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09-15-08, 01:20 PM
The wife and I just got back from our camping trip to Moffitt Beach State Campground on Lake Sacandaga near Speculator in the Adirondacks. The days were great but the nights sucked, hardly got any sleep. Plus didn't catch a damn thing fishing, but I did lose two lures in the rocks. The site that we had was probably the nicest we have had yet.

The site:


The view:


The first night it poured and a combination of that and our neighbours not having a waterproof tent kept us awake. At aboot 1am the knuckleheads next to us discovered that their tent was taking on water. So it took them an hour or so to get a tarp up. All the while cursing out loud with every other word being '****'.

The next night Ike hit us. Didn't think that it would hit New York until Monday afternoon or evening. At least that is what the local weather reports were saying. Anyway, it started to get breezy just as we were heading to bed. About just after midnight the wind really picked up and started to howl. The tent was moving in really strange ways. At times the walls looked like they were inhaling and then exhaling. Then tilting one side or the other. After a couple of hours, with no let up at all, I realized that we left our chairs outside. Looking out my wife and I could not see the chairs. Then I said "The ****ing dining canopy is ****ing gone!" At aboot daybreak the wind let up and we went ootside to check the damage. The chairs were in the next (empty) campsite. No sign of the canopy. Looked out on the lake and there it was!


Close up:


The park rangers were going to get a jetski and go out and get it but it would be a while as there was no power in the area due to the storm. So they are going to get it later and we'll go back later and pick it up. Don't want to lose it as it is a $140 Kelty.

It was a wild night and I am just glad that the tent held up.

****ing Ike ruined a great weekend.

09-15-08, 01:58 PM
sorry dude. but the canopy bit was kinda sorta funny... :D at least you found it!

09-15-08, 07:44 PM
Sometime I'll have to tell the story about camping on the Oregon coast. In January. In a tent. On the beach. In a storm. With the dome tent blowing totally flat across our faces, only to spring back up between gusts. How the dining canopy I set up as a second rain fly broke loose at 2 AM, and how I chased it a quarter mile down the beach, naked, before I managed to leap on it and stake it down. How the wife's suggestion of a hotel ended with me getting a gun stuck in my ribs by the proprietor of the only such establishment in thirty miles who'd forgotten to turn his 'Vacancy' sign off prior to 3 AM.

Nah, I think I'll keep that one to myself.

09-15-08, 07:48 PM
^^^ Is your last name really Griswold? :D

09-15-08, 10:16 PM
I did have a small dog that spent some time tied to the trailer hitch of a motorhome. One afternoon we inadvertantly took him for a very fast, umm, 'walk' down Pacific Coast Hwy 101. Years later when I saw Vacation I was certain they'd ripped me off. :eek:

09-28-08, 09:03 AM
Great pics