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09-02-10, 08:49 AM
Ben Collins, British F-3, sues the BBC to reveal his identity...so he can sell more books, I guess. So much for confidentiality agreements.

opinionated ow
09-02-10, 10:03 AM
Can't wait to see how they kill this stig off :rofl:

Edit: my twitter contribution: Some say he can't drive Mt Panorama & that he's worse at keeping secrets than an FBI spy, all we know is he's called Ben Collins. #stigfacts

09-02-10, 12:26 PM
Not that it matters to me but the wanker signed a confidentiality agreement and I think he should have stuck to it..

09-02-10, 02:58 PM
Not that it matters to me but the wanker signed a confidentiality agreement and I think he should have stuck to it..


I guess he's not "old school" enough to keep his mouth shut and keep making money and having fun, and tell everybody later? But seriously, who didn't know this already?

09-02-10, 03:49 PM
Know what?:gomer:

09-02-10, 05:54 PM
I think they actually fired him before season 14 (early 2010), when the rumor of his identity came out. The rumor came out because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. That's why he's coming out now with a book. Why else would he write a book and risk being sued if he was still working for BBC. If you look at season 14 episodes, they didn't have the Stig in every episode like in other seasons. This past season, series 15, the Stig was back. I think season 15 Stig is probably a new one.

09-02-10, 06:24 PM
I think season 15 Stig is probably a new one.
All Stigs look alike to me....:gomer:


opinionated ow
09-02-10, 06:35 PM
I think they actually fired him before season 14 (early 2010), when the rumor of his identity came out. The rumor came out because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. That's why he's coming out now with a book. Why else would he write a book and risk being sued if he was still working for BBC. If you look at season 14 episodes, they didn't have the Stig in every episode like in other seasons. This past season, series 15, the Stig was back. I think season 15 Stig is probably a new one.

Nah I reckon there will be a new coloured stig from next season complete with a killing off of the white stig.

09-02-10, 08:41 PM

Can't wait to tell my girlfriend I was right and have documented evidence.

Its the small things...

09-02-10, 11:22 PM
Nah I reckon there will be a new coloured stig from next season complete with a killing off of the white stig.

The Stig's African cousin?


opinionated ow
09-03-10, 05:52 AM
The Stig's African cousin?


I like the idea of Katherine Legge as the Pink Stigette...

09-03-10, 09:54 AM
I like the idea of Katherine Legge as the Pink Stigette...

I like the idea of Katherine Legge...

09-03-10, 09:59 AM
It will be hard to keep a stealth Stig under wraps after this. How about guest Stigs...Legge, Eddie Irvine :D, Patrese, Ol' Nige, Alesi.......Ralf :gomer:

09-03-10, 11:02 AM
I like the idea of Katherine Legge...


Pilgrims Drop
09-03-10, 04:19 PM
Question is...

How will they off him??

I predict a Morris Marina and a lot of pianos... :D

09-03-10, 06:01 PM
I like the idea of Katherine Legge...

Heck, I think I like the idea of Katherine Legge, too! :p

09-03-10, 09:03 PM
I dig the Stiggette idea as well. You should e-mail BBC. That's bad arse!

09-03-10, 11:54 PM
I dig the Stiggette idea as well. You should e-mail BBC. That's bad arse!

I can almost hear Clarkson reading that letter aloud to the crowd.... then letting them know that his own vote would be for Keira Knightley.

09-04-10, 12:49 AM
There was shock across the world today after a High Court ruling finally allowed popular Top Gear racing driver The Stig to reveal his identity.

‘I was frankly shocked,’ said one Top Gear fan outside the court room. ‘I had no idea it was… sorry, what’s his name?’

Other fans of the BBC motoring show were equally aghast at the news. ‘I couldn’t believe it!’ wrote one contributor to a Top Gear discussion forum. ‘To think all this time it was a bloke whose name I’ve only just been told but now can’t remember!’

However, some Top Gear viewers were less easily confused. ‘I knew all along it was Lewis Collins,’ said one ardent Top Gear enthusiast. ‘He was quite good at driving in The Professionals and his drumming with Genesis was great. No, wait, who were we talking about again? Bootsy Collins?’

Meanwhile, other fans were less certain. ‘It’s Pauline Collins out of Shirley Valentine?’ wrote one confused fan on a BBC message board. ‘God, that race suit really covered up how small and Liverpudlian she is. And that she’s almost 70 years old. Fair play to her.’

Despite the confusion, the thoughts of all Top Gear viewers seemed to be summed up by one anonymous contributor to a news discussion group. ‘The revelation about this Joan Collins person is amazing,’ they wrote. ‘I look forward to being able to buy a book all about someone I have never heard of and in whom I have literally no interest whatsoever.’

Sniff Petrol (http://sniffpetrol.com/2010/09/01/fans-react-to-stig-news/)

09-04-10, 12:52 AM
I like the idea of Katherine Legge...


