View Full Version : Freakin' geniuses

07-13-03, 11:03 PM
the clown next door has been sawin on a tree all day,

him and his dumbass buddies have been climbing around on this big ol dead sob with a borrowed chainsaw like Paul freakin Bunyon.

well about a half hour ago i hear the sound of a transformer blowout and the bird abode is plunged into darkness.

I'm now typing on my notebook by the light of a misquito candle.

With the recent storm ipalco is kind of busy.

and of course not only did all the morons survive, apparently so did their chainsaw as they are now taking it upon themselves to clear the limb laying across the power line.

thrills and spills in white trash wonderland.

the really bad part is these guys don't even drink, they're just flat ass stupid.

07-13-03, 11:12 PM
That does suck....but it is just to damn funny:rofl:

07-13-03, 11:18 PM
Tell them they need to put the end of the power line in that puddle over there. You know, to put all those sparks out. ;)

07-14-03, 12:55 AM
Or, you could tell them it'd be a whole lot faster to cut the power line with the chainsaw - if the power's back on, of course.

07-14-03, 02:10 AM
This reminded me of another saga of stupid white trash neighbors.


I still laugh out loud at the pictures on this page.

07-14-03, 10:28 AM
Well at least Rodolfo Lavin's team is getting free advertising after the backyard deck burning event! :D

I kept reading, and reading and reading...... This guy (JD8) is a Kwality Tool!!!! He must be an EARL fan! Maybe even a friend of BiF's! ;)

07-14-03, 10:39 AM
The redneck page is a web classic. A few weeks ago I tried to access it and got a message that it had been closed. Good to see that it is still around.