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04-08-11, 10:56 AM
I caught a commercial for the upcoming Thor movie last night. I'm not familiar with that character, and I don't think I'm that interested other than I don't mind blowing ~2 hours on super hero movies once they come out on disc.
I wasn't much of a comic book consumer when I was a kid. I picked up the occasional Batman/Superman/Spiderman when I stopped in for my Mad/Cracked, but the 'lesser' hero's are really only known to me by name.
So I believe we have Capt America, Wonder Woman, the aforementioned Thor and the Green Hornet films in the making.

I once worked with a guy who was a huge Capt America fan. He even had pictures and figurines on his desk (yes, he was IT). He tried to explain to me once that the back story is one of the better ones with that character, but my eyes glazed over and I started thinking about lunch.

So what hero characters are left? They already started splitting up the X-men by giving Wolverine his own movie...which I thought was pretty decent.

Is a Wonder Twins movie inevitable? :) Archie and the Gang? :gomer:

I saw a news headline that they are making full length movie of the 80's cartoon, Thunder Cats. I thought that sounds pretty interesting, but it turns out its simply a cartoon, not even CG.

I vote for early anime, like 'G-Force: Guardians of Space' (American adaptation of the Japanese, 'Science Ninja Team Gatchaman' series) and my favorite...'Star Blazers' (American adaptation of 'Space Battleship Yamato'), very dramatic for a kids cartoon although every show ended with the Wave Motion gun (a giant gun on the bow of a giant space ship) annihilating everything.
*update* I just read they are making a CG full length film based on G-Force called 'Gatchaman'.

Now that I think about it, updated versions of Johnny Sako and Ultraman have serious potential. :D "Robot! Destroy!!". But I digress.

04-08-11, 11:29 AM
So what hero characters are left?


04-08-11, 11:30 AM
they drop not so subtle hints of thor & captain america in iron man II, ergo we're getting an avengers movie sometime.

f'ing w00t, man.

green lantern = another of DC comics, trying to cash in, they likely wont make any justice league movie, nolan's batman reboot doesn't mesh with that world. new superman reboot coming though.

new spiderman reboot coming b/c the studio needs to keep making a movie every X years to maintain their rights.

Elmo T
04-08-11, 01:02 PM
Meh - now bring Ultraman to the big screen and I am in. :thumbup:


04-08-11, 02:18 PM
Green Hornet was out. You may be thinking Green Lantern which is in the queue. Also another X-men movie "First Class" which is a prequel to the others.

Not a Thor fan, no thanks. Wonder Woman is a TV movie - at least the current one. Captain America might be interesting as a WWII era story.

Probably too many others... http://www.imdb.com/list/NNcfslBnwXw/

04-08-11, 02:26 PM
Hollywood needs some new ideas. All these retreads are getting old.

04-08-11, 03:05 PM
Green Hornet was out. You may be thinking Green Lantern which is in the queue. Also another X-men movie "First Class" which is a prequel to the others.

Not a Thor fan, no thanks. Wonder Woman is a TV movie - at least the current one. Captain America might be interesting as a WWII era story.

Probably too many others... http://www.imdb.com/list/NNcfslBnwXw/

Cool link...I had no idea! Aquaman might be interesting, but I remember running home to see Speed Racer and the lead in show, Aqua Boy turned into one of my favs. But I was 8. :)

Capt America does sound interesting. I forgot that there is a Green Lantern AND Green Hornet! One had a ring and the other a lantern? :)

I remember seeing a short lived Flash tv series back in the 80's.

No mention of the WW2 based comics (I think there were a few of them) whose ads would kinda freak me out as a kid...like the skeleton tank driver. What were those? Would they make cool movies?

04-08-11, 03:30 PM
Hmmm, I wonder if a Spy vs Spy CGI movie would work. :thumbup: Not super hero's though, but characters out of a 'comic'.

Andrew Longman
04-08-11, 03:54 PM
I've never been too much into superheros, but I always liked this


04-08-11, 07:51 PM
Here's a character from a Felix the Cat cartoon I remember from when I was a kid. Vavoom isn't a superhero but you have to love a little hooded guy that can blast down trees, houses and even mountains with his voice!




04-08-11, 09:17 PM
There's another Superman movie in the works. Henry Cavill is playing Superman and Amy Adams is playing Lois Lane.

04-08-11, 11:57 PM
<sigh> All of this retreading and still no proper Doc Savage movie. :(