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05-03-21, 10:53 AM
Marshall Pruett has a great three-part series on the Texas cancellation, 20 years later, on racer.com. Some very interesting insights.

Part 1: The Lead Up (https://racer.com/2021/04/30/inside-carts-2001-texas-debacle-the-lead-up/)
Part 2: The Invisible Monster (https://racer.com/2021/05/01/inside-carts-2001-texas-debacle-the-invisible-monster/)
Part 3: Silent Running (https://racer.com/2021/05/02/inside-carts-2001-texas-debacle-silent-running/)

05-03-21, 12:05 PM
Yep. Read it...it was good.

I do still wonder about a few things though.
But, like so many things, too much time has passed for a clear picture at this point I'm afraid.

05-03-21, 05:14 PM
I remember that incident well. The series was getting hammered by the press as being totally incompetent for even trying to go to Texas. I thought they should have gotten accolades for having the guts to cancel the event for the safety of the drivers instead of going ahead and making the promoters and broadcasters happy.

opinionated ow
05-03-21, 11:46 PM
I remember that incident well. The series was getting hammered by the press as being totally incompetent for even trying to go to Texas. I thought they should have gotten accolades for having the guts to cancel the event for the safety of the drivers instead of going ahead and making the promoters and broadcasters happy.

It's interesting reading Pruett's story that some media did actually follow that line you suggest

05-04-21, 10:38 AM
That is a really good read. It reminds me somewhat of the 2005 F1 race at Indy where all of the Michelin-shod cars never raced due to tyre issues. As I recall, Paul Stoddard, the team boss of Minardi, wrote a series of behind-the scenes articles for Autosport detailing the meetings and negotiations that went on that weekend. Fascinating stuff.

05-04-21, 09:29 PM
It is a great series of articles...what a disaster that weekend was, not enough due diligence. It really made the series look bad.