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01-09-08, 08:16 PM
I have a habit of casting actors into roles as I'm reading a story. Right now I'm reading a Phillip K. Dick collection that includes "The Minority Report" because I haven't seen the movie and I'd rather read the story first.

One of the stories is called "The Mold of Yancy". Yancy is a middle aged salt of the earth type with his own TV show where he does monologues dispensing homespun advice (no spoilers here). He's loved and respected and a war hero. I immediately had an image of this character based on a well known actor but I couldn't place him. It was driving me nuts until I figured it out today. I was going to post this to see if you could figure it out so let see if my description woud have gotten the answer.

The actor I'm thinking of is known and respected and probably has multiple academy awards. Probably for supporting actor although maybe not actor. I'm remembering him from movies in the '80s and '90s when he was very active. He's medium build with a long face, thinning grey hair and a deep, somewhat nasal voice. He had a similar look to Henry Fonda in his later years. He tends to play the wise old dad, uncle, friend or the suit and tie boss. I don't remember him from anything in the last few years so he has either retired or passed away.

Would I have gotten the answer based on that? :)

Sean Malone
01-09-08, 08:30 PM
The actor you speak of is Jason Robards. Brilliant in Magnolia and wonderfully warm in Parenthood.

01-09-08, 08:33 PM
The actor you speak of is Jason Robards. Brilliant in Magnolia and wonderfully warm in Parenthood.

Can I get a redo on my answer? <which was Spicoli?> :cry:

01-09-08, 08:57 PM
I may remember him from such films as Tora! Tora! Tora! and The Day After or as General Grant's voice in the PBS series The Civil War.

Also fought at Pearl Harbor and was awarded the Navy Cross.

01-09-08, 10:29 PM
The actor you speak of is Jason Robards. Brilliant in Magnolia and wonderfully warm in Parenthood.

Right the first try! A gold star for each of us. I must be good at remembering characters because I'm so terrible at remembering names. I ended up finding the name by going back through best supporting actor winners.

Sadly, Robards died back in 2000. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Robards

Sean Malone
01-09-08, 10:46 PM
Cool thread. I love this!

We got 'Scene It; Lights, Camera, Action' video game for the 360 as a filler gift for the daughter and we have ended up playing it almost every night since Christmas.
Casting is a huge part of getting a film 'right'. More and more I find I dislike a film because I think the casting is off.

01-10-08, 12:11 AM
James Cromwell, dude. From "Babe", "L.A. Confidential", "Star Trek First Contact", etc.

01-10-08, 04:05 PM
The actor you speak of is Jason Robards. Brilliant in Magnolia and wonderfully warm in Parenthood.

He was superb as Ben Bradlee in 'All the President's Men'....he even looked like him!!

One of the truly classic voices too...

01-10-08, 06:44 PM
Please don't be casting actors for Philip K. Dick stories. Blade Runner is the only film based on his stuff worth watching, and that's mostly because of the amazing, much-copied visual style. I'd just as soon the rest were left on the library shelves than to have to sit through another Next.


01-11-08, 02:22 AM
James Cromwell, dude. From "Babe", "L.A. Confidential", "Star Trek First Contact", etc.

I can't see him in that kind of role. He's got a little weasleyness to him that makes him good for roles like Charles Keating in People vs. Larry Flynt.

01-11-08, 10:26 AM
Please don't be casting actors for Philip K. Dick stories. Blade Runner is the only film based on his stuff worth watching, and that's mostly because of the amazing, much-copied visual style. I'd just as soon the rest were left on the library shelves than to have to sit through another Next.

That's why I prefer to read the story before I see the movie. But you won't catch me casting Arnold Schwarzenegger in "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" (Total Recall). :)