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07-22-07, 10:13 AM
What a fantastic race!!!

Rain rocks. :)

Kovaleinen impressed me a lot today, awesome passes, great car control.

Winkelhock-a-mania! ;)


07-22-07, 10:17 AM
fabulous race...it'll make the CC race look even more amateurish

07-22-07, 10:17 AM
Massa :thumdown: Poor behaviour before the podium, whaaaah.


07-22-07, 10:22 AM
I think Massa means Bourdais in Portuguese.

07-22-07, 10:28 AM
I think Massa means Bourdais in Portuguese.

When Massa started poking Alonso he should have pulled a PT and popped him. :)


07-22-07, 10:57 AM
Great race! Rain always adds spice to the race. I wonder how long Winkelhock would have stayed in the lead if they didn't have the safety car? I'm also very surprised anybody would send their drivers out on intermediates. :saywhat: When it rains at the Nurburgring it REALLY rains. It's no joke....

07-22-07, 12:28 PM
I assume they were both speaking Portuguese? The McLaren had the Ferrari in the closing laps. Massa said something in the press conference (My TiVo stopped in the middle) about he didn't like that Alonso said he did something intentionally, that he wouldn't do something like that. Not sure there.

But it was a good race. I'm surprised only one Spyker thought to throw on intermediates.

Kimi short-cutting the course and then bailing on the pits, that was bad. In the end, his German luck struck anyway. I wonder if Ferrari pulled an FCR.

I think it was a bad call by McLaren to bring Hamilton in for the dry tires. F1 gave him his lap back and he would've been better off getting around to the tail of the field and picking off back markers while they were close.

I'm not sure how 6 cars go off in the same turn in a ~30 second span. There are radios in F1 right? That could've been a very bad situation. The safety car got out of Liuzzi's way (did they see him coming or was it just luck?). One driver got out of his car after being the 3rd or 4th car to slide off. I think they were lucky nothing bad happened.

The points race got tighter at the top, but Ferrari probably needs McLaren to have another bad race and win to really have a 4-way battle at the top.

07-22-07, 12:43 PM
They were both talking in Italian.

Basically, Alonso complained to Massa about the contact. Mass told him to go take a sh** (which you would say as go F*** off in Italian). Then Mass said, you win and you say something like that? Over and over again. Then Massa tells him to go learn(didn't pick up learn what) And, Alonso said he should learn (again learn what I dodn't know?) Then while on the scale Alonso said the whole world saw the contact with 3-laps to go.

Therefore is seems Alonso did the Bourdaining more then Massa did! :D

07-22-07, 12:53 PM
Ahhhh OK.

Alonso probably didn't realize that Massa just understeered into him, it wasn't aggression.


07-22-07, 01:03 PM
I'm watching the replay now. Red flag and the leader, Winkelhock, is in the gravel. :laugh:

07-22-07, 01:53 PM
They were both talking in Italian.

Basically, Alonso complained to Massa about the contact. Mass told him to go take a sh** (which you would say as go F*** off in Italian). Then Mass said, you win and you say something like that? Over and over again. Then Massa tells him to go learn(didn't pick up learn what) And, Alonso said he should learn (again learn what I dodn't know?) Then while on the scale Alonso said the whole world saw the contact with 3-laps to go.

Therefore is seems Alonso did the Bourdaining more then Massa did! :D

Heh, i thought it was Italian, but then figured Alonso is from Spain and Massa from Brazil so it probably wasn't.

07-23-07, 03:45 PM
«È un grande pilota, ma quando fa così è un uomo piccolo, un piagnone. Se avessi voluto farlo apposta, lo avrei mandato in tribuna». Massa

He is a good driver (Alonso), but when he does like this he is a small man. A cry baby. If I wanted to do it (hit him) on purpose I would have put him in the stands.

07-23-07, 04:25 PM
The safety car got out of Liuzzi's way (did they see him coming or was it just luck?). One driver got out of his car after being the 3rd or 4th car to slide off. I think they were lucky nothing bad happened.

Liuzzi's? was flying through there!! He is very lucky the safety car moved.

07-23-07, 04:39 PM
What was Sutil thinking trying to pass going into a flooded Turn 1? :rofl:

And how come Ralf didn't get a lift out of the gravel? He stopped so close to the paved run off area, I almost felt sorry for him. :p