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View Full Version : RIP Dennis Ritchie

10-13-11, 01:23 PM
Dennis Ritchie passed away last weekend at the age of 70. Unless you're a nerd you may have never heard of Dennis Ritchie, but his impact on modern computing was huge. As the the creator of the C programming language and co-creator of the Unix operating system he turned computing into something collaborative and interactive. He also co-wrote The C Programming Language, one of the seminal works in computer language instruction.

His genius was the elegance and simplicity with which he solved complex problems. Much of the way things are in the world of computers and networking today can be traced back to those solutions. Much of my career and many of the toys that I play with were built on the foundation that he laid, for that I am grateful to him.

From Bell Labs in 1972: Dennis Ritchie standing, Kenneth Thompson seated

10-13-11, 02:04 PM
Unless you're a nerd you may have never heard of Dennis Ritchie . . .

Amazingly this is the 3rd mention of his name I have seen today from a non-news source (like the NY Times or something like that) so you nerds seem to be in every corner of the internet.

10-13-11, 05:23 PM
Also, many nerds may not recognize his name, but it's likely if you took some programming courses, one of your books was written by him.

10-13-11, 10:54 PM
If anyone would have the audacity to downplay Ritchie's footprint in the world we live in, look at this chart -

The Programming Languages Beacon (http://www.lextrait.com/vincent/implementations.html)

10-13-11, 10:59 PM
If anyone would have the audacity to downplay Ritchie's footprint in the world we live in, look at this chart -

The Programming Languages Beacon (http://www.lextrait.com/vincent/implementations.html)


10-14-11, 01:43 AM
I didn't want to make the comparison but this Wired story does it for me.

Dennis Ritchie: The Shoulders Steve Jobs Stood On (http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2011/10/thedennisritchieeffect/)

10-14-11, 07:41 AM
NY Time Obit:
