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View Full Version : Mercedes gets a wrist slap

06-21-13, 04:55 PM
Violating the very clear rules, having drivers wear different helmets in case someone saw, and keeping it all hush hush?

Can't participate in young drivers' test. That's all!

06-22-13, 09:15 AM
I think they should've lost 2014 test days since they were testing 2014 tires. What about Ferrari? They got to test 2014 tires, albeit with an older car and test drivers. Pirelli is allowed to conduct these tests. So was the real rules violation using the 2013 car? Are the drivers OK?

06-22-13, 09:33 AM
Bernie has obviously come to the conclusion that the France Family Philosophy is the path of the future.

Doesn't bode well for F1 as "racing as a sport" in the future.

How big a check did MB write to get them into the rarefied position previously held only by Ferrari? Or was this simply a case of Bernie lowering the target audience demographic from Ferrari to MB? Who's next as the sport continues it's inexorable slide to the lowest common denominator--Renault?