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View Full Version : Brits On The Piss, June 08

Dirk Diggler
06-01-08, 10:49 PM
I love how you get from here...
"At first the atmosphere was happy but anarchic, defiant," he said, with people wearing hats and having a good time.

To here...
"The atmosphere had really changed by this point. People were ripping off adverts and maps and being sick all over the place."



06-02-08, 04:49 AM
"As the evening progressed the situation deteriorated." :rofl:

What a shocker, eh?


Andrew Longman
06-02-08, 11:47 AM
So you used to be able to drink on the subway but the pubs closed at 11?

Now the pubs are open late to try to stop speed drinking (which it hasn't) and you can't drink in the tube?

Why do the Brits have such a hard time with their drinking and drink laws? :)

Dirk Diggler
06-02-08, 03:29 PM

