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View Full Version : Bavaria Champ Car Grand Prix (Assen)

07-14-07, 10:12 PM
Assen lands a title sponsor! :thumbup: Nice to see some good news, the European swing seems like it's clicking so far.

And hey, more beer! I'm going to have to do a "Beers of ChampCar" night at some point. :D

"... powered by Audi". Wooooow. That's probably better than the beer! :)


Bavaria's Assen race title sponsorship was officially announced today at a press conference at the Bavaria Brewery in Lieshout. The official name of the event will now be: Bavaria Champ Car Grand Prix Powered by Audi, Gant & Hertz.

In addition to adding their name to the event, Bavaria will also now undertake an intensive promotional campaign leading up to the race week. Ads for the upcoming race will appear on beer bottles, beer boxes, POS displays in stores and in bars and on the Bavaria delivery trucks.

“Champ Car is getting every day more popular in Europe and the target group of Motorsports is getting wider,” Bavaria’s Peer Swinkels told ChampCarWorld.net. “The word 'Perfection’ is an important keyword. Champ Car is all about perfection; with perfection you’re able to win races. We do the same thing, we try to brew the best beer. This sponsorship is for us a win-win situation. In the Netherlands we can confirm our brand as a Dutch Brand, while the USA is a growing market for us and we could use the exposure.”

The Bavaria Champ Car Grand Prix won’t be the first time this year that the fans can see a Champ Car in action in the Netherlands. One week prior to the Belgian Champ Car Grand Prix, which takes place Aug 24-26, Champ Car will give fans the opportunity to experience what Champ Car is by giving a demonstration DPO1 ride through the streets of Rotterdam at "Bavaria City Racing" event. “All we can tell is that we’ll have a Champ Car in Rotterdam. Which car this will be and who will drive it will be announced in a few weeks,” Swinkels concluded.


07-14-07, 10:25 PM
Luyendyk is now associating himself with ChampCar? That wont go over well with the faithful. :D

07-14-07, 10:39 PM
I wish my name was Peer Swinkels.

07-14-07, 10:49 PM
Luyendyk is now associating himself with ChampCar? That wont go over well with the faithful. :D

Nice catch... didn't notice that!

The Audi link is interesting... not a huge deal but nice to have them at the ChampCar table, who knows where that could lead someday?


07-14-07, 11:05 PM
Luyendyk is now associating himself with ChampCar? That wont go over well with the faithful. :D

Just pray that he stays there, maybe he will bring the next world champion with him, Arie Jr

07-14-07, 11:32 PM
nothing of consequence

Great, there goes the neighborhood...

Don Quixote
07-14-07, 11:46 PM
Who let that guy in? :laugh:

07-15-07, 12:12 AM
I'm not even sure where to start with the captions on this one. :laugh:

Great news. Someone's got to pay the bills to make the European vacation worthwhile.

audi quattro
07-15-07, 12:18 AM
If CC can get some more Audi involvement in the series, they would probably be the biggest addition to the series in years.

07-15-07, 12:48 AM
I'm not even sure where to start with the captions on this one. :laugh:

I do, on the far left :eek:

07-15-07, 01:31 AM
Is that blue latex? :cool:

diamond dave
07-15-07, 10:47 AM
he was smoozing his aged ass all LVGP weekend in the PKV hospitality:shakehead

Luyendyk is now associating himself with ChampCar? That wont go over well with the faithful. :D

07-15-07, 11:11 AM
he was smoozing his aged ass all LVGP weekend in the PKV hospitality:shakeheadMaybe he misses being involved in actual motorsports :D

07-15-07, 01:04 PM
nice to see a major brewery back sponsoring Champcars. :thumbup:

07-15-07, 02:35 PM
I always liked Arie and thought he never got shot at a top ride at CART. By the time Ganassi's team was in its winning combination, he was out of the picture. I happened to bump into him at a kart track in Phoenix a few years ago. He was quite clearly the fastest guy on the track, which prompted me to go check out his setup when he pitted. After a few moments of hearing his accent I realized why this "amateur" was so damn fast. When asked if he was training for a comeback he simply replied that running shifter karts was "a great workout. If I could do this every day I would."

07-16-07, 12:30 PM
Is that blue latex? :cool:I dunno. I've been studying and studying it, but I just don't know for sure.


07-16-07, 04:54 PM
I dunno. I've been studying and studying it, but I just don't know for sure.

Go ask your wife. She will tell you what it is.........:gomer:

07-16-07, 05:00 PM
I've been studying too. The two on the right are real :eek: :thumbup:

07-16-07, 06:29 PM
Ummmmm, Bavaria. :D

07-16-07, 07:25 PM
Just pray that he stays there, maybe he will bring the next world champion with him, Arie Jr

0 - for 46 in IPS!

Complete and total wanker!

Remember how Foyt Racing put Giaffone in a third car for a "mercy bump" to keep him off the track at Indy in 2005? Then in 2006 he managed to stay in the field, starting P31, but quickly retired with "handling" issues.

07-16-07, 11:36 PM
I dunno. I've been studying and studying it, but I just don't know for sure.


Um, is that like a mother/daughter team going on there? I'm just saying one looks a little more *ahem* road-weary than the other...

07-16-07, 11:37 PM
I've been studying too. The two on the right are real :eek: :thumbup:

Fine, you take the tranny, and I'll take the bird on the left...

07-16-07, 11:55 PM
Fine, you take the tranny, and I'll take the bird on the left... Tranny, WTF? It's a good thing you don't trade ***s for a living :)