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View Full Version : Plenty of Aluminium

Winston Wolfe
07-06-08, 09:03 PM
Anyone catch some of that crash-fest at Day-toner last night? Besides the constant yellow flag restart-crash, yellow flag restart-crash....etc., did anyone notice that there was virtually NO ONE in the stands on the back straight, and after the cars pass S\F there is a g-stand just before T1 that was 95% empty....
Is that a sign of the times (economy related?) or is it that "fans" are just getting sick of the COT ?
Also loved it when Shrub was trying to take his bow at the end, and the CAB fans were launching all kinds of cans, bottles, etc. at him.... didnt see any KFC buckets raining down though...
Lots of fans were dressed in aluminum, that is for sure.... guess the EARL could\should show the TNT boys how to hide the lack of fans in the seats a little better than they did last night !!!:D

07-06-08, 09:22 PM
This has been going on for a few years now... i think i noticed it 2 years ago when races in the chase had bare grandstands....

i think you could probably point a few fingers at why the trend.. economic? sure. COT? yes, but i'll throw in all of NASCAR's lastest rule changes as one big mistake... forgetting their roots and going after casual fans... yes.

you don't hear much about a track in the northwest anymore... :\ hell, MIS used to be a guaranteed sellout for years - yet this year I heard radio spots selling tix on local sportsradio right up until the race....i suspect the calls to reign in costs will get stronger after this season ends.

07-06-08, 09:38 PM
The cars ain't stock, the presentation is too slick, tickets are too expensive, tradition has been abandoned in many respects and the traditional fans are catching on.

07-06-08, 10:11 PM
But you can get a free Coke Zero (http://www.cokezero.com/). :gomer:

07-06-08, 10:19 PM
Except it's not free.

And I enjoyed the race last night. I just wish Jeff Gordon would have won.