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View Full Version : spindystar going belly up

07-07-07, 11:09 AM
when the scar's champ car reporter was asked why he didn't attend the Cleveland race, he replied that the trip was cut for budgetary reasons.
It's a freeking 300 mile 5 hour trip.

My message to Ballard:

Steve, I 'm sorry to hear about the Star's financial difficulties that precluded you from attending the Cleveland race. I'm sure if you had talked to one of the billionaires at Champ Car headquarters one of them would have spotted you a couple of Franklins to make the trip. They probably would have fed you as well. (You are probably aware that Robin Miller has to buy his own track dogs these days.)

I hope you and the Star stay around because I would hate to miss out on the weekly pronouncements of Champ Car's impending demise that I've been accustomed to from the astute people who send you their insightful questions and prognostications.

It would also be a shame if you weren't around to write and if the Star wasn't around to publish that Champ Car obituary.

In conclusion, I hope things start looking up for you and the Star.

