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View Full Version : Joe Daudish, Westchester, IL

09-25-03, 12:18 PM
This guy had a letter in every issue of Racer magazine since the first issue in May of 1995. I've noticed that in the last couple of three issues, there have been no Joe Daudish letters.

09-25-03, 12:48 PM
May of '95? My RACER collection goes back to '93?

09-25-03, 12:53 PM
You are correct, otherwise, it would have been impossible to have a 10th anniversary issue in May of 2003. :gomer:

09-26-03, 06:40 PM
Nope.....I'm Bill O Reilly and you're Wrahng. First Racer issue was in 1992. Don't miss Daudish's letters, because half the time they are naive like "Why Doesn't Juan Montoya chuck it all and race in Nascar?" Duh!!!!!!!!!