreck it for us.

Now, what happened with it.

Like I said in an open post at CW, I downloaded each page of the petition from the website. Over the course of 4 days, I went through each signature, and I deleted only certain things. I deleted vulgar sigs and comment lines, or deleted sigs that were obviously not true. (although it was a nice thought that celebrities such as Michael Jackson and Jenna Jameson signed) The one thing I did leave in were people who signed the petition truthfully, but were against the petition. I mean, you're honestly signing a petition you're against? Not my job to protect stupidity from itself.....

So the petition was downloaded, fixed and ready to go. I had been in contact with one of the teams since the petition started, and in consultation with them, I felt it was best to give the petition to the principals of OWRS, and let them decide how to use it, or if they feel they even need to use it. A big thanks goes out to the contact at the team I spoke with daily. I won't mention his name online without his permission. But he was instumental in getting the petition into the right hands. Over a one hour fax call to Indy, (still looking forward to seeing that phone bill :eek: ) I sent a 97 page fax of the petition to the said team.

The petition was in the hands of OWRS owners at the courthouse. It was their decision to use it or not. It was not shown to the judge, but from accounts I have heard from people who were there it wasn't needed. It was obvious to them that the judge had the right option in front of him all the time. Chapter 11 is about keeping people employed and the business going, not about making a monopoly.

I want to be very clear on this. The people on the front lines, the workers at CART and the workers at the teams, are VERY thankful for what everyone did.

At a reception at CART headquarters after the judge's ruling, i've been told that the petition was talked about alot.
Along with that, were the signs of support. The linking of the petition on Fernandez's website. All the forums coming together to let everyone know about the petition. And finally, the support I recieved from PM's and emails. Not only from fans, but people who work for CART and the teams.

In the end, be proud. To me, it was an amazing show of support. over 4 days the petition garnered 3000 truthful signatures, and it was in the top 5 signed petitions on their website during that time.

From the people who work for CART and the teams, a thank you to all the fans who supported.


02-09-04, 03:17 PM
Steve deserves lots of applause for his efforts since for once the voices of fans really made an impression on the principals, teams, and employees.

Good work.

02-09-04, 03:20 PM
Steve you are awesome! Long live C^RT!

02-09-04, 03:33 PM
:thumbup: It's good to hear that we were at least heard.

02-09-04, 04:01 PM
Thanks dude... as long as you're in eyesight at the races or wherever, I've got a beer for ya :thumbup:


Winter Warlock!

02-09-04, 04:10 PM
:thumbup: Nice one steve, your the one that deserves the thanks for setting it all up and editing it and sending it :thumbup:

Let us know about the ph bill, maybe we could help out abit (cause you did it for us - now its time for us to do something for you)

02-09-04, 04:19 PM
Awesome, just awesome! :thumbup:

02-09-04, 05:18 PM
I ain't sure how many Devilmasters there are, but I'm just hitting all the forums and thanking him anyway.

<if you're one and the same that is.

:D :thumbup:

02-09-04, 05:19 PM
Had to do another one 'cause that number bugs me. ;)

02-09-04, 05:22 PM
I ain't sure how many Devilmasters there are, but I'm just hitting all the forums and thanking him anyway.

<if you're one and the same that is.

Well, i'm fat enough to be more than one person ;) :D :gomer:

Don Quixote
02-09-04, 05:54 PM
Great job steve! I was really discouraged when the lemmings started to pollute the petition. I'm glad that you had the fortitude to grit your teeth, work through the petition, and get it to the proper people. Thanks!

02-09-04, 06:44 PM
:thumbup: , Steve. :)

And since 'lock has committed to buying you a beer, I'll pony up for a Timmy's run in T-O, if I catch you there. Maybe we'll all be needing a large double double Sunday morning, eh??

02-09-04, 07:12 PM
Big :thumbup: , diablo.


02-09-04, 08:24 PM
Good effort Steve


02-09-04, 08:57 PM

I thanked you elsewhere... however I'll add.....

In Toronto I'll pay for your Primerib! ;)

02-10-04, 04:30 AM
Thanks to all who offered drinks or to help with the phone bill.

I'll make ya all a deal.

Because i'm hoping to start a business here, I doubt I'll be at a racetrack anytime soon. Take that money you might have thrown my way, and go buy yourself some more ChampCar swag, or use the money to convince a non-racing friend to follow you to the track this year.

Give the money to Champcar.... like the petition, every little bit helps.


02-10-04, 10:48 AM
Thanks to all who offered drinks or to help with the phone bill.

I'll make ya all a deal.

Because i'm hoping to start a business here, I doubt I'll be at a racetrack anytime soon. Take that money you might have thrown my way, and go buy yourself some more ChampCar swag, or use the money to convince a non-racing friend to follow you to the track this year.

Give the money to Champcar.... like the petition, every little bit helps.


You're a class act Steve. :thumbup: