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View Full Version : The Lone Groover a Dancer?

08-04-03, 04:05 PM
What, like tangos and stuff?

BTW, I had to use Websters. What do you expect, I listen to rock music! :gomer: :D

08-04-03, 04:13 PM
Haven't danced a step since that embarassing and debilitating Lambada injury back in '88.

Must be some other swinger. :confused:


08-04-03, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by lone_groover
Haven't danced a step since that embarassing and debilitating Lambada injury back in '88.

Yeah, that's what all the scooter jockeys say...:D


08-04-03, 04:25 PM
Terpsichorean Arts. At first I thought it was some homage to a possible Maryland alma mater. Then I had a vision of those dried turtles you see at gift shops at the beach. You know, the ones hot glued to the drift wood.

I'm going to start a grass roots movement for a new language consisting only of internet smilies. It will be like the new 'Hieroglyphs'. Down with five syllable words!!

It's been a long week, first day back from vacation. Head still spinning...

:thumbup: :saywhat: :cry:

08-04-03, 04:27 PM
Not to sound like C.J. from Reggie Perrin; but I didn't get where I am today by messing around with Paralevers©, ABS, and weird-ass linked braking systems.

That stuff will kill you! :gomer:

08-04-03, 04:30 PM
2C, I'm sure you're a connoisseur yourself. All the terpsichorean disciplines: pole, lap, table, etc...


08-04-03, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by lone_groover
All the terpsichorean disciplines: pole, lap, table, etc... ;)


Don't believe I could stand 67 more of them! :thumbup: