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High Sided
12-21-11, 12:24 PM
happy birthday and merry christmas to allmendinger! he did a great job in the 43 car and it's gonna be fun watching him win in the 22 car.


12-21-11, 02:04 PM
Haven't had fun watching him since Team Forsythe days.:( (but yes, I hope he does well and Roger always wants a road racer in there somewhere)

12-21-11, 02:32 PM
Haven't had fun watching him since Team Forsythe days.:( (but yes, I hope he does well and Roger always wants a road racer in there somewhere)


Can't blame him for jumping ship the way things worked out, but he was a load of fun to watch that last season.

12-21-11, 02:38 PM

Can't blame him for jumping ship the way things worked out, but he was a load of fun to watch that last season.

Rumor has it that he was going to be replaced at RPM with KuBusch. But I can't see a classy gentleman like Richard Petty wanting to deal with the Busch shenanigans on a weekly basis.

High Sided
12-21-11, 05:03 PM
latest rumor on the RPM side is david ragan will take the #43

12-23-11, 10:02 PM
RPM gets engines and some support from Roush I can't see Roush allowing Kurt remotely near his stuff again. Kurt has now signed for the 51 Phoenix ride . Let's see how many temper tantrums he throws while running 30th every week, till Finch fires him for running his mouth.

07-07-12, 06:34 PM

AJ tested positive for a banned substance after last week's race and has been temporarily suspended from NASCAR. No word on what he got caught with (drugs or alcohol) yet.

Racing Truth
07-07-12, 07:04 PM

AJ tested positive for a banned substance after last week's race and has been temporarily suspended from NASCAR. No word on what he got caught with (drugs or alcohol) yet.

I'm gonna guess if it was a prescription med. or a minor technicality, he'd have been allowed to go tonight. Hope I'm wrong.:(

High Sided
07-08-12, 06:28 PM
well that didn't last long :irked:

Racing Truth
07-11-12, 03:50 PM
"Stimulant," of some sort. (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/C/CAR_NASCAR_ALLMENDINGER_SUSPENDED?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT)

07-13-12, 04:39 PM
I think Nascar needs to get their drug policy sorted. Guilty or not, in the eyes of the public (the non-race fans), AJ is a drug addict.

Suspending a guy over a test isn't the best way to handle the situation. How about doing the B sample first then suspending the driver? How many papers who ran the story of his suspension on the front cover of the sports page is going to write more then a line on page 11 if his B sample is negative? Do you think New York Times or Wall Street Journal are going to say anything when B sample is negative? No! But, those non-race fans who glanced at the story now assume he is guilty....Good luck landing a sponsor now!

The way this situation is being played-out, AJ is guilty and now needs to prove his innocence; isn't it supposed to be the other way around? What if this happened during the chase and the drive loses a chance of the title because of it? Season lost and millions spent for a messed up test? Do you know how many prescription drugs have stimulants in them? A ton! I bet the cause is his energy drink from his sponsor.....

What happens if the B sample comes back positive and then they discover that his energy drink (his sponsor) is the cause? Are you telling me his career will be over because of an energy drink? :shakehead

The Nascar drug policy needs to be changed. I know some will say that at 200 mph you can't risk having a driver under suspicion. But then I ask you this; do they give a breathalyzer test to the drivers before they get on the track? Why not?

07-13-12, 10:43 PM
LEt em do what ever they want. WGAF. All the old-timers were hung over as hell and pissed off and it made for a better show.

07-14-12, 04:53 PM
If your employer can demand your bodily fluids, then you are not a citizen, you are a subject.

07-14-12, 10:13 PM
If your employer can demand your bodily fluids, then you are not a citizen, you are a subject.

I quit a decent paying job and left the work force 10+ years ago over that very issue. And not just bodily fluids, hair, skin and other tissue :shakehead

07-17-12, 02:53 PM
Ok, now I have to ask. It will be 3-weeks after he was suspended before he retest (7-24th). How long would something stay in your system, if he was indeed guilty of taking something he shouldn't have? If he stopped taking said product the day he got suspended, wouldn't it be gone 3-weeks later? If so, what's the point?

Mr. Vengeance
07-17-12, 03:27 PM
It's a retest of the same urine sample (the "B" sample taken the same time as the one that failed). So, whatever they found 3 weeks ago (or whatever) will still be there and he'll fail the second time around, too.

High Sided
07-17-12, 04:10 PM
answer above

07-18-12, 09:03 PM

So, how do they determine what caused his positive test? What if it was indeed caused by that energy drink? What a nightmare.....

07-18-12, 09:12 PM
You test positive for meth you can pretty well not bother with blaming the energy drink. The tests are quite specific, just ask Frank Schleck.

07-18-12, 10:22 PM
I'd demand that my pee sample be compared to JC's pee sample. The one with the lowest level skates :\

07-19-12, 02:28 AM
If your employer can demand your bodily fluids,


07-24-12, 09:47 PM
"B" test results also positive.


07-24-12, 09:56 PM
NASCAR's policy is not to identify the substance. Unless Allmendinger reveals results of the test or takes the governing body to court, where the result could become part of public record, it likely will remain unknown.

A truly idiotic policy.

Rogue Leader
07-25-12, 11:14 AM
A truly idiotic policy.

I agree, theres a huge difference between being a nanogram over on a possible amphetamine that could be in almost anything, vs him doing meth, coke, or even pot. Meanwhile people hear positive drug test and assume the latter instead of the former.

Sadly this could be the end of AJ's "big break".

07-25-12, 11:42 AM
A truly idiotic policy.

Indeed! Considering that JC France is still allowed to race after he was arrested with cocaine on him, but becau$e of a technicality, the ca$e got thrown out....

Note: the $ :saywhat:

07-25-12, 02:41 PM
I agree, theres a huge difference between being a nanogram over on a possible amphetamine that could be in almost anything, vs him doing meth, coke, or even pot. Meanwhile people hear positive drug test and assume the latter instead of the former.

Sadly this could be the end of AJ's "big break".

Yep. Not to mention that he has to go through the "NASCAR Rehab" program before he will even be cleared to drive again. I wonder if they tailor the program to the recipient or is it a one size, fits all program where a (potential) non-label reader/contaminated product user has to go through the same stuff as a meth head?

High Sided
07-25-12, 05:46 PM
Nascar Race Hub will be covering the story in 15 minutes on Speed 6pm eastern.

07-26-12, 02:50 AM
Cats out of the bag, ( or is it the s**t as its called on the street?) from Jayski:

Amphetamines caused Allmendinger's positive test: Suspended Sprint Cup driver AJ Allmendinger tested positive for amphetamines, his business manager confirmed Wednesday. Tara Ragan, the vice president of Walldinger Racing Inc., said Allmendinger was told when initially suspended by NASCAR on July 7 that amphetamines were found in his drug testing sample taken a week earlier. She said the term was so broad that she opted to refer to it as a stimulant. Brand names of medications that contain or metabolize into amphetamines include Adderall, Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Desoxyn, Didrex, ProCentra and Vyvanse. Amphetamines also are used recreationally as a performance enhancer, often referred to on the street as "speed." When overused, they can be psychologically and physically addictive. "With amphetamines, there are a whole slew of things it can be," Ragan told ESPN.com. "When we say we don't know what it is, what we were trying to ascertain is what is it in that grouping? In our head, we don't know. In fact, when the (medical review officer) first called and said he tested positive for amphetamines, the first thing we said was, 'What does that mean?'" Ragan said the hope is Dr. David Black, who runs Aegis Sciences Corporation in Nashville, Tenn., which tested Allmendinger's "A" and "B" urine samples, will help clarify that Thursday when Allmendinger talks to him to be assigned a health care facility for assessment. Meanwhile, Ragan said there are plans to have Allmendinger tested again by an independent laboratory to see whether amphetamines still show up in his system. "We weren't being evasive," Ragan said. "In my head, no, we didn't know what the drug was. Amphetamines was too general for us when trying to figure out what it is."(more at ESPN.com)(7-25-2012)

I just can't believe he's a methhead like that dope Mayfield. Something else is up here.

07-26-12, 09:46 AM
I aint never gone to pee in no bottle hahahahahahahaha

07-26-12, 10:00 AM
I aint never gone to pee in no bottle hahahahahahahaha

Yes you have. Ain't that what you have for indoor plumbing in the trailer?

07-26-12, 03:28 PM
Cats out of the bag, ( or is it the s**t as its called on the street?) from Jayski:

I just can't believe he's a methhead like that dope Mayfield. Something else is up here.

Maybe he uses one of the ADD meds to help his focus / concentration.??

Elmo T
07-26-12, 03:36 PM
Maybe he uses one of the ADD meds to help his focus / concentration.??

Many fall into that family - but he'd have a script and this would be a non-issue.

It never ceases to amaze me - how many places drug test with no set protocols for the inevitable failure of a test.

07-26-12, 04:10 PM
Many fall into that family - but he'd have a script and this would be a non-issue.

If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on him popping someone else's adderall or ritalin, just to "help out a little." I see it happen around the office every day and nobody thinks twice about it.

07-26-12, 04:17 PM
If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on him popping someone else's adderall or ritalin, just to "help out a little." I see it happen around the office every day and nobody thinks twice about it.

That's what I was thinking.

If he had a script for it, it would be a non-issue.

07-27-12, 01:56 PM
JC was no doubt on SOMEthing when he had a, uh..." dustup" in Mexico City at the Peraltada! Who was the guy he tried to slap and kick into submission? What a MAN!:shakehead

08-01-12, 01:04 PM
If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on him popping someone else's adderall or ritalin, just to "help out a little." I see it happen around the office every day and nobody thinks twice about it.

That would have been a nonissue as well. He'd just tell that to Nascar and it would have been over. I'm sure the drug tests determined something more then a possible ADHD med.

08-01-12, 01:52 PM
That would have been a nonissue as well. He'd just tell that to Nascar and it would have been over. I'm sure the drug tests determined something more then a possible ADHD med.

If he had a 'script in his own name, sure, unless ritalin was specifically prohibited by Nascar.

08-01-12, 01:57 PM
If he had a 'script in his own name, sure, unless ritalin was specifically prohibited by Nascar.

Yep- my thoughts exactly.

Considering the JC France situation, I have a hard time taking anything NASCAR says regarding drug testing seriously. But either way, looks like Roger officially sent AJ packing today.

08-01-12, 02:31 PM
I'll be the first -

AJ to Foyt for 2013. :D

nissan gtp
08-01-12, 04:18 PM
AJ to Ferrari in 2013 :eek:


08-01-12, 04:29 PM
Yep , fired.


Racing Truth
08-01-12, 07:48 PM
I'll be the first -

AJ to Foyt for 2013. :D

Not the first (http://auto-racing.speedtv.com/article/indycar-millers-weekend-review);):

A.J. Foyt said if A.J. Allmendinger no longer had a home in NASCAR that he would be interested in talking to the former Champ Car winner and Formula Atlantic champion about returning to open wheel.

FWIW, IndyCar has basically said they would honor NASCAR's suspension, unless AJ could, via IndyCar testing and protocols prove that it's no longer an issue.

So, he still needs to follow thru on the NASCAR program.

08-01-12, 08:56 PM
Nascar medical team says it's impossible to have a false positive. Meth is meth? Seems hard to believe. Most drug guys are going to deny it and make excuses. He needs help and needs to get his act together and seems willing to do so. Everybody deserves another chance.

08-01-12, 09:28 PM
I don't see a problem with cab drivers taking stimulants. It is so ****ing boring, a little buzz going in would probably make it a lot more enjoyable. Better for the fans too. I want to see the entire field totally baked going into turn four at Talladega three wide. :thumbup:

08-01-12, 09:47 PM
^^^ :rofl:

High Sided
08-01-12, 10:59 PM

High Sided
08-03-12, 01:45 PM
Looks like a.j.'s first ride when completing his recovery program will be in a shank grand am car...


08-03-12, 02:03 PM
^ :laugh:

My license? It's back there on the bumper, man!

Racing Truth
08-03-12, 03:11 PM
Looks like a.j.'s first ride when completing his recovery program will be in a shank grand am car...


Annnnnd, wait for it......

Here we go: AJ to Shank in ICS? (http://auto-racing.speedtv.com/article/indycar-shank-searching-for-sponsorship-to-run-allmendinger/P1)

Part of me thinks, "yeah, right." OTOH, if Kyle Petty's right and AJ has no NASCAR future, no matter what he does, well...

08-07-12, 12:42 PM
Offered Without Comment (http://msn.foxsports.com/nascar/story/AJ-Allmendinger-discusses-NASCAR-suspension-aftermath-080712)

Aftter additional testing, Allmendinger says, the report revealed the substance contained the same chemical compounds as found in the brand-name Adderall.


“I got to Kentucky early for a few sponsor commitments and went to hang out with a buddy for a couple of days before we got going,” Allmendinger said. “We were out early evening. I hadn’t been sleeping well — all season, really with the way things had been going, obviously, the expectations and everything like that. I was really tired, had no energy, nothing. We were out, he had a couple of his friends with him and I was struggling to even stay awake. One of his friends said, ‘Oh, I have an energy pill that I take for working out.’

“I didn’t think anything of it because I’ve taken energy supplements for working out, that my trainer gives me. So I didn’t even think about it. That was my big mistake. It was nothing crazy. It just gave me a little more energy.”


“We went through the ‘A’ (urine) sample and I asked what it was and I still didn’t understand what it could be when they told me it was amphetamine. Then we went through the ‘B’ sample and when it came back positive, they told me it was Adderall or some form of Adderall. After retracing my steps I discovered that the pill he gave was not an energy supplement, it was prescription Adderall.”

08-07-12, 02:10 PM
He really is that stupid so it could be true.

Racing Truth
08-07-12, 02:54 PM
He really is that stupid so it could be true.

My thought, too. And not just him, per se. Race car drivers aren't known for being rocket scientists or masters of logical thinking.

Push comes to shove, do I buy it? Not really, at least not 100%. But I cannot dismiss it entirely, either.

Racing Truth
08-07-12, 03:07 PM
That said, in the Lee Spencer piece, he seems to know he has "life issues" to work through. I take that as a positive sign.

08-07-12, 07:15 PM
In Indy Car they'll test him before he gets his license. A bunch of people failed because of cold meds....so, if he has anything they'll find it.

I believe him. And, I rather he race in Indy Car rather then stupid Nascab....:thumbup:

Rogue Leader
08-08-12, 09:05 AM
That said, in the Lee Spencer piece, he seems to know he has "life issues" to work through. I take that as a positive sign.

Supposedly he has separated from his wife. If you've seen how hot she is that alone is enough to drive a man to drugs!

08-16-12, 01:34 AM
Espn now reporting the single pill story is bs:


High Sided
09-20-12, 11:01 AM
He's Back......

not in a car but a.j. is reinstated by nascar and can race at any level. rumor is he may be in a penski open wheel seat for 2013. making for a good silly season

aj tweet... "I promise I will be back. Not sure where but I will be back. Thank you all so much." - 2 days ago


Racing Truth
09-20-12, 03:39 PM
He's Back......

not in a car but a.j. is reinstated by nascar and can race at any level. rumor is he may be in a penski open wheel seat for 2013. making for a good silly season

aj tweet... "I promise I will be back. Not sure where but I will be back. Thank you all so much." - 2 days ago


Merry Christmas, part deux, for 'Dinger then. Though I kinda wonder if he ends up in the #22 NNS ride.

09-20-12, 08:14 PM
Gee, that must be some super-special rehab program if it got him from the depths of addiction and depravity to sober and race-ready in such a short time. I mean, even JC France had to wait 'til the next calendar year. :gomer: :rolleyes:

High Sided
09-21-12, 10:03 AM
he's no addict, you called it when you said it will be a pill from a buddy:thumbup:.

If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on him popping someone else's adderall or ritalin, just to "help out a little." I see it happen around the office every day and nobody thinks twice about it.