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05-27-03, 09:21 PM
Race Fan
Member # 2800
posted May 27, 2003 08:00 PM
Gil, Helio, Tony, Airton, all the Brazil guy's are American. Granted they are South American, but they are American. I can root for them after all. So they speak funny, so does most of my father's side of the family whom are from the south of North America.
I for one have to admit that it is nice to see guy's who want to race in the 500 and whom want to be in the IRL. Granted they are not like me and most of you North American's, but they are genuine and love what they do. The more I have learned about Gil Helio Tony and other's the more that I realize that I have been wrong. Reading all the hate and bigotry surrounding the Anti American driver's, made me realize that that was me. Would I want my son hear me say something bad about someone just because he does not speak like look like or come from where we do? He## no! I am a changed man now because of this.

I really never dis-liked them, but I just wanted the American boy's to be given every opportunity that they receive. If there is an American that deserves a chance then they probably will get it one day or another.

Until people wake up and realize these guy's are great for our sport, the IRL will never succeed. No matter how good the racing is, people need to get over the misconception about foreign driver's. I for one only care about weather they want to be here or not. I no longer care where you come from! Heck, I found myself even rooting for Tora Sunday.

Posts: 221 | Registered: Feb 2003 | IP: Logged

Race Fan
Member # 764
posted May 27, 2003 08:07 PM
Absolutely Great for the IRL,,, Great Talent, Great Personalities, Great young men... I am proud to call myself a fan, of all three... They are just Great,,,,
This Banquet Show is just Great,,, I missed it the first time around...

Posts: 1831 | Registered: May 2001 | IP: Logged

05-27-03, 09:41 PM

05-27-03, 11:28 PM
:shakehead Oh how the vision and the follwers have become blurry!

05-28-03, 04:53 AM
Oh how things change.

Only in 1999/2000 were they complaining about those dang furriners winning the IRL 500!!:rofl:

05-28-03, 06:20 AM
The IRL fans are such a group of flaming hypocrytes.

05-28-03, 09:00 AM
Now who showed you that RTKar.....;)
A re-vision of the vision.......
Aren't they all "special" ???? :rolleyes:

05-28-03, 10:45 AM
I'd like to read that thread.

Somebody please provide a link: I'm not ready to go through the entire cess pool over there to examine just one turd.

05-28-03, 02:28 PM
Here it is....... Link (

Enjoy...........:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

railbirds reply is also quite priceless......
"Replica Americans?
Why not?
Replica bump day seemed to be a big success with everyone here"
__________________________________________________ __________________

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

05-28-03, 03:15 PM
Gil, Helio, Tony, Airton, all the Brazil guy's are American. Granted they are South American, but they are American. I can root for them after all. So they speak funny, so does most of my father's side of the family whom are from the south of North America.
Then, Neaderthal man discovered fire. And it was good. :gomer:

05-28-03, 04:11 PM
OK let's see. The IRL fans now like:

1. engine leases
2. foreign engine manufacturers
3. Roger Penske
4. Chip Ganassi
5. foreign road racing devils
6. foreign chassis manufacturers
7. Michael Andretti

How can these f**king hypocrites look back on their past and defend their CART hatred without realizing that the IRL now is CART reincarnated?

W - T - F ???
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

05-28-03, 04:16 PM
If the IRL is now CART reincarnated, then what is CART? To be reincarnated, you must first be dead. :p

05-28-03, 06:20 PM
Touche....however, CART as we KNEW it is dead, for all intents and purposes. I'm heartened by the fact that the NEW CART is still much, much better than the IRL.

05-28-03, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by RacinM3
How can these f**king hypocrites look back on their past and defend their CART hatred without realizing that the IRL now is CART reincarnated?

Actually, if it was CART reincarnated it would growing attendence, car counts, and TV ratings which is what CART had prior to Tony's Tantrum.

The hypocracy is what ticks me off the most. Had the events of May 2003 taken place during the CART era and not a single fact changed these same exact Lemmings would be screaming blue murder about the awful things CART has done to Indy.

05-28-03, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by DaveL
Actually, if it was CART reincarnated it would growing attendence, car counts, and TV ratings which is what CART had prior to Tony's Tantrum.

The hypocracy is what ticks me off the most. Had the events of May 2003 taken place during the CART era and not a single fact changed these same exact Lemmings would be screaming blue murder about the awful things CART has done to Indy.

Correctamundo, Dave...

05-29-03, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by DaveL
Actually, if it was CART reincarnated it would growing attendence, car counts, and TV ratings which is what CART had prior to Tony's Tantrum.

The hypocracy is what ticks me off the most. Had the events of May 2003 taken place during the CART era and not a single fact changed these same exact Lemmings would be screaming blue murder about the awful things CART has done to Indy.

I believe the current party line is somethng like "just imagine how much sooner this would have happened without the IRL"

Peter Venkman
05-29-03, 07:37 PM
"...and whom want to be in the IRL. "

One of the funniest statements I've read in some time.

Every one of those former CART drivers are there because they want their paychecks... not the IRL.

05-29-03, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Peter Venkman
"...and whom want to be in the IRL. "

One of the funniest statements I've read in some time.

Every one of those former CART drivers are there because they want their paychecks... not the IRL.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I wish, I wish someone could/would take an anonymous poll of drivers like Gil, Dario, Spiderman, Tony K, Dixon, etc. with the single question being "Where would you rather be racing now, CART or EARL? Your identity will be held in strict confidence."

05-30-03, 04:50 AM
Remember when Helio won he was a "monkey"? (Speednet)

Remember when the "Brazilionare" "ride buyers" that "nobody ever heard of" that "ruined Open Wheel Racing" ?

Remember all the issues brought up in this thread? Where are you now you little guy dirt track 'Murricans?


Remember one more thing lurking lemmings, revisionist is a nice way of saying "liar in principle - with zero character."

"OldSchoolIRL" (HAHA) and Crew:

Meet the CART you always hated. It's bastardized by CrapWagons, a minimum wing angle, spec* chassis, a Lie of a Vision, a lot less fans, and no road courses - yet, but otherwise it's the same thing you preached, bitched, and moaned about for years.

Only in the Kool-Aide baby - only in the IRL.


* Was that a G-Pimp or a SkiForce that one team wus runnin'? That other car sure looked like a Dollar-o. Sure as heck wasn't some illegal aero CART Renske looking at those wings ... or was it?

05-30-03, 07:13 AM
There's an old Arab proverb that says "You become the thing you hate." Or in Frank Herbert's version, "What do you despise? By that are you truly known."

Sometimes this works by becoming exactly the opposite in every way of what you say you hate, thus making sure everyone sees what control that thing still has over you. (Jacques Villeneuve consciously chose to not do things that his father did well and was known for.)

And sometimes this works by dwelling obsessively on something that is over and gone.

05-31-03, 08:46 PM
the pain over losing Lazier is quietly dissipating, while the love for Meira is now rearing its ugly, hypocritical head.

funny how the wind changes directions on TF so quickly.

now I see questions popping up whether or not Penske is good for the IRL ... they wished for it, and by golly they got it!