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06-25-09, 01:12 PM

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Actress Farrah Fawcett died on Thursday after a long battle with anal cancer, her spokesman said. She was 62.

on Yahoo


06-25-09, 01:15 PM

06-25-09, 01:19 PM

I read where she was given last rites this AM. :(

RIP, angel.


06-25-09, 01:35 PM
Had that poster and one of a Green Lamborgini Countach on my bedroom wall for years.

06-25-09, 01:44 PM
Shame...62 is still too young.


Sean Malone
06-25-09, 02:49 PM
RIP Farrah. Only Farrah could make a Mustang II look cool and she did. Probably the only reason anyone ever bought one.

06-25-09, 03:11 PM

Just one more reason to get the HPV vaccine.

06-25-09, 03:51 PM
RIP Farrah. :(

06-25-09, 04:52 PM
RIP :(

06-25-09, 07:51 PM
Sad news. :( I didn't have the poster but I certainly saw plenty of it in my youth. RIP

06-25-09, 10:10 PM

Logan's Run


06-25-09, 11:00 PM
Y'know, she'll always be known for CA, but she actually did have some pretty decent acting ability later in her career. A shame she apparently wasted away and I don't think she deserved that at all.

06-25-09, 11:06 PM
You'll have to forgive me if I can't resist playing connect the threads.


06-25-09, 11:24 PM

Just one more reason to get the HPV vaccine. Which brings up another point, men don't get cervical cancer (well maybe Helio is at risk), but men get anal cancer, so if HPV causes that in men as well, why don't doctors suggest HPV vaccine for young men?

06-26-09, 12:47 AM
Another question: HPV is what causes warts. If you had the HPV vaccine, would it prevent warts (like on your feet or hands)?

06-26-09, 10:28 AM
Get totally educated on the causes. :flame:

06-26-09, 11:07 AM

06-26-09, 03:51 PM
Another question: HPV is what causes warts. If you had the HPV vaccine, would it prevent warts (like on your feet or hands)?

[virology 401] Human Papilloma Virus is a class of over 100 distinct strains.

The warts on your hands/feet are almost always caused by types 1, 2 and 3.

Genital warts are caused by types 6 and 11 in the majority of cases. Types 16, 18, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 39 and 40 are also tied to genital warts but are much less common. There are another dozen or so types that are down right rare.

99.9% of the time only types 16 & 18 are involved with cervical cancer. Thankfully because if it was a hundred strains then the vaccine would be impossible.

Gardasil (the vaccine) is made against types 6, 11, 16 & 18. Thus it will cover roughly 90% of the genital warts infections and the vast majority of the cancer causing infections but it won't do a blessed thing for the warts on your feet. [/virology 401]

06-26-09, 04:05 PM
Which brings up another point, men don't get cervical cancer (well maybe Helio is at risk), but men get anal cancer, so if HPV causes that in men as well, why don't doctors suggest HPV vaccine for young men?

They can't, at the moment the FDA has only approved it for girls/women. They did not include boys/men at first as the initial focus was on cervical cancer because it is a far more common form of cancer (~13,000 new cases a year w/ ~5000 deaths) . Men can get penile & anal cancer from HPV but it is not as common (~2000 new cases in men a year w/ 300 deaths). The manufacturer is currently running clinical trials in men and I would assume that they will get around to boys relatively soon.

06-26-09, 04:58 PM

"We are still more worried about the promiscuity of girls than the promiscuity of boys,"

The fact there is debate over promiscuity when the discussion is about a vaccine that will prevent chronic illness and save thousands of lives a year is alarming. The fact that we have a significant segment of our population that would sincerely prefer to see their child suffer a slow painful death than see them get laid speaks for itself.
