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02-13-12, 01:47 PM
These days there are two sports seasons. The NFL season, and the NFL offseason.

The Bengals desperately need help at guard and corner. It would be nice to get both in the first round but it seems unlikely. I don't see most of these guys during the season, but the buzz seams to be that DeCastro is the real deal but will go higher than 17. Most mocks seem to have a set of "worthy" corner available at 17 but the Bengals usually like more size than most of them have.

Some mocks have Trent Richardson falling to them at 17. I suppose that would be tough to pass up. They do need a long term bell cow and it sounds like he might fit the bill. But unless they address the problem at guard (and they really need two) whoever is back there is going to be hitting a brick wall.

Racing Truth
02-15-12, 03:14 PM
Big topic here in Cleveland is the QB. Do they stick with Shrimpy McCheckdown, errr, Colt McCoy;), do whatever they have to do to get RGIII in the draft, or go free agency? If they go FA, anyone not named Matt Flynn is unacceptable to me. Matt Hasselbeck, Jason Campbell, Kyle Orton? Child please.

My hunch? This regime won't be enamored with RGIII (won't "fit" their precious WCO:shakehead), so no dice. Flynn goes elsewhere. And we're stuck with Shrimpy battling it out with someone like Nick Foles. All the while, they'll pick Mo Claiborne at #4 b/c what the worst offense in football really needs is... a DB.:shakehead

02-15-12, 03:18 PM
These days there are two sports seasons. The NFL season, and the NFL offseason.

someone doesn't have champions league/epl/laliga/seriea in his life. :gomer:

02-15-12, 09:48 PM
Know your geography.


02-15-12, 11:23 PM
south texas = cowboys country. mexico too

02-18-12, 02:36 PM
The Bengals hire Hue Jackson, the former Bengal coordinator and now former Raider coach, who will now help them scout for the first and second round picks that he gave them for Carson Palmer. :D

02-18-12, 04:19 PM
The Bengals hire Hue Jackson, the former Bengal coordinator and now former Raider coach, who will now help them scout for the first and second round picks that he gave them for Carson Palmer. :D

You Ohio guys don't have much to cheer for in the NFL, do you?

02-18-12, 06:24 PM
You Ohio guys don't have much to cheer for in the NFL, do you?

I'm just amused at the chain of events. Jackson was a good assistant and could be an asset if he melds with the newer assistants.

Don Quixote
02-18-12, 08:49 PM
You Ohio guys don't have much to cheer for in the NFL, do you?What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

02-18-12, 09:48 PM
You Ohio guys don't have much to cheer for in the NFL, do you?

THey can always watch the Cadavers :rofl:

02-18-12, 11:47 PM
What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.

What do you mean? I'm thinking this may be the Brown's year.


02-19-12, 10:59 AM
^^^^^^ That's pretty much what I was getting at.


Don Quixote
02-19-12, 04:41 PM
:gomer:At least I am consistent. :D

02-20-12, 01:52 PM
The Bengals hire Hue Jackson, the former Bengal coordinator and now former Raider coach, who will now help them scout for the first and second round picks that he gave them for Carson Palmer. :D
I guess insider trading is legal in the NFL.

:laugh: @ dando.

02-21-12, 01:03 AM
At least I am consistent. :D

Hey if some of us didn't keep the bandwagon warmed up the rest wouldn't have anything to get on and off of. :D

02-21-12, 02:05 PM
Time for more Tebow Jeebus

Brady Quinn (and others) rip Tebow

Early in the season, there was a game when Kyle [Orton] got hurt and the coaches were calling for me to go in, but Kyle got up and finished the game out. So I was the second-string guy. Then, a few weeks later, they decided to put Tim in. I felt like the fans had a lot to do with that. Just ’cause they were chanting his name. There was a big calling for him. No, I didn't have any billboards. That would have been nice.

The entire game, the defensive line is chasing the quarterback around, and that wears down the pass rush. Meanwhile, the defensive backs are chasing receivers, but you only throw eight passes, so they start to feel lazy. It only takes that one play, that one big pass, for a touchdown.

"We’ve had a lot of, I guess, luck, to put it simply."

"If you look at it as a whole," he tells Silver, "there's a lot of things that just don't seem very humble to me. When I get that opportunity, I'll continue to lead not necessarily by trying to get in front of the camera and praying but by praying with my teammates, you know?"

Merriman, of the Bills, tells Silver, "His teammates are making him look a lot better than he is." Suggs, of the Ravens, says, "No matter how many bad games Tim Tebow is gonna have, it’s 'He’s great.' I'll never understand it."


Don Quixote
02-21-12, 02:42 PM
Time for more Tebow Jeebus

Brady Quinn (and others) rip Tebow


Everything those guys say may very well be true. But Brady Quinn???? Do something in the NFL and then you earn the right to run your gums. But until then, STFU :D

Don Quixote
02-21-12, 02:45 PM
Hey if some of us didn't keep the bandwagon warmed up the rest wouldn't have anything to get on and off of. :DThe Brownies bandwagon has been a lonely place for a long, long time. :D

03-01-12, 02:58 PM
Simpson pleads guilty, could get 60 days grabbing his ankles:


In other Bungles news, El Cid can't wait to go elsewhere, and it's RB by committee according to Gruden. Later, moron. :saywhat:


03-01-12, 06:20 PM
Odd, I read that he wanted to come back but the Bengals hadn't shown interest in discussions. I think he's a capable back but It seems like the coaches aren't thrilled with the pouting on the sidelines when he's not getting the ball enough.

Racing Truth
03-01-12, 08:21 PM

And notice something else? The STELLAR QB's we've had since '99. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cleveland_Browns_starting_quarterbacks):go mer:

Since '99: Ty Detmer, Tim Couch, Doug Pederson, Spergon Wynn:laugh:, Kelly Holcomb, Luke McCown:rofl:, Jeff Garcia, Charlie friggin' Fye, Derek Anderson, KEN DORSEY, Bruce Gradkowski, Brady Quinn, Jake Delhomme, Seneca Wallace and Colt McCoy.

Can't understand why we've sucked. Oh, and apparently our RB likes Jason Bourne or something. (http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/7633501/cleveland-browns-use-tag-rb-peyton-hillis-source-says):tony:

03-01-12, 10:27 PM
Odd, I read that he wanted to come back but the Bengals hadn't shown interest in discussions. I think he's a capable back but It seems like the coaches aren't thrilled with the pouting on the sidelines when he's not getting the ball enough.

Dunno...just going by what the two stooges on The Fan mentioned the other day. Perhaps he soured after the interest in returning wasn't mutual. :confused:


03-05-12, 01:38 PM
So just how much trouble is Gregg Williams going to get into for his bounty programs?

On a lighter note, Stevie Johnson signed a new deal with the Bills. Fitz got his hairs did (https://twitter.com/#!/StevieJohnson13/status/176683528535289856) to celebrate. The story (http://p.twimg.com/AnOqruXCMAA_YWD.png) behind the hairdo is here.

Don Quixote
03-05-12, 02:06 PM
So just how much trouble is Gregg Williams going to get into for his bounty programs?
I think they will throw the book at him. This in spite of the indications that every team does this. He was just the one that got caught. (However, I don't think the Browns have a bounty system, because I can't really remember any big hits.)

03-06-12, 07:59 PM
Colts are cutting Peyton loose.

03-06-12, 08:00 PM
Colts are cutting Peyton loose.

Dan Snyder's gassing up the Gulfstream as we speak...

Andrew Longman
03-06-12, 09:48 PM
Colts are cutting Peyton loose.I was told just last week in Indy by the most loyal fan that this would never happen.

I agree. Redskins bound IMO. Can't wait for Tuck and Co. to kick his ass twice next season. I don't hate Payton, but it will be fine to see him added to the Snyder annual nightmare.

03-06-12, 10:40 PM
I was told just last week in Indy by the most loyal fan that this would never happen.

I agree. Redskins bound IMO. Can't wait for Tuck and Co. to kick his ass twice next season. I don't hate Payton, but it will be fine to see him added to the Snyder annual nightmare.

WTF good is he, his head don't turn and the next time he gets sacked high he will sipping soup through a straw. He's done.

03-06-12, 11:20 PM
his head don't turn and the next time he gets sacked high he will sipping soup through a straw.

And that's worse than Rex Grossman & John Beck how, exactly?

Seriously, I agree that he's a bad choice as anything but the 'Cagey Vet to Mentor the Rookie Hotshot' role, but Snyder's never been one to, y'know, think before spending.

03-07-12, 07:06 AM
I'd bet money against Washington. This isn't the draft, so Manning gets to choose. If he has almost any other option, I can't see him going to The Trainwreck.

03-07-12, 10:29 AM
Don't care WHERE he goes...I'll watch. Kinda like vintage racing.:gomer:

Andrew Longman
03-07-12, 11:52 AM
WTF good is he, his head don't turn and the next time he gets sacked high he will sipping soup through a straw. He's done.Sound like he is the prototypical Snyder free agent signing.

03-07-12, 05:18 PM
The news came out today that Little Danny Boy's considering moving 'skins training camp to a dilapidated crap hole about 3 minutes from my house. So I guess decrepit moneypit Snyder's been eyeing might not be Peyton after all.

Andrew Longman
03-09-12, 05:31 AM
The news came out today that Little Danny Boy's considering moving 'skins training camp to a dilapidated crap hole about 3 minutes from my house. So I guess decrepit moneypit Snyder's been eyeing might not be Peyton after all.Mike Francesca reported Thursday that the Skins are out of the Manning sweepstakes. I guess he doesn't want to play his brother twice a year.

Look for him to end up on an AFC team so he wouldn't likely meet Eli until the Superbowl. Now they are talking Denver? Don't see it. The team would have to look and operate totally different from Tebow time.

Houston? Feel bad for Schaub.

Miami? They would finally sell out the season.

03-09-12, 10:08 AM
Mike Francesca reported Thursday that the Skins are out of the Manning sweepstakes. I guess he doesn't want to play his brother twice a year.

Look for him to end up on an AFC team so he wouldn't likely meet Eli until the Superbowl. Now they are talking Denver? Don't see it. The team would have to look and operate totally different from Tebow time.

Houston? Feel bad for Schaub.

Miami? They would finally sell out the season.

It's gotta be the fish.


Don Quixote
03-09-12, 10:13 AM
It's gotta be the fish.

-KevinI'm betting Houston.

03-09-12, 10:40 AM
I doubt Houston picks him up after signing Foster to the deal they did

03-09-12, 01:12 PM
Nobody in the AFC South, who have watched him decline first-hand since 2008, will want to take a chance, and he will not want to play the Colts 2x a year.

03-09-12, 01:46 PM
The Chiefs have about $46 million in cap money available and need to upgrade from Cassel.

Just sayin'.

03-09-12, 03:13 PM
The Chiefs have about $46 million in cap money available and need to upgrade from Cassel.

Just sayin'.

And need a lot of work...don't expect the return of Joe Montana to KC. My $$$ is on the Fish, Nags, Cards in that order with outside possibilities of Houston, SF and C@l. The J-E-T-S really opened up a can of worms by showing interest in Manning with the perception being that Sanchez is already fragile upstairs (and on the heels of the failed Favre experiment).


03-09-12, 03:47 PM
Peyton, Just win baby! :D


Other logos with Manning's face: http://daveartlocker.blogspot.com/2012/02/manning-face.html

Don Quixote
03-09-12, 07:24 PM
Alternate team logos.


03-09-12, 08:42 PM
I liked the Bills logo at first glance, until I looked at it longer. And then I realized it was this logo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Buffalo_Sabres.svg), but blue. And with legs.

03-09-12, 08:52 PM
Colts release Clark, Addai, Bullitt, and Brackett. Wow.

03-09-12, 10:19 PM
Colts release Clark, Addai, Bullitt, and Brackett. Wow.

Rebuilding much? :eek:

Wouldn't the Broncos make perfect sense? The biggest QB problem they have there is the fan base that is stupid enough to buy the hype. If Tim Tebow is ever going to be an NFL quarterback he needs time to get there. Peyton Manning may be the only way they can make a case to leave him on the bench long enough to give him a chance.

03-09-12, 10:59 PM
Colts release Clark, Addai, Bullitt, and Brackett. Wow.

Add to that shopping Freeney. :eek:


03-10-12, 12:04 AM
Skins are out...of their collective minds. '12 first and second picks, plus 13 and 14 1st rounders for #2 overall from Rams. :eek: :saywhat: :gomer:


03-10-12, 12:19 AM
J-E-T-S out, too. Sanchez gets extension according to E$PN.


03-10-12, 12:49 AM
Skins are out...of their collective minds. '12 first and second picks, plus 13 and 14 1st rounders for #2 overall from Rams. :eek: :saywhat: :gomer:


Did Herschel Walker come back on the market?

03-10-12, 12:58 AM
Did Herschel Walker come back on the market?

Expect a Dannyboy pic on the cover of E$PN the Magazine ala Ditka & Ricky Williams in the coming weeks. :gomer: To add to this madness, Schefter was just on SC saying that the Skins aren't out of the Manning Sweepstakes (as they are calling it). :saywhat: :eek:


Andrew Longman
03-10-12, 01:57 AM
Skins are out...of their collective minds. '12 first and second picks, plus 13 and 14 1st rounders for #2 overall from Rams. :eek: :saywhat: :gomer:

-KevinSounds perfect.

I will have to someday put up with the skins being competitive again, but I'm not in a hurry for Snyder to get a lick of sense.

03-10-12, 08:24 AM
The problem the Colts have with this plan is that they will never attract much free agent interest now. Oh, you guys are a sleepy small market and you just dumped everyone good except Andrew Luck, so I'd be on a team of practice squad players? Nawww man.

03-10-12, 11:18 AM
Expect a Dannyboy pic on the cover of E$PN the Magazine ala Ditka & Ricky Williams in the coming weeks. :gomer: To add to this madness, Schefter was just on SC saying that the Skins aren't out of the Manning Sweepstakes (as they are calling it). :saywhat: :eek:


DC media says they're done persuing Manning. That utterly Snyderian trade was the backup plan, apparently.

Just when I think Dan can't outdo himself... :rofl:

03-10-12, 02:14 PM
Only the Redskins would drop a bounty like that 2 months from the draft with no clue who will be there at #2.

To move up 4 spots, Jimmy Johnson's trade chart says Pick #6 and #16 = #2.

So in summary:

Rams give up #2 = 2600 pts.

Skins give up #6 (1600) + #39 (510 pts) + 2013 #1 and 2014 #1.

Is the 2013 #1 and 2014 #1 worth this years 41st pick?

Congratulations to the Rams. That's how you parlay a bad year.

03-10-12, 03:20 PM
Only the Redskins would drop a bounty like that 2 months from the draft with no clue who will be there at #2.


'Course, Tiny Dan doesn't seem to have thought it through long enough to realize that without an O-line to protect him or any receivers to throw to, RGIII's not gonna work out much better than McNabb or Sex Cannon. But hey, there's always 2015. :gomer:

Racing Truth
03-10-12, 08:22 PM
Only the Redskins would drop a bounty like that 2 months from the draft with no clue who will be there at #2.

To move up 4 spots, Jimmy Johnson's trade chart says Pick #6 and #16 = #2.

So in summary:

Rams give up #2 = 2600 pts.

Skins give up #6 (1600) + #39 (510 pts) + 2013 #1 and 2014 #1.

Is the 2013 #1 and 2014 #1 worth this years 41st pick?

Congratulations to the Rams. That's how you parlay a bad year.

Well, everyone knows who's there at 2- RGIII. Forget the chart. In a draft w/ only 2 QBs worth a d@mn, it was inevitable.

As a Browns fan who has had no QB in 20 yrs., I wanted them to pay the ransom. Instead, 5 more yrs.+ of no hope.:shakehead

03-11-12, 02:00 PM
According to E$PN Radio this AM it's down to the Cards or Nags.


Racing Truth
03-11-12, 02:33 PM
According to E$PN Radio this AM it's down to the Cards or Nags.


Which means the Browns end up w/ Kevin Kolb:shakehead or NOBODY.:yuck:

But hey, we'll still have our DRAFT PICKS! Well played, boys, well played.:gomer:

03-11-12, 03:03 PM
Which means the Browns end up w/ Kevin Kolb:shakehead or NOBODY.:yuck:

But hey, we'll still have our DRAFT PICKS! Well played, boys, well played.:gomer:

The Broncos will trade you Little Jesus!!

03-11-12, 04:08 PM
So it appears Denver is now Manning's most likely destination. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Good: no wasting three years on TT. Bad: gotta win immediately, or it is rebuild again.

03-11-12, 04:51 PM
So it appears Denver is now Manning's most likely destination. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Good: no wasting three years on TT. Bad: gotta win immediately, or it is rebuild again.

That's going to be quite a change (again) to the offense.

Racing Truth
03-12-12, 11:32 AM
The Broncos will trade you Little Jesus!!



Don Quixote
03-12-12, 12:06 PM
So Manning is going to learn how to run the read option?

03-12-12, 12:24 PM
So it appears Denver is now Manning's most likely destination. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Good: no wasting three years on TT. Bad: gotta win immediately, or it is rebuild again.

contract's gotta be incentive laden though, so how bad will the hit really be? plus w/ the running game & D just need a legit game manager for a playoff run. and it lets you dispose of teebus in a politically favorable manner. #winning

03-12-12, 12:42 PM
So Manning is going to learn how to run the read option?

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: funny stuff :)

03-12-12, 01:01 PM
contract's gotta be incentive laden though, so how bad will the hit really be? plus w/ the running game & D just need a legit game manager for a playoff run. and it lets you dispose of teebus in a politically favorable manner. #winning

According to the talking heads, the Nags have $40m under the cap, so non-issue there. They need another WR threat (read Reggie Wayne). RB is an issue. Keep in mind that Blue & Orange Jeebus was the second leading rusher last season, and McGahee is now 30. Can Knowshon stay healthy? Also, the schedule for the Nags is not favorable (especially the game in Cincy :gomer:). @Ravens, Bungles, Pats, Falcons...Steelers, Texans, Saints @ home. :eek:

According to Schefty. the Fish are still in the running, but no visit scheduled...yet.


03-12-12, 04:19 PM
28 teams can thank the Redskins and Cowboys for an extra $1.6M in cap room.

The salary cap is projected to be $120.6 million in 2012, but the Cowboys will lose $10 million, while the Redskins will be docked $36 million in cap space, sources said.

Dallas and Washington can split the cap loss over the 2012 and '13 seasons in whatever form they prefer, with $1.6 million each going to the other 28 NFL teams, the sources said.


Raiders and Saints don't get a penalty or the extra cap space for their violations.

03-12-12, 07:02 PM
49ers and Saints taking a look at Randy Moss.


I think Moss would be a better fit for the Saints, but the 49ers need a receiver.

Racing Truth
03-12-12, 07:53 PM
49ers and Saints taking a look at Randy Moss.


I think Moss would be a better fit for the Saints, but the 49ers need a receiver.

A receiver who's old with motivation questions? No thanks, IMHO.

03-12-12, 09:11 PM
The Saints have several good receivers and a great quarterback. Moss would perform the same job he had in New England: tie up the defensive backs to spread the defense and make the occassional big play.

The 49ers have one good receiver, Vernon Davis, and an average quaterback. Moss would become the primary option/decoy on most passing plays. He would get more looks, but not as many big play opportunities. I assume the 49ers have more salary cap room, but the owners are pretty cheap.

If I were Moss, I would take the Saint's offer even if it was for less money.

03-12-12, 10:24 PM
The Saints have several good receivers and a great quarterback. Moss would perform the same job he had in New England: tie up the defensive backs to spread the defense and make the occassional big play.

The 49ers have one good receiver, Vernon Davis, and an average quaterback. Moss would become the primary option/decoy on most passing plays. He would get more looks, but not as many big play opportunities. I assume the 49ers have more salary cap room, but the owners are pretty cheap.

If I were Moss, I would take the Saint's offer even if it was for less money.

According to E$PN via Twitter:

Moss ==> 9ers


03-13-12, 01:06 PM
Confirmed. 49ers sign Moss to a one year contract.


Coach Jim Harbaugh is the new patron saint of lost causes. :D


"Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

03-13-12, 01:46 PM
Coach Jim Harbaugh is the new patron saint of lost causes. :D

So... Tebow to SF after Manningface lands in Denver? :D

03-13-12, 02:05 PM
The Saints have several good receivers and a great quarterback. Moss would perform the same job he had in New England: tie up the defensive backs to spread the defense and make the occassional big play.

The 49ers have one good receiver, Vernon Davis, and an average quaterback. Moss would become the primary option/decoy on most passing plays. He would get more looks, but not as many big play opportunities. I assume the 49ers have more salary cap room, but the owners are pretty cheap.

If I were Moss, I would take the Saint's offer even if it was for less money.

Moss won't play decoy. That's why he got traded from NE. Brady kept forcing him the ball to keep him from going in the tank and he was unmanageable.

03-13-12, 04:34 PM
Marshall to Da Bears from Fish. Hmmmm.... wonder if that ends the Peyton Sweepstakes push for them.


03-13-12, 05:03 PM
Nostradamus was right, Peyton will only play for a team with hoofed mascot.
Indy - done.
Denver - Pending...
Buffalo - TBA
Houston - Ank says no


03-13-12, 05:20 PM
he's not coming to Houston

03-14-12, 07:50 AM
Nostradamus was right, Peyton will only play for a team with hoofed mascot.
Indy - done.
Denver - Pending...
Buffalo - TBA
Houston - Ank says no


Ralph opened up the pocketbook last year for Fitz. No way he does it again for Peyton. Besides, Buddy Nix and crew had a full court press on last night for Mario Williams and Robert Meecham. At least Meecham had a delicious lobster risotto before signing with the Chargers. :\

03-14-12, 09:49 AM
Confirmed. 49ers sign Moss to a one year contract.

I hope they have a good buffet

Don Quixote
03-14-12, 10:29 AM
I am shocked that the Bears picked up a player who hits women.

03-14-12, 01:20 PM
He was stabbed by a woman. Way to blame the victim. :rolleyes:


(And at this point, I'm happy if they pick up a player that can beat anyone).

03-14-12, 02:07 PM
Houston - Ank says no


so does Bob McNair :p

Don Quixote
03-14-12, 02:19 PM
He was stabbed by a woman. Way to blame the victim. :rolleyes:


(And at this point, I'm happy if they pick up a player that can beat anyone).Once you beat a woman with a big knife, getting open across the middle seems like no big deal. :D

03-15-12, 12:53 PM
Bills sign Mario Williams to a 6-year deal. Unconfirmed numbers say that the deal is worth $96 mil with $51 mil of that guaranteed.

03-15-12, 03:23 PM
The Chiefs sign Peyton!!!!!

Peyton Hillis that is. He should be a good back up to Jamaal Charles.

03-15-12, 04:04 PM
If they can get Hillis to concentrate, it's a good pickup -- what a contrast for the defense between a Charles run on one down and a Hillis run on another...

03-15-12, 04:35 PM
And it's 4:35pm and the Clowns still suck. :gomer: :D


03-15-12, 05:25 PM
If they can get Hillis to concentrate, it's a good pickup -- what a contrast for the defense between a Charles run on one down and a Hillis run on another...

I don't expect much. It's just a CIA cover.

Don Quixote
03-15-12, 06:06 PM
I don't expect much. It's just a CIA cover.:rofl: :rofl:

Racing Truth
03-16-12, 12:31 PM
I don't expect much. It's just a CIA cover.


That said, as of right now, the Browns offense is WORSE than last yr.:shakehead

03-16-12, 04:42 PM
Niners coach Jim Harbaugh and offensive coordinator Greg Roman watched Manning work out Tuesday night in Durham, N.C. Impressed, the 49ers sent a doctor to Durham to give Manning a physical on Wednesday.


holy cow. :eek:

03-19-12, 12:30 PM

Don Quixote
03-19-12, 12:42 PM
Yep, Broncos fans know they are going to win 5 straight superbowls. :gomer:

03-19-12, 12:45 PM
Don't care if we win 5 games. TT is gone.

Don Quixote
03-19-12, 12:54 PM

03-19-12, 11:28 PM
My theory is that Manning was just offended by the absurdity of the whole Tebow phenominum figured that his biggest contribution to the sport might be putting an end to it.

Wait. "still negotiating"...


03-20-12, 11:10 AM
5 yr 96M

03-20-12, 01:22 PM
And for Tebow they'll get...?

$100, a 5th round pick and a used puck bag?

03-20-12, 02:19 PM
And for Tebow they'll get...?

$100, a 5th round pick and a used puck bag?

I'm fully expecting Dan Snyder to pay 8 figures for Tebow and use that #2 pick he got from the Rams to sign a projected-4th-Round cornerback instead.

03-20-12, 02:49 PM
. . . a 5th round pick . . .

I heard on TV yesterday that word is they would be willing to take a 5th round pick.