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10-11-03, 04:16 PM
Good job by Tiago and Fittipaldi Dingman on a good day for Reynards. Looks like the thin air suits the Reynards, or maybe just doesn't suit the Lolas.

10-11-03, 04:31 PM
Tiago on pole and the Cubs and RSox on the way to the world series. No, no, no... this is not right at all. It's all a sign of the apocalypse surely!

10-11-03, 04:35 PM
Tiggy's P2, actually, but still a great showing.

There's something in the air. Or not in the air, as the case may be. :D

10-11-03, 08:27 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing the start of this race. With Montiero and PT on row 1, and twitchy Bruno behind them, will Junky lay back and hope that Tiago takes Paul out?

I'm also pleased to see that Vasser and Manning qualified well.