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View Full Version : Duplicating duplicates of duplicates (computer question)

10-27-07, 01:24 AM
So TravelGuy decides to help me by backing up the desktop. Mind you I could do it unless it meant moving the monitor across the desk to the wall so I'm all in favor. Mind you, he's done this many times of the years. This time, I now have copy 2, copy 3, copy 4, and, in sone instances, copy 5 of nearly all files. These are documents, apps, and all sorts of things.

The question is, is there a way to do a global delete of every file that begins with the word "copy"? Or, is there some magic little program that looks at ALL files and only picks the most recent one? And will it let you select which ones to delete? I have some older versions of some programs like mIRC that I prefer to the new ones.

While I'm at it, when I go to print non-Word attachments, I'm often thrown into Windows Fax Viewer. There seem to be a jillion graphics in there from the year dot but I can't figure out how to delete them. They don't print but they are junk that I'd rather get rid of.

10-27-07, 07:03 AM
Try using the search from windows explorer on the drive. You can search for "copy" and visually delete the files and use the recycle bin. That would seem to be the safest way so you don't delete files that you need that have "copy" in their filename.

Not sure on your other problem.

10-27-07, 09:17 AM
Search for files named "copy" as suggested When the list is presented hit Ctrl-A then Del. Empty the Recycle bin,,,,

10-27-07, 01:39 PM
Thanks guys. Man, that was simple. It seemed so complex to me when I saw that blizzard of extra files.