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View Full Version : Nascar Montreal-A redneck's nightmare?

opinionated ow
09-01-10, 09:03 PM
Much as I hate GWC and double file restarts, the end of that race was good. I reckon the rednecks must have had a fit with a guy with a funny russian name winning from an italian and a french canadian on a track where the cars also turned right. :D

Does anybody know, do they play both types of music at a NASCAR race-country and western?

High Sided
09-02-10, 12:18 AM
it was one great ending...


09-02-10, 02:52 AM
Explaining how one car can pass another while both are braking must make their heads hurt.

Also, I think this footage proves all NASCAR races should only be two laps long. :thumbup:

09-02-10, 03:33 AM
If all the cab races were like that I'd watch.

09-02-10, 06:18 PM
Exciting finish with some nice driving. The flaw is that the audience had to sit through endless full course cautions and snore inducing racing to get to the part that was worth watching. Even with a TiVo to too much trouble.