09-04-10, 01:55 AM
Heck, I think I like the idea of Katherine Legge, too! :p

I think we need to expand on BarillGirl and Katherine for a little while longer...

09-04-10, 09:04 AM
Expanding here!:gomer:

09-04-10, 03:11 PM
Funny, that's what I was thinking about, too. : onetrackmind :

09-04-10, 03:17 PM
I'll admit that the thought didn't spring to mind but now that you folks have mentioned it, it's quite the tenacious thought.

09-04-10, 04:35 PM
She must be doing something right. It's hard to find a photo of her out of the car. :thumbup:

2010 DTM Norisring photo link (http://www.motorsport.com/photos/popup.asp?N=7&I=dtm/2010/nor/dtm-2010-nor-xp-0095.jpg&FS=DTM&SN=1_74.85.24.242:71911&S=DTM)

2010 Audi DTM presentation photo link (http://www.motorsport.com/photos/popup.asp?N=2&I=dtm/2010/gen/dtm-2010-gen-xp-0024.jpg&FS=DTM&SN=1_74.85.24.242:72442&S=DTM)

Can't say I care for this though. photo link (http://www.motorsport.com/photos/popup.asp?S=DTM&N=0&SN=1_74.85.24.242:60725)
WTF is Peter Terting? :irked: ;)


09-04-10, 07:25 PM
You guys really have to check your British tabloids. (And, oh my goodness.) This is from February 2009.


And one for the leg men:


opinionated ow
09-04-10, 09:48 PM
You guys really have to check your British tabloids. (And, oh my goodness.) This is from February 2009.


And one for the leg men:


BarillaGirl...much love and thankfulness goes your way ;)

Still can't get Surfers 2006 out of my mind. I reckon I was talking to her and her dad for 30 minutes at least. I fell in love right there and then :D

09-09-10, 08:42 AM
Hmmm, which Off Camber guy should I do first?

http://cache1.asset-cache.net/xc/76451041.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF87892140FEB0FF7845C57DDD715E884403A704 9F859BF6328E545DDC013DFD9830DBB1

Don Quixote
09-09-10, 09:02 AM
She obviously wants me. The rest of the men on this board don't have a chance.

09-09-10, 12:01 PM
I'm feeling spurned because all I see is a blue ? :cry:

09-10-10, 08:40 AM
I'm feeling spurned because all I see is a blue ? :cry:

Hmm, now I can't see a photo either. Yesterday it was working for me.

09-10-10, 08:43 AM
Let's try a new picture, equally wistful.


09-10-10, 08:44 AM

09-10-10, 08:51 AM
BarillaGirl is definitely my favorite poster that joined in Sept. of last year!


Prolly my favorite photo from racing is my oldest g. with Kat a few hours after she was formally introduced to the Kink at RA.

09-10-10, 01:21 PM

As for the death of white Stig, I'd say his part time job on the Deep Horizon oil rig didn't work out so well.

09-13-10, 08:43 AM
This is detail from a photo of KL sitting at a breakfast table. Use your imaginations....


Elmo T
09-13-10, 09:54 AM
I love this place!

I return - looking for the latest KL pics - where were they again?

Oh right, the thread about the Stig. :laugh:

09-13-10, 11:09 AM
This is detail from a photo of KL sitting at a breakfast table. Use your imaginations....


You succeeded. (in all aspects)

opinionated ow
09-13-10, 11:13 AM
This just proves it...Katherine is sexy and smart, sophisticated and suave, talented and tenacious, friendly and feminine, and pretty and personable. She also drove a REAL race car. Danican't is none of those thing...I think the word Tramp comes to mind really.


09-15-10, 04:23 PM
KL pic of the day. I think I like the leg ones the best, personally. :)


09-18-10, 01:23 PM
- Brands Hatch, September 5, 2010


Check that ring. :)

09-18-10, 05:05 PM
The fuzzy dice are a nice interior design touch. :thumbup:


09-19-10, 08:44 PM
I wonder what she calls the other one? ;)


09-19-10, 09:11 PM
How's she doing driving that pimped out German Cab? I would'nt know since the only coverage we get is aw shucks, cousin ****ing, coonhound chasing, barefoot, moonshine, 5th grade edumacation, redneck, hillbilly, WWF, gomerbilly ******** coverage on the SPEED channel. :mad:

09-20-10, 08:27 AM
Interesting timing....this article (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://www.endurance-info.com/version2/actualite-endurance-5308.html) just popped up today about her possible move to ALMS next year with an, um, interesting new team.

09-20-10, 01:39 PM
Interesting timing....this article (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://www.endurance-info.com/version2/actualite-endurance-5308.html) just popped up today about her possible move to ALMS next year with an, um, interesting new team.

I like the headline about a "100% female" team. Well, it is, but it sounds as if it took a lot of work to get there. :\

(Not that the gender matters.... or the nationality..... we just prefer to watch talent. If they're easy to watch, well then, they're easy to watch. But they still better drive hard and drive smart — and not be a JERK — or it doesn't matter how pretty they are.)

