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06-28-09, 01:43 PM
Are there any regular readers of the Indianapolis Star here?

If so I have a favor to ask of you, with that new Jonnie Depp movie on John Dillinger coming out I would expect at some point the Star runs a Dillinger story since he grew up in its coverage area and I wouldn't mind a heads up if they do so I can look for it online (my local paper the Cleveland Plain Dealer did today on A1). I have long been fascinated by the theory that the FBI did not kill him outside the Biograph but shot a small time hood named James Lawrence. A man claiming to be Dillinger actually wrote the Star in the late 50s to tell them that, and sent them a picture of how he looked at the time, so I would expect them to cover that part of the story (which my local paper didn't even mention).

06-28-09, 02:06 PM
"What's that? Here, he says he's not dead."

06-28-09, 04:06 PM
Well it looks like the Indy Star went up with something on their website on Dillinger today including a time line which does mention the letter I mention but does not go into a lot of details on why some suspect that he was not killed at the Biograph other then one thing I do not recall reading before but which corroborates the theory that they
FBI got the wrong guy. "Dillinger's" autopsy describes a person who appears to be slightly shorter and heavier then Dillinger (among other differances). The Star mentions that his body was put on display in Mooresville and that "many" who viewed it, including his barber, disputed that the body was his, that it was too short and too heavy.

BTW, a book from the early 70 I have on the subject, has a bunch of pictures of him alive and the mortuary pictures of his body and IMO it is not the same guy.


06-28-09, 05:11 PM
Geraldo? :gomer: