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03-13-13, 08:14 PM
Google is discontinuing Google Reader. Does anyone else here use RSS aggregation? If so, what program / app?

03-13-13, 10:56 PM
Google is discontinuing Google Reader. Does anyone else here use RSS aggregation? If so, what program / app?

Of course. It's a plot. Half the interwebs are just proprietary versions of RSS syndication. If people ever started sticking things into RSS instead of Facespace or Google+ or whatever it would bypass their monetization systems.


But to answer your question, I just have a folder on my Firefox menubar with live bookmarks from RSS feeds.

03-14-13, 01:08 AM
Why there's not a good alternative to Google Reader (And 4 contenders if you want to try anyway) (http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/news/2013/03/13/why-theres-not-a-good-alternative-to.html?ana=fbk)

03-14-13, 07:35 AM
It amazes me how GOOG is valued as high their stock is. Reader dead, Froogle was in 'beta' for like a century and a half, and then when they 'launch' it as Google Shopping, they hobble it by making it pay to play. Do no evil. Yeah right. :shakehead Their mission statement should be more like do no stupid. :saywhat: I keep trying to avoid the Apple crack, M$FT has been evil for years, but GOOG is pushing me over the edge.


03-15-13, 01:39 PM
I use FeedDemon 3.1.

03-15-13, 01:41 PM
It amazes me how GOOG is valued as high their stock is. Reader dead, Froogle was in 'beta' for like a century and a half, and then when they 'launch' it as Google Shopping, they hobble it by making it pay to play. Do no evil. Yeah right. :shakehead Their mission statement should be more like do no stupid. :saywhat: I keep trying to avoid the Apple crack, M$FT has been evil for years, but GOOG is pushing me over the edge.


It's all about Growth. Be interesting to see what happens if Samsung and Intel really do make a mobile OS for Samsung devices.