09-28-10, 08:30 AM
So much bickering after the Singapore GP. Time for a KL Glamour Shot!


09-28-10, 11:40 AM
I like the headline about a "100% female" team. Well, it is, but it sounds as if it took a lot of work to get there. :\

(Not that the gender matters.... or the nationality..... we just prefer to watch talent. If they're easy to watch, well then, they're easy to watch. But they still better drive hard and drive smart — and not be a JERK — or it doesn't matter how pretty they are.)
Why the gimmick? Is the ALMS morphing to the EARL?

If everyone knows who is Katherine Legge, with its seasons in the DTM car or overseas, Terri Leigh O'Connell turn is less known. Yet she has no less than 500 victories in motorsport, including 200 in Midgets, and appearances by NASCAR. She has also released his biography "Dangerous Curves" where she explains her change of sex: Terri O'Connell is in fact born Terryl J. Hayes

(it's a translation, so excuse the engrish)

09-28-10, 01:44 PM
She has also released his biography "Dangerous Curves" where she explains her change of sex: Terri O'Connell is in fact born Terryl J. Hayes
Wasn't Bronte Tagliani's Champ Car show on Spike called Dangerous Curves?

10-01-10, 09:09 PM
She cooks too? :eek:
What does she know about bacon?

- Norisring, July 2010 w/ Mattias Ekstrom

10-01-10, 10:17 PM
She cooks too? :eek:
What does she know about bacon?

- Norisring, July 2010 w/ Mattias Ekstrom

I want an Audi Apron :thumbup:

10-02-10, 07:52 AM
I want an Audi Apron :thumbup:

Me too! Me too! (How do you always beat me to the punchline?)

opinionated ow
10-02-10, 08:38 AM
Me too! Me too! (How do you always beat me to the punchline?)

I'd prefer it if the katherine came inside the apron...

for now, I'll just have to live with this:

10-02-10, 10:44 AM
I'd prefer it if the katherine came inside the apron...

for now, I'll just have to live with this:

Are you on Sydneys most wanted list for stalking? :eek:

10-21-10, 09:12 AM
This one must be all right to post, I stole it from Pressdog. ;)


10-23-10, 12:28 PM
circa May 2008


10-23-10, 01:19 PM
She cleans up nice. (previously posted on the 'Kate's Dirty Sister' thread)



10-23-10, 09:16 PM
She cooks too? :eek:
What does she know about bacon?

- Norisring, July 2010 w/ Mattias Ekstrom

Is that Bernie Madoff in the background?

11-13-10, 03:40 PM
Can't wait to see how they kill this stig off :rofl:

During the Top Gear season finale they unsuccessfully tried to kill him three times:
1. Decapitation
2. Explosion
3. Drowning

Not even the courts could stop this Stig. Maybe they could deport him to Switzerland?

...anyway, back on topic: ;)

circa 2008 w/ Alexandre Premat


11-20-10, 08:48 AM
Meet the new Stig. (http://www.crash.net/f1/Video/165133/1/top_gear_meet_the_new_stig.html?utm_source=newslet ter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletterlink)


11-20-10, 11:03 AM
Meet the new Stig. (http://www.crash.net/f1/Video/165133/1/top_gear_meet_the_new_stig.html?utm_source=newslet ter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletterlink)



11-20-10, 12:01 PM

11-21-10, 06:56 PM

11-21-10, 09:30 PM
I want an Audi Apron :thumbup:

I want to be her audi apron!

opinionated ow
11-22-10, 02:12 AM
I want to be her audi apron!


11-22-10, 03:04 AM

Is it true they sell the rejected Stigs to Nascar?

11-22-10, 05:00 PM
Meet the new Stig. (http://www.crash.net/f1/Video/165133/1/top_gear_meet_the_new_stig.html?utm_source=newslet ter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletterlink)



Saw this T-shirt at RA at ALMS-


On back of the T-shirt is a classic line from the show by Jeremy... 'SOME SAY ... THE OUTLINE OF HIS LEFT NIPPLE IS ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME SHAPE AT THE NURBURGRING'

In typical Top Gear humour, the label on the inside of the T-Shirt reads 'These T-Shirts were tested on animals. They didn't fit'

12-10-10, 08:55 PM
das its the mother lode...:D

http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/813/0280910.jpg (http://www.motorsport-magazin.com/structured/index.php?module=main&index=action&id=22&serie=3&gal=3&galerie_id=0&paging=0&search=true&sc%5Bdate_from%5D=-631155600&sc%5Bdate_to%5D=1292021999&sc%5Bdriver%5D=911&sc%5Bteam%5D=&sc%5Bchannel%5D=0&sc%5Bkeyword%5D=&kategorie_selector=&datum_selector=&perpage_selector=60)