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View Full Version : New Fiat dealership

03-02-11, 03:13 AM
I was downtown today and they were putting up the signage for a shiny new Fiat dealership. Looks like the Smart car is going to get some serious competition. I really should be going to bed but I built Spicoli a car just because I could.:gomer:


03-02-11, 06:55 AM
I saw a 500 last week. :tony:

05-06-11, 07:53 AM
I just noticed a new Fiat dealership on the eastern burbs of Cleveland last weekend. Too bad I bought a new car last year.

05-06-11, 02:30 PM
The 500 makes a Mini look like a Suburban...

05-06-11, 02:56 PM
Sat in a 500 at the last car show. I didn't mind the size but for some reason it was giving me Renault Alliance flashbacks.