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View Full Version : Old Dallaras are better than old Lolas?

07-02-07, 08:06 PM

Funny stuff, if you can stand it. :p

07-03-07, 01:34 AM
I guarentee AGR has not used the same tub for 5 years. The same probably goes for the chassis too.

Ya think? :p


Don Quixote
07-03-07, 09:27 AM
Let me help you out here. When the Lolas were 5 years old, it was a disgraceful lapse in safety standards just to save a few bucks and keep a dying series afloat. Now the Dallaras, they are a completely different deal. The design is sound and still far ahead of its time. New rollers are constantly being run off the assembly line straight onto the track, and what's the problem with a few tiny cracks anyway. The IRL has never been in a better position. :tony:

07-03-07, 11:59 AM
Warning before clicking that link........:tony: :thumdown::shakehead :yuck:

07-03-07, 01:23 PM
who's complaining about 5 year old cars now?


gomers, they'd buy anything. not even Ron popeil will sponsor a car ;)

07-03-07, 01:52 PM
Warning before clicking that link........:tony: :thumdown::shakehead :yuck:

A good, long, hot shower after is recommended if ya do...
