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View Full Version : Ride Along At Brands Hatch

01-09-03, 02:17 PM
Nissan had posted this link last november....

Its Derek Bell taking 3 different cars on three different road courses, and one just happens to be the Brands Hatch Indy Circuit with a Lotus Turbo Esprit.

Its good to see the elevation changes on the course, and it will give a feel for the track.

You get a choice to do the Director's cut or the Experience. The experience allows you to control which camera you want, and perhaps to remove Derek's radio chatter for just the sound of the engine.

Its too :cool: , so give it a try, eh!


[edit] : http://www.eaglef1.com/
Naturally, stupid me forgot the link in the first place.:shakehead :gomer:

Don Quixote
01-09-03, 04:35 PM
Very cool. Thanks for the link. I was not aware of all the up and down on that course.

01-09-03, 06:54 PM
Neat...and short. If ever there was a road course "bullring", this is it.

01-09-03, 09:27 PM
Thanks for the hot tip. :)

01-10-03, 12:19 AM
Looks like a very wicked and nasty little track. Better put your jock on and cinch the belts tight. The last turn looks like you'll get a good run on the straight. If D Bell could get the Lotus up to 120-130 then the Champcar ought to hit 165-175 mph. (just guessing...no higher math was used or abused in making up these numbers.)


01-10-03, 09:01 AM
That was cool. How many laps will they run?